To shave or not to shave

pho­to by karen

I have nev­er liked shav­ing. Dur­ing my teach­ing career, I went by the every-oth­er-day rule—or tried to. Part of the rea­son I shaved is because Karen want­ed me to. Much as I tried to sell her on the Har­ri­son Ford stub­ble (I even pur­chased an Indi­ana Jones hat!), she nev­er bought it. Anoth­er rea­son I shaved is because she is right—I just can’t pull off the “beard” look. It would be a kind­ness to call mine scrag­gly. I admire a fine beard (my for­mer stu­dent Tyler Collins has a fab­u­lous one!). But when you look at a beard­ed guy, don’t you make an inter­nal judg­ment as to whether he’s doing it out of a sense of aes­thet­ics or laziness?

But we do things dif­fer­ent­ly in the time of coro­na. With Karen’s bless­ing, I decid­ed to let it grow. I had tried it once or twice before, gen­er­al­ly when Karen was trav­el­ing to spend time with our kids/grandkids. The results were not encour­ag­ing. And it nev­er grew long enough to stop itch­ing! I was resigned to remain­ing beard­less. How­ev­er, now all the con­di­tions lined up per­fect­ly: the only peo­ple who would see me reg­u­lar­ly were my golf cronies (who care even less about how I look than how I play), and my fam­i­ly on Face­time, and bi-week­ly gro­cery store patrons. And I even had my wife’s approval. 

As you can tell from my intro pho­to, now I have decid­ed to let it go (the half-and-half look did have a fleet­ing appeal to me—wasn’t it Spring­steen who sang “Two faces have I…”?). Why? I got­ta admit, the not shav­ing was a def­i­nite perk. And grown out more ful­ly, my beard didn’t look as bad as I expect­ed. But the minus­es out­weigh the plusses. Two months on, the damn thing still itch­es. We’re not sup­posed to be touch­ing our faces, and that’s more dif­fi­cult when you have a beard. If you toss and turn in bed, the beard can become insom­nial. Though you don’t have to shave, you still have to trim. And I just don’t feel quite as clean after a show­er with a beard.

Me and my chil­dren still Zoom on Sat­ur­day nights. It wasn’t a group deci­sion, but all four of the men start­ed let­ting their facial hair grow when we began quar­an­ti­ning. Now there’s only one left (though sev­er­al deci­sions to shave were influ­enced by work pro­pri­eties). Mine came off today. I look younger and Karen likes it bet­ter. It’s all good.

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