The Bonjour Boys

Dac­ques, it’s time to get up!  I’ve got a big sur­prise for you today.”

                No one can pos­si­bly imag­ine the omi­nous impact those words had on me. Think of the worst pos­si­ble feel­ing you’ve ever had upon being awak­ened. Mul­ti­ply by ten. You’re still not even close.

The Bon­jour Boys, a teenage romance and adven­ture, is a mod­ern Fer­ris Cas­sady and the Swedish Kid set in a Texas high school.

Dac­ques Smith is a 17 year old social mis­fit, a cute, intel­li­gent kid who can’t find his niche. His moth­er Nina, a French­woman who came to the States with an Amer­i­can sol­dier who aban­doned them after three years of mar­riage, decides that Dac­ques needs a friend, and orders up a French for­eign exchange stu­dent. Through a bureau­crat­ic screw-up, the French boy turns out to be Swedish.  His sav­ing grace is that he speaks French. The two boys become fast friends and wreak hav­oc at Rio Cibo­lo High. Every girl in the school takes an inter­est in the boys and many guys take an anti-inter­est. Dac­ques is thrilled by the atten­tion, and even more thrilled when Amy, cap­tain of the dance team and babe extra­or­di­naire, is more inter­est­ed in him than in Anders. Anders, flood­ed by female atten­tion, invites a vari­ety of girls to join him, Dac­ques and Amy as they sam­ple South Texas teenage life.

Author’s Note:

A Swedish for­eign exchange stu­dent in my Cre­ative Writ­ing class had the exact same effect on Texas high school girls that I describe in this book. They went crazy for his blondness, his accent, and his sense of won­der and inno­cence. The boy he stayed with enjoyed the same kind of rip­ple effect that Dac­ques does, too.

This might be my favorite book. In teach­ing quar­ters, there’s a con­stant bar­rage of dis­parag­ing remarks about teenage boys, and in Dac­ques I want­ed to illu­mi­nate the pos­i­tive things I saw. This was also the book that made me real­ize that I had fall­en in love with Texas.

Iron­i­cal­ly, this book was once accept­ed for pub­li­ca­tion by an East Coast pub­lish­ing house, G.P. Put­nam. I had a New York agent at the time, and he sug­gest­ed we table the deal and show them The Six­ties Kid, my next book which I had just com­plet­ed. Then we would sell both books in a pack­age deal, and I would become one of Putnam’s “house authors.” Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the mar­ket for Con­tem­po­rary Young Adult was dry­ing up at that time (I sus­pect R.L. Stine and Sweet Val­ley High ruined my career!), and Put­nam reject­ed The Six­ties Kid and with­drew the offer for The Bon­jour Boys. I don’t have that agent anymore.

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