Senior choices

I was going to say elder­ly choic­es, but I dis­like the word elder­ly. I think of some­one who can no longer take care of him­self. I pre­fer to be old, which I am. There are a lot of choic­es to be made regard­ing a num­ber of top­ics at my age. I tend to be one of those “have no care for the mor­row” guys, so it’s wise to orga­nize my thoughts. The future looks dif­fer­ent when you are over 70. Covid-19 does not help.

The first top­ic that comes to mind is fam­i­ly. Bethany and her fam­i­ly just moved from Toron­to to British Colum­bia. Nathan and his fam­i­ly just bought their first house in Port Townsend, Wash­ing­ton. Our plan had been to spend most of August in the Pacif­ic North­west. And this was our year to have all of them here for Christ­mas. Then came the virus. Now it looks like the ear­li­est we’ll see them is next spring. (That’s close to one and a half years with­out being with our three pre­cious granddaughters—rough!) We chose to keep Zack and Kallie and the girls in our bub­ble here in Dal­las, and we’re extreme­ly glad we did.

Not nec­es­sar­i­ly in order of impor­tance (well, maybe), we have to make choic­es about our health. Sad­ly, we are all head­ed toward “..can no longer take care of myself..” or death, whichev­er comes first. We pro­long those out­comes by tak­ing bet­ter care of our­selves now. Our diet is a huge fac­tor, but it’s easy to let fatal­ism take over and eat what you can while you can. A healthy diet is a day-by-day choice (…and then I think about starv­ing chil­dren…). Exer­cise, ah. If it wasn’t for golf… It gets hard­er to push your­self to stay fit. I don’t pay atten­tion to my pedome­ter like I used to. It takes more effort to get out of my reclin­er. Main­tain­ing a healthy men­tal state—that’s a tricky one, but it’s as sig­nif­i­cant a fac­tor in your over­all health as either of the above. You can actu­al­ly choose to stay pos­i­tive. I am learn­ing that we have more con­trol over how we feel than I real­ized. Breath­ing helps with this one. My moods have rid­den me like a buck­ing bron­co, but I’m still riding.

All of us make finan­cial choic­es, but I think it gets dif­fer­ent for seniors. Iron­i­cal­ly, we have to think more about the future. This is what we got, this is what we can antic­i­pate get­ting, this is what we need to sur­vive or be com­fort­able or whatever…we have to be prac­ti­cal. My two sides of the finan­cial pen­du­lum are: it’s God’s money—I want to do what­ev­er He wants * and * I’d sure like to help my kids out when we’re gone. The pen­du­lum can become a high­wire at times. God is work­ing with me on that. Karen’s Aunt Faith used to say: “Spend, save, share—as you get old­er, the empha­sis should move from left to right.”

Our most impor­tant com­mod­i­ty is time. Don’t get me wrong—I don’t mean cling­ing to a mer­ci­less master—going out kick­ing and screaming—I mean how much time left that we can enjoy life. That is pre­cious. So how do we use it? Boy, the time of coro­na has thrown us for a loop, hasn’t it? But I think we’re sup­posed to be learn­ing to be bet­ter man­agers of time—not so we can accom­plish more, but to slow down and appre­ci­ate the gifts of life that we already have. It’s like savor­ing time instead of spend­ing it.

Haha, just real­ized this is a two-part essay. I have sev­er­al oth­er top­ics I want to address. Part II will fol­low on Sunday.


  • It’s always so nice to hear your per­spec­tive. Thank you for the week­ly words of encouragement!

    Annalisa1 August, 2020
  • I’ve missed read­ing your words as I drift­ed away from Face­book for a bit to regain my spir­it. I am in my mid fifties and am real­iz­ing that COVID con­cerns are not a small, or I’m afraid, a pass­ing thing. I am not afraid of death, but of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of out­liv­ing my three sis­ters. None of the four Ben­nett sis­ters wants to be the last to die, yet we dread the first to go.
    I hope you can see all of your kids and grand­kids soon. I’m cer­tain you are as cool a grand­pa as you were a teacher! Keep writ­ing DM, I enjoy your blog tremendously.

    Gina30 July, 2020

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