HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY September 11–17, 2023

Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023
June, 2023 The inner jour­ney. It’s so easy for me to get caught up in dai­ly events that I give the inner jour­ney short shrift. But that’s where I can most eas­i­ly cul­ti­vate the fruits of the Spir­it, and it’s where I can most eas­i­ly sense His pres­ence. Med­i­ta­tion def­i­nite­ly helps with this. The inner jour­ney links me to my soul, and my soul is eter­nal­ly linked to God. Dear Lord, teach me to iden­ti­fy with my soul rather than my ego.

Sep­tem­ber 12, 2023
Golf Tues­day plays on (even if I don’t)…
April, 2023 I had a new rev­e­la­tion in golf (golf res­o­lu­tions are a dime a dozen, I admit). If golf is a spir­i­tu­al exer­cise, my thoughts should not be rac­ing through my brain…take it back slow, keep your head still, swing smooth. God wants me to focus on my breathing…nice and slow and even–and my temperament…calm and relaxed. Next He wants me to pay atten­tion to the peo­ple I am golf­ing with. For the way my mind works on the golf course, this is revolutionary.

Sep­tem­ber 13, 2023
July, 2023 Abide in Me. I spend a lot of time think­ing about how that is sup­posed to play out in real­time, a 24 hour day. Have I stopped abid­ing when I make a phone call…work a jig­saw puzzle…watch some­thing on TV? Can I abide and not know it? I have fig­ured this much out so far: Yes, I am always abid­ing. St. Paul talks all the time about us being “…in Christ.” So the only vari­able is how aware I am of being “…in Christ.” And that, my friends, lies com­plete­ly on my shoul­ders. It’s not like I’m car­ry­ing around Charl­ton Hes­ton. Com­bine my con­fes­sor, my broth­er, and my best friend, and I still haven’t touched the plea­sure of His com­pa­ny. I can direct my atten­tion to Him in any sit­u­a­tion, and He is there. If I lis­ten, He will show me how to han­dle it. Teach me to rec­og­nize Your pres­ence, Lord Jesus.

Sep­tem­ber 14, 2023
Feb­ru­ary, 2023 “You’re so heav­en­ly-mind­ed you’re of no earth­ly good.” That cross­es my mind some­times. Can I be too spir­i­tu­al­ly-ori­ent­ed? Ridicu­lous. My first goal is to allow the Holy Spir­it to lead me through the events of my day. If I’m suc­cess­ful at that, a trail of good­ness should fol­low me. If heav­en­ly-mind­ed­ness leads me to self­ish action or inac­tion, I am on the south­side of heav­en. (com­ic from Cof­fee with Jesus by David Wilkie)

Sep­tem­ber 15, 2023
May, 2023 I learned a new word today. Weltschmerz: (n.) sad­ness at the state of the world. I expe­ri­enced it yes­ter­day evening. The man who lives two hous­es down shot a crow. Karen heard a pop, and we saw it fall out of a tree. The oth­er crows were mak­ing a mourn­ful ruckus. We walked out to inves­ti­gate, as did my next door neigh­bor. We could­n’t fig­ure out what hap­pened until we noticed the oth­er guy and his wife sit­ting on their porch swing. The guy admit­ted shoot­ing it–said he thought it was a grack­le and it had swooped down at their dog (both lies, I sus­pect). He asked us not to report him. Weltschmerz.

Sep­tem­ber 16, 2023
May, 2023 Jesus has an open door pol­i­cy. Any­one who wants to come in He will receive. He wants me to be more like that. I uncon­scious­ly set para­me­ters on the sit­u­a­tions I am in and the things I want to talk about. The Holy Spir­it wants me to be will­ing to go wher­ev­er the con­ver­sa­tion leads. Jesus and the Samar­i­tan woman at the well is a per­fect example–the bib­li­cal account is not a tran­script (I would love to know what else was said). It sure got to the gist of the mat­ter though.

Sep­tem­ber 17, 2023
It’s Fam­i­ly Sun­day on the road…
August, 2023 Ful­fill­ing an item on my buck­et list can cer­tain­ly be inter­pret­ed as God speak­ing to me in a ben­e­fi­cial, gen­er­ous, lov­ing way. Bethany and I got to vis­it Rush­more and Crazy Horse this afternoon.

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