My Coronavirus Questions

Rod­in’s The Thinker

I don’t count the num­ber of quar­an­tine days, but I know it has been a lot. These are the things I won­der about:

–This is a plague of bib­li­cal pro­por­tions. What is God’s point of view?

–When does per­son­al safe­ty become obsessive?

–Is this the Dar­win­ian con­cept of “thin­ning the herd”?

–Should Trump be giv­en a pass for his ini­tial fail­ure to address the pan­dem­ic appropriately?

–What if the choice is between quar­an­ti­ning and being with family?

–Thus far New York has been the hard­est hit by far. Gov­er­nor Cuo­mo seemed like the first leader to real­ize the grav­i­ty of the pan­dem­ic. Have New York­ers some­how mis­han­dled their response way more than the rest of us?

–If I was a pub­lic health work­er, would I have the courage to go to work?

–How con­fronta­tion­al should I be with some­one not observ­ing social (I pre­fer the term phys­i­cal) dis­tanc­ing with me? Or if I observe it with others?

–Is it okay for me to play golf?

–What is real­ly going on in China?

–How wor­ried should I be about our investments?

–Is it pos­si­ble to avoid sharp words and angry feel­ings among quarantinites?

–I’ve gained 3–4 pounds. Am I blow­ing it?

–Will we have an elec­tion? Will it be fair?

–Should I watch Tiger King?

–Is Covid-19 real­ly bring­ing fam­i­lies togeth­er or just accel­er­at­ing what­ev­er direc­tion they were already headed?

–Aren’t I mak­ing a moral deci­sion every time I go out the front door?

–How much sleep is too much sleep?

–Shouldn’t a true patri­ot want as many peo­ple to vote as pos­si­ble? Isn’t that the foun­da­tion of democracy?

–Should par­ents feel guilty for pla­cat­ing their chil­dren with screen time?

–Is a jig­saw puz­zle a pleas­ant diver­sion or a mind­less escape?

–Do we want a cheer­leader president?

–How much TV news is too much TV news?

–How long is this going to last?

–What is the best pos­si­ble out­come of the pandemic?

–If Jesus is with me right here, right now…how can I be more aware of that?

–If I get it, will it kill me? Am I ready to die?

Those are the things I won­der about as I sit inside my house. If you would like to share, I would love to hear your opin­ions on any of them.


  • An ye ask, so shall ye receive. 

    –This is a plague of bib­li­cal pro­por­tions. What is God’s point of view?

    My guess? “It builds character.” 

    –When does per­son­al safe­ty become obsessive?

    When you’re test dri­ving that fall­out bunker and sud­den­ly real­ize you for­got to install a toilet. 

    –Is this the Dar­win­ian con­cept of “thin­ning the herd”?

    It would fit in with the the­o­ry, yes. 

    –Should Trump be giv­en a pass for his ini­tial fail­ure to address the pan­dem­ic appropriately?

    *snorts* Allow me to quote a few Drill Sergeants I know.. “Excus­es have a max­i­mum range of exact­ly zero (bleep­ing) meters!” ‘Means “no”.

    –What if the choice is between quar­an­ti­ning and being with family?

    How much do you val­ue your fam­i­ly? If I had to take the hit for mine, I’d go soli­tary. Then again, it’s eas­i­er for me to both say and do. 

    –Thus far New York has been the hard­est hit by far. Gov­er­nor Cuo­mo seemed like the first leader to real­ize the grav­i­ty of the pan­dem­ic. Have New York­ers some­how mis­han­dled their response way more than the rest of us?

    No. You dumped a high­ly con­ta­gious virus into a large and con­cen­trat­ed pop­u­la­tion cen­ter is pret­ty much like toss­ing a match into a bar­rel of SRB fuel. That they Haven’t had a few mil­lion die is impressive. 

    –If I was a pub­lic health work­er, would I have the courage to go to work?

    I would like to think that high­ly of you. But that’s me. 

    –How con­fronta­tion­al should I be with some­one not observ­ing social (I pre­fer the term phys­i­cal) dis­tanc­ing with me? Or if I observe it with others?

    What are you doing out of the house?? O.o

    –Is it okay for me to play golf?

    I hear Nin­ten­do Wii has an awe­some ver­sion, so there’s that. If you real­ly wan­na do it, find a way that’s safe for oth­ers and your­self. I’m fly­ing all over the place and explor­ing the Milky Way in Elite: Dangerous. 

    –What is real­ly going on in China?

    Dun­no, and I’m real­ly not sure I trust any source at this point with­out going over there myself. 

    –How wor­ried should I be about our investments?

