Is This For a Grade? A Survival Guide for Teaching

Is This for A Grade? A Survival Guide for Teaching - RE-TAUGHT & RE-TESTED 2014

Is This for A Grade? A Sur­vival Guide for Teach­ing — RE-TAUGHT & RE-TESTED 2014


Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.”  –George Bernard Shaw (coin­ci­den­tal­ly, a high school dropout)

With all do respect for Mr. Shaw and his bril­lance, I have com­plete dis­dain for his atti­tude.  No task is more vital to the sur­vival of soci­ety than the edu­ca­tion of its young peo­ple who attempt to do it.  An effec­tive teacher must be an expert at plan­ning, orga­ni­za­tion, impro­vi­sa­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and eval­u­a­tion.  He or she must also be able to play pol­i­tics, manip­u­late recal­ci­trants, stretch a dol­lar, and invent a thir­ty-hour day.  Put a tru­ly great teacher into anoth­er field of endeav­or, and she will zoom straight to the top.  But, thank heav­ens, most of them pre­fer to teach.”  –Dallin Malmgren

Orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished and titled Is This For a Grade? A Sur­vival Guide for Teach­ing in the 90′s”,  Malm­gren’s teach­ers guide is a use­ful, humor­ous, and insight­ful look at the pub­lic school sys­tem.  It is con­sid­ered close to indis­pens­able for par­ents or for new teach­ers.  It touch­es on sub­jects as diverse as teach­ing “meth­ods”, guns and gangs, school pol­i­tics and more.

Malm­gren has recent­ly com­plet­ed an updat­ing ver­sion for teach­ers and par­ents, deal­ing with tech­nol­o­gy, test­ing, char­ter schools, and much much more.  You can pur­chase the ebook ver­sion of this revised edi­tion using the links below.

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