Lists, lists, lists.…(a cry for help)

A con­fes­sion: I am a list mak­er. I start­ed think­ing about it the oth­er day, and I might have gone over the top. But I am too close to the issue to know if it’s a prob­lem. Can you help? My first instinct is to sus­pect that I have become OCD. But that doesn’t hold up—I am one of the least OCD peo­ple I know. My wife wish­es I was more OCD. So I am look­ing for some input here—I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not. Maybe it would be help­ful to exam­ine some lists.


  • My Things to Do list – (cen­ter, sticky notes which attach to my Dai­ly Log) – has an obvi­ous pur­pose to it. How would I get things done? This is how I orga­nize what I need to do and what I hope to do. I usu­al­ly do a new one around every two weeks. I’ll occa­sion­al­ly make a dai­ly one if I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly scat­tered. I used to let Karen add to my list, but that was a bad idea. (She has decid­ed she would rather make her own for me.) I don’t have a sin­gle list (I save them…sigh) that has every sin­gle item crossed off. Should the undone both­er me? In fact, the real plea­sure of this list is cross­ing things off. Some­times I’ll cheat and add an item to the list that I already did just so I can cross it off. Come to think, the TtD list is non-negotiable—I couldn’t live with­out it.
  • My Dai­ly Log – (bot­tom left) – keeps track of how I spent my day. I’ll sum­ma­rize a golf round (score, who I played with, $ won or lost). Any event that hap­pened. My qui­et time and what I’m read­ing. What we watched on TV (unless it was mind­less). Food if it was excep­tion­al or we ate out (I grade restau­rants). Steps and sleep data from my Vivofit. And I try to write down a one-sen­tence descrip­tion of any dream I remem­ber (but if I don’t do that ear­ly, it will fade). The Dai­ly Log is pret­ty ingrained in me—but I’m listening.
  • My Planner’s – (top row left) – first func­tion is to be a cal­en­dar. Appoint­ments, golf tour­na­ments, get-togeth­ers, birth­days, hol­i­days, vaca­tions and trips. Yes, a phone is per­fect­ly capa­ble of doing this—I need the hard copy. And it’s use­ful to take it and com­pare it with Karen’s cal­en­dar hang­ing inside the pantry door. But my plan­ner was becom­ing atrophied—Karen and I don’t real­ly do that much. Then I dis­cov­ered a new func­tion. I write down every expen­di­ture we make. It’s not that hard—we pay for every­thing by cred­it card or check, so all I have to do is go to Recent Trans­ac­tions. For the lit­tle cash we use, I just record ATM trans­ac­tions. A promise: in the face of finan­cial woes, if you just start writ­ing down where the mon­ey goes, your finan­cial sta­tus will improve. Guaranteed.
  • My Life Log – (top row cen­ter) – is noth­ing but a col­lec­tion of lists. Over 130 cell phone #’s I don’t use fre­quent­ly. A 20 year old address book (nine dead peo­ple in it). Screen­plays I’ve read. A record of all the golf rounds I played from 1997 to 2009. All the books I’ve read since our book group start­ed in 2000 (with grades). A log of all my sub­mis­sions when I was try­ing to be an author. Nine­teen easy-to-make din­ners. Every movie I’ve seen since 1997 (with grades). Also lists of books, movies, and tele­vi­sion series that I want to read and watch. Man, there’s a lot of use­ful infor­ma­tion in that thing!
  • My Prayer Jour­nal – (bot­tom row cen­ter) – goes with me wher­ev­er I trav­el. Not sure if that qual­i­fies as a list, but I have a whole draw­er full of them, so it’s at least a col­lec­tion. The rea­son I write my prayers is because my mind would wan­der uncon­trol­lably when I did it the oth­er way. What start­ed as a paean of praise would end up as a puz­zle­ment on why I putted from off the fringe on #7. An earnest entreaty would end up in the real­iza­tion that Leonard and Pen­ny would nev­er be togeth­er in real life. So I write.
  • I could go on…I have an Exer­cise Jour­nal (bot­tom row right). Each page is a day of the year, Jan­u­ary 1 to Decem­ber 31, with spaces allot­ted for five years (2015 to 2019 for mine). I’m about half a year behind in that, but I can get the info from my Dai­ly Log. And I have a Fan­ta­sy Sports Note­book (top row right).
  • There’s hope! I thought of a list I’ve dropped: New Year’s Res­o­lu­tions. I’ve come to believe that I’m nev­er going to change myself. I have to allow God to change me. Some­where it says, “…we are being trans­formed by the renew­ing of our minds…” It’s not about will-pow­er; it’s about faith. And you don’t grow faith by mak­ing a list.


Time for a verdict—to list or not to list? I can make a rea­son­able defense. Life can be a blur; if you allow your­self to fall into a rou­tine, it can become a fog. We are in dan­ger of turn­ing into automa­tons. And our cul­ture has become a trash heap among which lie cer­tain obscure gems.  The anti­dote is awareness—of what we do, what we eat, who we are with, what we watch, how we spend our time. My lists help me fig­ure all that out. “Teach us to num­ber our days,” the Bible says. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I can also see the oth­er side—so busy mak­ing lists one for­gets to live—a sched­ule is the death knell for spontaneity—one man’s trash is anoth­er man’s treasure–you’ve only cre­at­ed more junk for your chil­dren to have to throw away.

So cast your vote. Be spe­cif­ic. Help me out.


  • I now only make shop­ping lists, or a list of the order I am dis­as­sem­bling something.

    BRIAN R BOWMAN26 November, 2018
  • I have to cre­ate lists or I would nev­er remem­ber what I have to do, what I need to get, who I’m hav­ing lunch wirh on what day, when do I have a doc­tor ‘s appoint­ment, for whom do I need to get birth­day cards, etc., etc. Lists make my life bet­ter, even eas­i­er. I vote yes for lists!

    Laura13 April, 2018
  • You seem total­ly nor­mal to me. ? You enjoy writing.…and like to see your thoughts (any thought) on paper.

    Terri Romano7 March, 2018
  • I LOVE lists! I make a “To Do” list. I have my cal­en­dar marked with events. My address book and my list of movies I want to buy. Then there’s always tem­po­rary lists, i.e. “things to pack for trav­el”. How­ev­er, I do feel like I am a spon­ta­neous per­son. I think the lists bring some kind of order that I sub­con­scious­ly crave to help “con­trol” the chaos of life. I vote “yes”!

    Candyce Mathews11 January, 2018
  • I myself am list­less. Come on man, a bunch of lists?

    Michael Ball11 January, 2018
  • I vote you are just fine. Spon­tane­ity has nev­er been your strong suit. Have you watched God­less btw? Both you and K would like it. Pop in some­time! LOL.

    Cari Weems11 January, 2018

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