Video of the Week


In keep­ing with my fam­i­ly theme to my return to my website/blog/former stu­dent writing/video of the week/photo of the week–i am post­ing the first video my son nathan made in high school (that i know of), which i think is real­ly cool.  I give you “Big Ed Does San Anto­nio.”  (Beth just showed me a cool new way to post it with­out hav­ing to use the url.)





This is one of my favorite Indi­vid­ual Video Intro­duc­tions, done by Zach Goodall a few years ago.  If I had done what he does at the end of the video, my moth­er (or my wife) would have killed me!


Here is the URL for the youtube video:










This is the video intro­duc­tion done by Jovan­na Fajar­do and Katy Tow­ers for my CW class. They do kind of seem like bul­lies on the play­ground, but i choose to believe the dis­claimer at the end. I won­der if they are still friends?



An assign­ment in my Pho­to­jour­nal­ism class is doing a fea­ture on your best friend. Rafa Gomez decid­ed to turn his fea­ture on Bre­an­na Hild into a video. I think it came out pret­ty cool!

here is the URL for the youtube video:

Week 7-21-2013

One of my assign­ments in Advanced Cre­ative Writ­ing is that my stu­dents have to take a pub­lished poem and make a video that com­ple­ments it. Here is Joy (Strom) Pitts won­der­ful­ly cre­ative take on an e.e. cum­mings’ poem.

Here is the URL for the youtube video:

Week 7-14-2013

The Great­est Quixote Film” get the sec­ond Video of the Week slot. I did­n’t give it that title–there were a few that I was more close­ly involved with mak­ing that are per­haps clos­er to my own heart–but this is cer­tain­ly a great Quixote film.

here is the URL for the youtube video:‑A

Week 7–7‑2013

For my first Video of the Week, I might as well embar­rass myself.  In two of my class­es, I have my stu­dents make an Indi­vid­ual Video Intro­duc­tion (I’m sure you’ll see some of them down the road).  This is a 2 to 4 minute film, which we watch as a class, and which is sup­posed to help us get to know the per­son bet­ter.  This video is my attempt at doing the assignment—as you can see, it didn’t work out too well for me.

here is the URL for the youtube video: