My First Kiss

Karen and I re-enact­ing my first kiss (II) under the very same tree!

Part I

Except for a brief homo­sex­u­al cri­sis dur­ing my drug-addled era, I have always been com­fort­able around women. I like girls. They are gen­er­al­ly bet­ter con­ver­sa­tion­al­ists than men. They almost always smell bet­ter. Then there is that sex thing…

My first kiss was not con­se­quen­tial. It hap­pened in sec­ond grade on the play­ground. Frankie Sil­vestri had a Snick­ers bar and I want­ed half.

You want half of this?” Frankie said, hold­ing it tempt­ing­ly close to my face. “I’ll give it all to you. All you got­ta do is go kiss Don­na Clark on the mouth.”

Don­na was with a group of girls over by the bas­ket­ball court play­ing jump rope. (Sounds clichéd, but that’s what I remem­ber them doing. The long one, where you jump in and jump out.) She was stand­ing to the side, not swing­ing or jump­ing. I came up behind her and tapped her on the shoul­der. As I recall, I thought Don­na was cool, so my task was not entire­ly repug­nant. When she turned, I put two hands on the sides of her face, pulled her in a lit­tle, and laid one on her. While my mem­o­ry would like to embell­ish this with a lit­tle elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion or a hint of a favor­able response, I’m pret­ty sure she jerked away, screamed, and pushed me sav­age­ly. She might have spit.

I used to teach an Advanced Cre­ative Writ­ing class which was essen­tial­ly a film­mak­ing class. One semes­ter, for our group project, we decid­ed to flesh out the above anec­dote. A sweet inno­cent girl gets force-kissed on the play­ground. She is mes­mer­ized by the dash­ing rake who com­mit­ted the dar­ing deed. But she’s a mil­i­tary girl, and her fam­i­ly moves away short­ly after­ward. Fast for­ward ten years. Dad has been reas­signed and Sweet Inno­cent is back at the local high school. She watch­es from afar as Dash­ing Rake is entwined with Hottest Girl as Cutest Cou­ple at the school. But she remem­bers the kiss, and she believes in des­tiny. We called it Wait­ing for Wes­ley. (Wait­ing for Dallin had no music to it.)

The film was a fail­ure. My own son was cast as Wes­ley, and I had two beau­ties for Hottest Girl and Sweet Inno­cent. But we nev­er fin­ished it before the class end­ed. My fault, no doubt. I still think it’s a great idea, and I’m sure I have the screen­play packed away some­where. Hol­ly­wood, can you hear me?

Oh yeah, when I got back to my friends after the raid, Frankie hand­ed me an emp­ty Snick­ers wrapper.

Part II

This is the real one. Hap­pened in the fifth grade, and her name was Brooke Han­lon. I don’t think that hor­mones had kicked in yet, but I was dis­cov­er­ing mys­ter­ies and attrac­tions and, er, devel­op­ments about girls that I found fas­ci­nat­ing. Of course, social inter­course between the sex­es in the fifth grade con­sist­ed most­ly of insults, mock out­rage, smirks, shrieks and gig­gles. A more friend­ly, famil­iar rela­tion was usu­al­ly nego­ti­at­ed by a third par­ty. But I pre­ferred a more direct approach and that gave me an advan­tage. Pri­ma­ry ener­gy is so much more vital. I asked Brooke to meet me behind the build­ing when school end­ed. She agreed. Ear­ly in my Cre­ative Writ­ing teach­ing expe­ri­ence, I wrote a poem about it:

The First Kiss
She had freck­les and real soft lips
And I told her I would meet her
Under the oak tree after school.
Her hair was a col­or between red and blonde;
I said some­thing out­ra­geous, like
“I want to kiss you.”
She liked that and her eyes fired up
And her lips were oh so soft.
A teacher saw us and became very angry
And I was led to believe that she was cheap.
And so I took my vow of poverty.

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