The right to vote

This is total­ly non-par­ti­san. I want every sin­gle per­son who reads this to vote. I want every sin­gle per­son who reads this to encour­age every sin­gle per­son they know to vote. My goal is for this elec­tion to be the year that more peo­ple vot­ed than ever before. I want every sin­gle state to make it eas­i­er to vote and to encour­age more peo­ple to vote.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident…that all men are cre­at­ed equal.” If that is not the bedrock of democ­ra­cy, then “…I am the way and the truth and the life…” is not the bedrock of Chris­tian­i­ty. If all peo­ple are cre­at­ed equal, that means every sin­gle opin­ion counts as much as the next one. So democ­ra­cy means that we gath­er up the con­sen­sus of what every­body thinks and we act accord­ing­ly. That would be pure democracy.

There are obvi­ous restrictions—I do not think chil­dren should vote. After teach­ing 33 years of high school, I think 18 is a pret­ty good entry point. But after that, our unit­ed goal should be to get every­one to vote who pos­si­bly can. If we are more com­mit­ted to the con­cept of democ­ra­cy than we are to our own opin­ions (“Opin­ions are like assholes—everybody has one”)—then we want every­one to vote.

I am not naïve—I under­stand the work­ings of the elec­toral col­lege and the con­cept of ger­ry­man­der­ing and the polit­i­cal ben­e­fits of sup­press­ing the vote. All of that flies in the face of democ­ra­cy…all men are cre­at­ed equal. If you are Nean­derthal enough to think “all men” means white male landown­ers, then this essay is not for you any­way. It means: Your opin­ion counts as much as mine—let’s vote on it. We need to start liv­ing by demo­c­ra­t­ic ideals rather than polit­i­cal sce­nar­ios. The first thing it takes to live demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly is to swal­low your own ego.

Who should vote? My rad­i­cal view: if you live here as an adult, you should vote. I want the con­vict to vote—the sys­tem didn’t work for you—vote. I want the immi­grant to vote—ideally, you came here to be free—how is free­dom work­ing out for you? We have moved beyond gen­der and race and sex­u­al preference—now we need to move beyond eco­nom­ic status—if you live here, you should have a voice. 

How do we get to vote? As eas­i­ly as pos­si­ble! This is my con­cern with my country—I think we are dis­cour­ag­ing peo­ple to vote. I think we want some votes to count more than oth­ers. That is not democ­ra­cy—all cre­at­ed equal. If we believe that, we should encour­age every sin­gle per­son we know to add his or her opin­ion to the melt­ing pot.

Our vot­ing meth­ods are ridiculous—half on us, half on the sys­tem. In my state pri­ma­ry (Super Tues­day, Texas, pre-shel­ter­ing), some peo­ple had to wait in line six hours to cast a vote! In Wis­con­sin (yes­ter­day), peo­ple were forced to put them­selves at risk of con­tract­ing the virus in order to vote! Some­thing has gone seri­ous­ly wrong. My wife and I have ear­ly-vot­ed for 16 years, and now we have been turned on to vot­ing by mail (because we are 65). What does age have to do with it? Why can’t every­one vote by mail? Do you real­ize how demo­c­ra­t­ic democ­ra­cy would become if we solicit­ed people’s opin­ions (that’s all a vote is, an opinion)? 

As I stat­ed first, this is non-par­ti­san. Most of my friends are old white guys, and most of them sup­port Don­ald Trump. I want them to vote, and I want them to get as many peo­ple as they can to vote. Their opin­ions mat­ter as much as mine. Trump says that if there was an extreme­ly large vot­er turn-out, the Repub­li­cans wouldn’t stand a chance. Isn’t that an extreme­ly unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic thing to say?

To all my get-out-the-vote com­padres: we have to fig­ure out the eas­i­est ways to increase vot­er turn-out and pass it on to every­one we know. In the age of Covid-19, vot­ing by mail is an obvi­ous prac­ti­cal solu­tion. We have to push those in pow­er to agree to it. There is a bill before Con­gress. Let them know where you stand. The real suc­cess of the 2020 elec­tion will be mea­sured, not by who won, but by how many voted.

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