The Stuck Nut

pho­to by me

I got this from my qui­et time ear­li­er this week: “The main thing about Chris­tian­i­ty is not the work we do, but the rela­tion­ship we main­tain and the atmos­phere pro­duced by that rela­tion­ship. That is all God asks us to look after, and it is the one thing that is being con­tin­u­al­ly assaulted.”
–from My Utmost for His High­est by Oswald Chambers

So it’s Thurs­day and my goal for the day is to get my golf cart cleaned up and run­ning. I haven’t dri­ven it in about four months because my club won’t let you use your own cart on their course. But the grand­daugh­ters are spend­ing the night on Fri­day, and they love to dri­ve the golf cart. I’ve already checked it out and there’s a bunch of cor­ro­sion around the bat­tery cables. I fig­ure it will take me around an hour to clean up.

When­ev­er I begin any kind of DIY project, espe­cial­ly some­thing mechan­i­cal, I should be aware that things will go wrong. This was a doozy. On the very first ter­mi­nal, two of the elec­tri­cal wire con­nec­tions (not the bat­tery cable) snap off. I go to Lowe’s to buy new connections—get the wrong ones—take them back…Lowe’s doesn’t have the right ones—go to Auto Zone—they car­ry them but are out of stock. The next Auto Zone has them. I’m over two hours into the project and I’ve com­plet­ed one out of twelve ter­mi­nals. I roll along. About an hour and a half lat­er, I’m down to my last three ter­mi­nals. Only on the next one, the bat­tery cable is cor­rod­ed and dis­solves when I loosen the nut. I need a six inch bat­tery cable and the short­est one Auto Zone car­ries is four feet—I set­tle for a 19 inch one from Walmart.

Of course, to put on a new cable, I have to remove both ends of the old one. I am intro­duced to the nut from hell. It is cor­rod­ed and none of my sock­et wrench­es fit. My 11 mm is too big and my 10 mm is too small. My fin­ger is bleed­ing from mess­ing with it. The YouTube video idea does not work. Karen comes out to see how I am doing. I glare at her. She has the wis­dom to hur­ry back inside. I am beyond frustration.

I know I should pray (I bet Karen already has), but I don’t want to. Here’s why: noth­ing is going to move that damn nut, and so all pray­ing will do is add frus­tra­tion with God to my heaps of frus­tra­tion with myself. But I have to pray because I am at the end of my resources: Lord, I am a mess. I know that my own neglect caused this sit­u­a­tion. The golf cart can’t run if I can’t get that cable off. I don’t know what to do. Maybe the cart is meant to die here. Just help me to real­ize Your pres­ence and know that You have every­thing under control.

Pray­ing helped—I was calmer. I looked in my tool box and noticed a small­er sock­et that was not even a part of my set. I slipped it over my nut and it fit snug­ly. The nut and cable came off easily.

I know, I know—this is not a hokey sto­ry about how God mag­i­cal­ly put the right size sock­et into my tool box. It would not mat­ter if my golf cart was still sit­ting in my garage, rot­ting. The real mir­a­cle is that He was able to restore me into a right rela­tion­ship with Him. Mer­cy and grace and peace be unto me.

The bible says “You do not have because you do not ask.” 

pho­to by me

(James 4:2) I used to think of that in terms of a posi­tion at work or a pub­lished nov­el or a win­ning lot­tery tick­et. Hog­wash. The great­est gifts are the ones of the Spirit.

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