November 1, 2021
When I was working on my last writing project, my son commented “I wish you wouldn’t write so much about spiritual stuff.” As I get older, I find that’s all I want to write about. As Bob Dylan put it, “Then onward in my journey I come to understand That every hair is numbered like every grain of sand.” Which leads me to my next writing project:
I have come to realize that God wants to communicate with us every day, all the time really. The sole problem is that we are sluggish to listen–at least I am. I decided to address the problem. Each day I would try to write down one thing that God said to me. God is the consummate communicator; He can use words (see the Bible) but He doesn’t have to. In fact, limiting your communication from God to the Bible is like telling your best friend he/she can only interact with you through text messages. How deadening would that be?
So I resolved to “listen” for God each day–and document it. It has been a refreshing, invigorating experience. The Westminister Catechism says that humanity’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I am certainly enjoying Him, but my heart wants to glorify Him too. My private journal is going public–my only goal is to encourage any reader to listen more closely for God’s voice, to respond to it, and perhaps to share the joy.
Sunday, September 5, 2021 — God can communicate the joy and grandeur of love in something as simple as a granddaughter’s shy smile.
November 2, 2021
#2 This one is in response to my friend Ross–
Sunday, August 22, 2021 I Corinthians 1:1–17. I’m trying to get the hang of reading the Bible. You just have to let it speak to you. Put away all doctrine, all manipulation, all defense mechanism, that unavailing ego-driven desire to be right, that need to make someone think like you do–just listen. I love the diverse ways God chooses to speak to me, but it does require discernment. I have a tendency to disguise my voice as God’s. If your heart is right, He will always speak through the Bible. But that also requires discernment.
November 3, 2021
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
I carried with me today the conviction that the presence of God is everything. It doesn’t matter if we are aware of it or acknowledge it or ignore it–it is still true. Humanity’s highest calling is to live in His presence. God is here.
November 4, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 “…the testing of your faith produces endurance.” (James 1:3) This is a constantly recurring lesson I learn from golf. Every time I play golf, I ask God to join me. Improvement is never a consistant upward trajectory. You move forward, you fall back, you move forward, you fall back. I am called upon to endure in the belief that God is with me, He has my best interests at heart, and I can’t judge by outward circumstances. Good round, bad round–golf is a spiritual exercise.
November 5, 2021
Sunday, September 19, 2021 It’s amazing how often God speaks to me through beauty. And I’m not talking Grand Canyon beauty.. I mean simple everyday beauty. Most of the time I’m just not paying attention…but there are moments. I was sitting on my back porch on a gorgeous evening with an ever so slight breeze and clean air and a swallowtail butterfly fluttering and two hummingbirds fussing over our feeders and several golfers going by dismayed with their shots and Karen’s wonderful hanging plants enjoying being alive and my beloved live oak tree embracing it all… I said, “You created this” and He said, “I did.”
November 6, 2021
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 My friend Roy believes in the Oneness–this universal consciousness that we all drift into when we die. But he doesn’t think it’s personal–that there will be an I and a you. I can see how one might think that. Here is my refutation: We are created beings. There has to be a purpose for the Creator to create us, or else the universe is meaningless, and how can that be? The purpose, of course, is love. Love must move beyond itself. That is the reason for our creation–to love the Oneness back. And we, and all of creation, will do that. For all of eternity.
November 7, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 He reminded me that He has been speaking to me all through the years through music. Today I listened to two Dylan songs from my youth. “It’s Alright Ma, I’m only Bleeding” powerfully influenced me to reject “the world” and its values (an absolutely scathing song). “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” was a prophetic warning that I needed to leave the life I was living–kinda like Jonah and the Ninevites. Of course, I wasn’t fully aware of this, but God was speaking.
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