HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY October 17–23, 2022

Octo­ber 17, 2022
Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 2, 2022. God teach­es me the most about love in my clos­est rela­tion­ships. I don’t mean that in a touchy-feely, I‑love-my-fam­i­ly way. God works in the present. He wants to teach me to love when Karen and I are out of sorts, or at cross pur­pos­es, when our sched­ules don’t match, even when our points of view don’t match. Those are the times I need to pay atten­tion to His presence–couldn’t pos­si­bly do it on my own. I am called to be a reflec­tion of God’s love to her. And the same applies with my daugh­ter and two sons, with my broth­er and four sis­ters, with all my extend­ed fam­i­ly, with my old­est and dear­est friends, with my golf bud­dies, and with any­one else God puts in front of me.

Octo­ber 18, 2022
Wednes­day, August 31, 2022 “Be of good cheer…” That phrase appears in the Bible a lot, and I haven’t giv­en it much thought. I am in a golf slump–repeated mis­takes and poor scores. There is a spir­i­tu­al les­son in this. It’s very hard for me not to feel frus­trat­ed when I play bad­ly. “Be of good cheer…” Jesus said it to His dis­ci­ples to assure them of His pres­ence (Matthew 14:27). He said it to con­firm that there was noth­ing in this world that He could­n’t han­dle (John 16:23). He said it to Paul when He told him that He was going to prison in Rome to tes­ti­fy for Him (Acts 23:11). “Be of good cheer…” I’m on a golf course in the sun­shine. I’m shar­ing the expe­ri­ence with peo­ple I enjoy and respect. And I know for sure that every swing, every putt, every con­ver­sa­tion, every event–is a spir­i­tu­al exer­cise designed to draw me near­er to God. How can I not be of good cheer?

Octo­ber 19, 2022
I’m break­ing prece­dent and record­ing what God actu­al­ly spoke to me today, Octo­ber 18. This is in response to a dis­cus­sion my wife and I had last night.
Wednes­day, Octo­ber 18, 2022 Karen says (right­ly so) that there is so much pain and suf­fer­ing in this world and I am writ­ing about God and my golf game. I get that. I can only respond to God from where I am. I believe I had a call­ing to be a teacher, and I tried to do that well for 34 years. Now I am retired. There is some­thing to be said for green pas­tures. I hope and aim to respond to pain and suf­fer­ing when­ev­er I come upon it. Where God leads, I intend to fol­low. Every chris­t­ian is called to ease the suf­fer­ing of this fall­en world. I also know that God wants us to enjoy His cre­ation. Lord, show me the balance.

Octo­ber 20, 2022
Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 9, 2022 “Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jeal­ous; love does not brag and is not arro­gant, does not act unbe­com­ing­ly; it does not seek its own, is not pro­voked, does not take into account a wrong suf­fered, does not rejoice in unright­eous­ness, but rejoic­es in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love nev­er fails…” (I Corinthi­ans 13:4–8)
It is essen­tial that i remind myself of these things as fre­quent­ly as possible.

Octo­ber 21, 2022
Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 16, 2022 Bib­li­cal wis­dom from some of my favorite non-bib­li­cal sources:
“He not busy being born is busy dying..” –Bob Dylan
“You got me singing/ Even though it all looks grim/ You got me singing/ The Hal­lelu­jah hymn..” –Leonard Cohen
“Oh, and you and I know all too well about the hell and par­adise right here on earth..” –Avett Brothers
“I thought about life/ And a love that has no endin’/ I thought about You, Lord..” –Willie Nelson

Octo­ber 22, 2022
Sat­ur­day, May 28, 2022 We have a sev­en day fam­i­ly reunion com­ing up. I want so pas­sion­ate­ly for God to be involved in every moment. God is nev­er heavy-hand­ed. He is not seek­ing attention–He is pro­vid­ing it. We are not there to win souls–we are there to enjoy His love. I have found that the great­est love chal­lenges come from the peo­ple you love the most. Dear Lord Jesus, let us be a con­duit of Your love as You guide our fam­i­ly home. (pho­to by Annalisa)

Octo­ber 23, 2022
Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 11, 2022 My wife and I were shocked to learn at church today that Methodists don’t believe “Once saved, always saved.” We have always believed that. As I left church pon­der­ing this, my first/best thought was: Why would I ever stop believing?

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