God is in control

Art­work by Annal­isa Barelli

It struck me like a light­ning bolt as I was sit­ting on my back porch. We all know that He is con­cerned. We all know He will com­fort us. We all know He loves us. But do we believe, even for a sec­ond, that He is in con­trol? That right now He has a han­dle on this whole virus thing? He has inti­mate knowl­edge of how this has, is, and will affect each one of us. And it is going to be okay. Because He is in control.

A few words about God. There is only one God. If there was more than one God, He wouldn’t be God. I use He because that is my cul­tur­al back­ground, but I am quite sure He is gen­der­less. I per­son­al­ly believe He is Tri­une, i.e., He man­i­fests Him­self as Father, Son, and Holy Spir­it, but again, I wouldn’t put much weight in those gen­der roles. I know that most of us con­ceive of God dif­fer­ent­ly. But that does not mean He is not in control.

True, it doesn’t look like He is in con­trol. This world has gone hay­wire. Clear­ly, as a species we are not han­dling the pan­dem­ic very well (some coun­tries bet­ter than oth­ers). There is dis­cord and fin­ger-point­ing and anger and self­ish­ness and prof­i­teer­ing and hoard­ing and fraud. Why would God allow…

The point is, in con­trol does not mean in charge. (I wish Trump would learn the dif­fer­ence.) God is not going to declare a mora­to­ri­um on human beings mak­ing choic­es and liv­ing with the con­se­quences (good and bad) of those choic­es. That’s the way this world works. We are here in this predica­ment because that is where our cumu­la­tive choic­es (as a species) have led us. But He is still in control.

Some of us tend to have pre-con­ceived ideas of what the world would look like if God was real­ly in con­trol: there would be no pre-mar­i­tal sex, no abor­tions, no homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, no danc­ing, no drink­ing, no teenage rebel­lion, the list goes on… again, that is look­ing for a God in charge (telling us what to do) instead of in con­trol (mak­ing what­ev­er we do turn into good). I’m not reject­ing morality—us choos­ing good is what will heal the planet—but God is going to cre­ate good out of what­ev­er hap­pens. Because He is in control.

Why do I think He is in con­trol in the time of pan­dem­ic? Look how He is cleans­ing our plan­et while we are under quar­an­tine! Despite all the ills men­tioned above, look at the hero­ism and sac­ri­fice and love that we are capa­ble of when test­ed to our lim­its! Remem­ber that this is not God’s first pan­dem­ic. They’ve occurred through­out human his­to­ry and, then as now, He draws us near­er to Him. In every pan­dem­ic-relat­ed inter­ac­tion, the most ben­e­fi­cial result pro­duced is love—I believe that is man­i­fest­ing itself all over the planet.

So if we buy the premise—God is in control—how do we respond? By align­ing our­selves with His pur­pos­es. Most of the world’s reli­gions sim­i­lar­ly endorse how humans should treat one another—with love, with respect, with compassion—by car­ing for the sick and the weak and the poor, by lov­ing our neigh­bors, by putting the needs of oth­ers before our own. That is our most noble response to the pan­dem­ic. The oth­er thing we should do is not stress—because God is in control.

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