HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY October 16–22, 2023

Octo­ber 16, 2023
July, 2023 So many peo­ple write so bril­liant­ly about God. I love the Bible–there is no sub­sti­tute for it–yet my faith has been so great­ly enhanced by writ­ers who express their views about God–about what the Bible means–about how it plays out in this world–about how we might respond. A list of some of my favorites: Fred­er­ick Buech­n­er and C.S. Lewis and Hen­ri Nouwen and Bri­an Doyle and Richard Rohr and Eve­lyn Under­hill and Andrew Mur­ray and Richard Fos­ter and Kath­leen Nor­ris. These writ­ers speak to me as clear­ly as all the song­writ­ers I’ve men­tioned in the past. If you share that expe­ri­ence, I would love for you to tell me writ­ers who speak to you.

Octo­ber 17, 2023
Golf Tuesday–the torn bicep era…
August, 2023 God is teach­ing me to be adapt­able. I am not sure how well I am learn­ing it. I like both def­i­n­i­tions: (adj.) 1. able to adjust to new con­di­tions; 2. able to be mod­i­fied for a new use or pur­pose. God throws up to me lit­tle challenges–not tests, more like learn­ing exercises–and I am to respond to them pos­i­tive­ly, keep­ing in mind St. Paul’s moti­va­tor: “I have learned to be con­tent in what­ev­er cir­cum­stances.” For exam­ple, I can­not golf for the next 3–6 weeks. That opens up a five hour hole in many of my days. Anoth­er exam­ple: I like to sit out on my back porch in the evening. It is my favorite place to pray and to write and to vis­it. In order to do that, I have to sit in a 95–100 degree tem­per­a­ture. Both of those are not annoy­ances; they are adap­ta­tions. Dear Lord, teach me to adapt.

Octo­ber 18, 2023
This was my favorite moment of our trip to Spain…
Sep­tem­ber, 2023 This is why the Lord brought me to Spain. He want­ed to tell me: I was here to place the moon into the sky. I was here when they built this mag­nif­i­cent cathe­dral. And I am here now as peo­ple enjoy this life as I intended.

Octo­ber 19, 2023
July, 2023 A recur­ring theme in my con­tem­pla­tion is the exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or jour­ney. Most of my life has been focused on the exterior–how am I serv­ing, what is my role, what kind of wit­ness am I? All of that can eas­i­ly turn ego­cen­tric. The inte­ri­or jour­ney has untold rich­es to uncover–”…Christ in you, the hope of glo­ry…”; “…we have the mind of Christ…”; …abide in Me and I in you…”. All of that is direct­ed to the soul, not the ego. Prayer and med­i­ta­tion are two spir­i­tu­al exer­cis­es which illu­mi­nate the inte­ri­or journey.

Octo­ber 20, 2023
JULY, 2023 Dis­ci­ple­ship. That word scared me when I was a young Chris­t­ian. Hard­core. I opt­ed for the more com­fort­able “believ­er” and I main­tained that choice for many years. I’ve come to real­ize that dis­ci­ple means I know I am with Him (and I know who He is) and I am learn­ing to do what He says. Sign me up for discipleship.

Octo­ber 21, 2023
Sep­tem­ber, 2023 My pas­tor quot­ed his dad today: “The only rea­son some peo­ple open their mouths is to change feet.” And I had this epiphany: Wis­dom (the top­ic of his ser­mon) is more about when I speak than what I say. Reminds me of one acer­bic psalm verse that I would occa­sion­al­ly share in my class­room: “Even a fool appears to be wise if he remains silent.” (Psalm 17:28)

Octo­ber 22, 2023
A grand­fa­ther’s dream for Fam­i­ly Sunday…
#752 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Yes­ter­day, 2023 I got to take my grand­daugh­ter Elliotte to her soft­ball tour­na­ment game because her par­ents had an engage­ment. As I was dri­ving her, I told her I want­ed her to hit a home run. “I already hit one today,” she said. “Well, hit anoth­er.” She stepped to the plate in the sec­ond inning. Crack! She sped around the bases, crossed home plate, ran up to where I was sit­ting by the fence. “I did it!” she yelled, jump­ing up and down. My cup run­neth over. (one of the best pho­tos I ever took)

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