The joyful journey

Pho­to by Annal­isa Barelli

God enjoys us enjoying…I’m cer­tain of that. No doubt, build­ing our char­ac­ter is more impor­tant. Think of the fruit of the Spir­it: love, joy, peace, for­bear­ance, kind­ness, good­ness, faith­ful­ness, gen­tle­ness and self-con­trol. Who wouldn’t want those attrib­ut­es? Doing right ranks high­er than hav­ing fun. You can have fun doing wrong, but you can’t nur­ture the Spir­it. The best fun nur­tures you—it doesn’t cor­rupt you. God intends us to have fun.

This I believe: God enjoys observ­ing my life and is always inter­est­ed in the choic­es I make—but He absolute­ly 100% respects my right to make them. We have to acknowl­edge that respon­si­bil­i­ty before we can com­mit our lives to any­thing. That is what makes the jour­ney joyful—we are always in the process of learn­ing to sub­mit our choic­es to Him—not because He is a tyran­ni­cal auto­crat, but because He knows what is best for us. I want to choose what He wants—but it can get tricky.

So what is God up there doing while I’m using my free will to make these choic­es for Him? I think He is active…He over­sees and guides (and some­times steers) to use my choic­es to make me into a bet­ter per­son. That’s the whole point to “As a man sows, so shall he reap…” isn’t it? He is nev­er a taskmaster—His para­me­ters are wider than my imag­i­na­tion. But if my life is a jour­ney back to His pres­ence (it has to be, doesn’t it?), then it is His Spir­it that will keep me mov­ing for­ward, and I can­not con His Spir­it. The right­eous shall live by faith.

If we think of the choic­es we make as steps on the path of our jour­ney, it clears up the pic­ture, doesn’t it? The old expres­sion: one step for­ward, two step back…isn’t that exact­ly what we don’t want to do? How many kids do you see that aren’t hur­ry­ing toward Dis­ney­land when it is right in front of them? Hard knocks and all—don’t we know in our hearts it’s meant to be joy­ful? It only takes one real­iza­tion: doing the right thing is more fun than being self­ish. Oper­ate on that one prin­ci­ple and the path is going to get smoother and smoother.

Oh yeah, a caveat: you can’t make the jour­ney alone. You can bring along as many oth­ers as is bless­ed­ly pos­si­ble, but you can’t come alone. Every­one with you is your broth­er and sis­ter and the best thing you can do is make their jour­neys more joy­ful. Anoth­er thing: you are not the leader and you nev­er will be (even if you are a gen­er­al or a CEO or a politi­cian). You don’t know the way—only He does—you have to fol­low. Wow. For what? The abun­dant life He promis­es. He knows the way. What do you trust more, your per­cep­tion or His? That is the begin­ning of faith, which is the first step on the joy­ful journey.


  • Dallin, beau­ti­ful; well done; yes!
    Bill Dreyer

    William Dreyer25 November, 2019

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