What I can do (to live in Your presence)

Pho­to enhanced by Karen

*I can become a bet­ter listener.
*I can give more of myself.
*I can give Karen the space and near­ness she needs.
*I can press on in my devotions.
*I can make more friends.
*I can reach out to my past.
*I can be a bet­ter, more trust­ing stew­ard of Your generosity.
*I can find more stuff Karen and I can do togeth­er (we are on the path as one).
*I can increase my com­mit­ment to the church.
*I can try to under­stand my dreams.
*Can I raise my awareness—or do You have to do that?
*I can respect Your planet.
*I can do more with less.
*I can be more atten­tive to Your voice (or You could speak louder).
*I can be health­i­er. Real­ly. By choic­es I make every sin­gle day.
*I can pay more atten­tion to the shad­owy insin­u­a­tions made by my ego, and give them less and less weight.
*I can learn to ride that wave that sep­a­rates fanati­cism from devo­tion from hypocrisy.
*I can enjoy sports with­out being idol­a­trous of my teams.
*I can love my fam­i­ly with­out being blind­ed by my family.
*I can love my wife as Christ loves the church.
*I can live my life more than observe it.
*I can learn to see Christ in every rela­tion­ship I have.
*I can learn more about You by reading.
*I can learn more about You by lis­ten­ing to music.
*I can learn more about You by play­ing golf—really!
*I can get way bet­ter at learn­ing how to rec­og­nize the down­swells and believ­ing I can surf them.
*I can be way more wise and com­pas­sion­ate with peo­ple who annoy me.
*I can do more in ser­vice of my Lord.
*I can be more open about my faith with my fam­i­ly and my friends.
*I can drink less and enjoy it more.
*I can trea­sure the mem­o­ries of my chil­dren grow­ing up.
*I can breathe with You.
*I can rec­og­nize I am in the body of Christ and try to do my part.
*I can pray with­out ceas­ing. (It’s real­ly possible—it’s an atti­tude, not an action).
*I can give my own polit­i­cal lean­ings over to You.
*I can always remem­ber that the King­dom is at hand.
*I can make repa­ra­tions for my sins (that’s a tricky one).
*I can appre­ci­ate Jesus and affirm who He is.
*Hon­est­ly, I am so thank­ful, but I can be even more.
*Believe, believe, believe; trust, trust, trust; ask, ask, ask.
*I can look for­ward to the next day with antic­i­pa­tion and joy.
*I can thank You for­ev­er for cap­tur­ing my soul. 


  • Love all of your thoughts and will attempt to incor­po­rate many of them into my own search for ever more close­ness with our Lord.

    Laura1 December, 2019
  • Oh, Dallin! I loved every word of this. Write ON!

    Mary Knox23 November, 2019
  • As an athe­ist I am amazed at how much ener­gy you devote to what I con­sid­er to be a fan­ta­sy. I hon­est­ly won­der how much your insis­tence on main­tain­ing this fan­ta­sy keeps you from grow­ing. Just a thought.

    Don Moore21 November, 2019
    • hey don — great to hear from you. i think this is the sec­ond com­ment i’ve got from you on my blog. i love that you read it. of course, i respect your belief in athe­ism as much as i expect you to respect my dis­sim­i­lar one. the only thing that dis­turbs me is your com­ment about growth…if you remem­ber that hip­pie dip­py boy that used to wan­der about Stony­brook and Cal­wood farm with no clue what he was doing with his life, i can’t believe you don’t see (even in my writ­ing) some mat­u­ra­tion from that guy.

      Dallin Malmgren23 November, 2019

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