    I’d be look­ing to buy more as the stock mar­ket hits rock bottom. 

    –Is it pos­si­ble to avoid sharp words and angry feel­ings among quarantinites?

    It’s actu­al­ly imper­a­tive. The calmer you are, the calmer you’ll be. Pan­ic and fear are both con­ta­gious and tend to rebound on them­selves. Eas­i­est way, go find a place of soli­tude. Get away from peo­ple, take a break, and get back to them. 

    –I’ve gained 3–4 pounds. Am I blow­ing it?

    *snorts* No. 

    –Will we have an elec­tion? Will it be fair?

    That, right there, is a ques­tion a LOT of peo­ple are wor­ried about right now. How wor­ried am I? I have a go bag. I’m not quite at the point of order­ing MRE style foods, but it’s some­thing I’m keep­ing an eye on. 

    –Should I watch Tiger King?

    Not if you val­ue your san­i­ty and your lunch stay­ing in your body. Let’s just go with “No” and leave it at that.

    –Is Covid-19 real­ly bring­ing fam­i­lies togeth­er or just accel­er­at­ing what­ev­er direc­tion they were already headed?


    –Aren’t I mak­ing a moral deci­sion every time I go out the front door?

    Here’s my card for over-thinkers Anony­mous. Depends. How many peo­ple are outside? 

    –How much sleep is too much sleep?

    Clin­i­cal Depres­sion answer: 14 hours sol­id is some­thing you have to watch out for. 16 is Bad. 

    –Shouldn’t a true patri­ot want as many peo­ple to vote as pos­si­ble? Isn’t that the foun­da­tion of democracy?

    There are a lot of his­to­ri­ans and mil­i­tary types that tend to remem­ber that Hitler was elect­ed too. As was Stal­in. And they look at that oath to defend the con­sti­tu­tion (not the pres­i­dent) and are qui­et­ly worrying. 

    –Should par­ents feel guilty for pla­cat­ing their chil­dren with screen time?

    You show me a par­ent who knows how to keep their kids occu­pied with­out one and I’ll show you an Amish parent. 

    –Is a jig­saw puz­zle a pleas­ant diver­sion or a mind­less escape?


    –Do we want a cheer­leader president?

    No. I want a LEADER as president

    –How much TV news is too much TV news?

    Did you turn it on? Good. Turn it off. I agree with Pratch­ett here. “The media is there to tell you what to be afraid of. ” 

    –How long is this going to last?

    Until a vac­cine is found. 

    –What is the best pos­si­ble out­come of the pandemic?

    Human­i­ty pulls its’ head out of it’s sixth point of con­tact and matures a little. 

    –If Jesus is with me right here, right now…how can I be more aware of that?

    Go to Yosemite. Trust me. Just go to Yosemite. You can’t ignore God there. It’s just not pos­si­ble. It made a pil­grim out of me. 

    –If I get it, will it kill me? Am I ready to die?

    Maybe. Prob­a­bly not. You’re still fair­ly healthy for a guy your age. As for being ready to die.… If you’re not, you have some things that you should be get­ting around to, and now is a good time. If you’d asked me in my 20s where I thought I’d be by 40, I’d have told you “Dead in the line of duty.” Sad thing is, in my 20s, I was per­fect­ly okay with it.

    Scott Taggart6 April, 2020
  • Dallin, I want to answer all of these, but many of them are far too deep and require intense intro­spec­tion to resolve with­in your­self. I feel like any­thing I tell you will sound trite. That being said, it made me think of this youtube chan­nel I watch (called 2 minute papers) where this guy explains com­pli­cat­ed math papers about com­put­er sim­u­la­tions. He gets real­ly excit­ed and usu­al­ly ends with “WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE” and it get’s me excit­ed about this stuff that I will nev­er real­ly under­stand. I think that if you have a lot of days like that, where you are just struck by how lucky you are to be alive, than you should­n’t be afraid of dying, because you real­ly took advan­tage of the time you had on earth. 

    You should watch Tiger King, it’s stranger than fic­tion, but it’s a bit of a tragedy. 

    Jig-saw puz­zles are a mind­less dis­trac­tion, until all the bor­der pieces get placed and your wife is 10x faster than you are, then they become a mind­less frustration.

    Also, don’t wor­ry about gain­ing 34 pounds, I have only gained 15 so let me know if you want some tips to help you “flat­ten the curve.”

    If Jesus is in the room with you, you bet­ter be 6 feet apart.

    Sor­ry for all the jokes, I guess it’s my cop­ing mech­a­nism for all of this. Be safe, be well, and know that every day is a real­ly great day to be alive.

    Owen6 April, 2020

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