HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY November 21–27, 2022

Novem­ber 21, 2022
I am ini­ti­at­ing a new theme: March­ing Order Monday…
Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 8, 2022 I feel like God is giv­ing me my final march­ing orders. I don’t mean that in a mor­bid sense–I have years ahead of me as far as I know. I believe there are cer­tain spe­cif­ic prac­tices or thought pat­terns that God wants me to engage in from now until the fin­ish line. These need to be ele­vat­ed in pri­or­i­ty. God is too gen­tle with me to pile on all these orders at once. He knows the capa­bil­i­ties of my mind. But He did reveal one of them to me today: *Pay atten­tion to your breath­ing. The Holy Spir­it comes as a breath.

Novem­ber 22, 2022
Tues­day, Tues­day, so golf to me…
Fri­day, Octo­ber 14, 2022 My friend, after a par­tic­u­lar­ly ruinous hole, said, “Do you see now why I am think­ing about quit­ting golf?” (He is a fanat­i­cal golfer) “No,” I said, “Golf is a spir­i­tu­al exer­cise. You should expect to go through hard times.” He was fine after that. The truth shall set you free.

Novem­ber 23, 2022
Mon­day, August 22, 2022 I think that if I suf­fer, God has allowed it (not willed it) to hap­pen in order to address some­thing in my char­ac­ter. Every­day suffering–a cold, insom­nia, bad bowels–God wants to improve us in those sit­u­a­tions. Char­ac­ter­is­tics like patience and for­bear­ance and hope­ful­ness are meant to be nur­tured. It’s as we face tri­als (sad­ly) that we are most inclined to turn our thoughts to God. All of those vers­es about per­se­ver­ance and endurance address these sit­u­a­tions. So in the midst of my dis­com­fort I will think, yeah, fine, I’ll suf­fer through it. Only some­times (like today) God just inter­venes on my behalf, almost out of nowhere. God’s hand is firm but it is gentle.

Novem­ber 24, 2022

This one is per­fect for Thanks­giv­ing Day…
Thurs­day, Novem­ber 17, 2022 I’m sit­ting in my study real­iz­ing that this room is a museum–a tes­ta­ment to God’s faith­ful­ness and my blessed­ness. The pho­tographs and the books, the knick­knacks and the doo­dads, the mul­ti-mem­o­ra­bil­ia that trig­ger so many mem­o­ries of events and won­ders. I have a wall of black and whites of us as a young fam­i­ly. Karen gets me can­dles so it smells good too. Look­ing back on the jour­ney with a thank­ful heart is a great aid in prepar­ing to con­tin­ue it.

Novem­ber 25, 2022
Mon­day, Octo­ber 31, 2022 WWJD–At one point in my teach­ing career, I saw a num­ber of high school kids wear­ing that bracelet (What Would Jesus Do). It’s a won­der­ful thought to car­ry with you, espe­cial­ly through high school. But mine today would say WIJD (What Is Jesus Doing). He wants to ani­mate my real­i­ty. That hap­pens when I allow His love to flow through me.

Novem­ber 26, 2022
Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 13, 2022 The far­ther I get on the jour­ney, the more I real­ize it is about love. God sent Jesus to us to demon­strate what human love was sup­posed to look like. No one has ever loved like Jesus loves–not Moth­er There­sa, not Bud­dha, not Led Zep­pelin. And if I pay atten­tion to His pres­ence, I get to see it in action. As He directs it toward me, as He directs it toward oth­ers, as He directs me to direct it toward oth­ers. This jour­ney just gets bet­ter and better.

Novem­ber 27, 2022
Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 22, 2022 I’ve stopped watch­ing the news–I’m not sure if that is an act of cow­ardice or wis­dom. I try to look through The Week (a week­ly news sum­ma­ry mag­a­zine) each issue, but even that is labo­ri­ous. I have also decid­ed to stop con­tribut­ing to any polit­i­cal cam­paign or cause. It seems the best way to direct our char­i­ta­ble giv­ing is to try and relieve suf­fer­ing. Cer­tain­ly I’ll exer­cise my civic duty and vote (I did). But I have come to believe I can be of more help to this aching plan­et by con­nect­ing to my Cre­ator and try­ing to fol­low His guid­ance than I ever can by pur­su­ing an abstract cause or polit­i­cal agenda.

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