HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY November 1–7, 2021

Novem­ber 1, 2021
When I was work­ing on my last writ­ing project, my son com­ment­ed “I wish you would­n’t write so much about spir­i­tu­al stuff.” As I get old­er, I find that’s all I want to write about. As Bob Dylan put it, “Then onward in my jour­ney I come to under­stand That every hair is num­bered like every grain of sand.” Which leads me to my next writ­ing project:
I have come to real­ize that God wants to com­mu­ni­cate with us every day, all the time real­ly. The sole prob­lem is that we are slug­gish to listen–at least I am. I decid­ed to address the prob­lem. Each day I would try to write down one thing that God said to me. God is the con­sum­mate com­mu­ni­ca­tor; He can use words (see the Bible) but He does­n’t have to. In fact, lim­it­ing your com­mu­ni­ca­tion from God to the Bible is like telling your best friend he/she can only inter­act with you through text mes­sages. How dead­en­ing would that be?
So I resolved to “lis­ten” for God each day–and doc­u­ment it. It has been a refresh­ing, invig­o­rat­ing expe­ri­ence. The West­min­is­ter Cat­e­chism says that human­i­ty’s chief end is to glo­ri­fy God and enjoy Him for­ev­er. I am cer­tain­ly enjoy­ing Him, but my heart wants to glo­ri­fy Him too. My pri­vate jour­nal is going public–my only goal is to encour­age any read­er to lis­ten more close­ly for God’s voice, to respond to it, and per­haps to share the joy.
Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 5, 2021 — God can com­mu­ni­cate the joy and grandeur of love in some­thing as sim­ple as a grand­daugh­ter’s shy smile.

Novem­ber 2, 2021
#2 This one is in response to my friend Ross–
Sun­day, August 22, 2021 I Corinthi­ans 1:1–17. I’m try­ing to get the hang of read­ing the Bible. You just have to let it speak to you. Put away all doc­trine, all manip­u­la­tion, all defense mech­a­nism, that unavail­ing ego-dri­ven desire to be right, that need to make some­one think like you do–just lis­ten. I love the diverse ways God choos­es to speak to me, but it does require dis­cern­ment. I have a ten­den­cy to dis­guise my voice as God’s. If your heart is right, He will always speak through the Bible. But that also requires discernment.

Novem­ber 3, 2021
Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 21, 2021
I car­ried with me today the con­vic­tion that the pres­ence of God is every­thing. It does­n’t mat­ter if we are aware of it or acknowl­edge it or ignore it–it is still true. Human­i­ty’s high­est call­ing is to live in His pres­ence. God is here.

Novem­ber 4, 2021
Tues­day, August 24, 2021 “…the test­ing of your faith pro­duces endurance.” (James 1:3) This is a con­stant­ly recur­ring les­son I learn from golf. Every time I play golf, I ask God to join me. Improve­ment is nev­er a con­sis­tant upward tra­jec­to­ry. You move for­ward, you fall back, you move for­ward, you fall back. I am called upon to endure in the belief that God is with me, He has my best inter­ests at heart, and I can’t judge by out­ward cir­cum­stances. Good round, bad round–golf is a spir­i­tu­al exercise.

Novem­ber 5, 2021
Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 19, 2021 It’s amaz­ing how often God speaks to me through beau­ty. And I’m not talk­ing Grand Canyon beau­ty.. I mean sim­ple every­day beau­ty. Most of the time I’m just not pay­ing attention…but there are moments. I was sit­ting on my back porch on a gor­geous evening with an ever so slight breeze and clean air and a swal­low­tail but­ter­fly flut­ter­ing and two hum­ming­birds fuss­ing over our feed­ers and sev­er­al golfers going by dis­mayed with their shots and Karen’s won­der­ful hang­ing plants enjoy­ing being alive and my beloved live oak tree embrac­ing it all… I said, “You cre­at­ed this” and He said, “I did.”

Novem­ber 6, 2021
Tues­day, August 31, 2021 My friend Roy believes in the Oneness–this uni­ver­sal con­scious­ness that we all drift into when we die. But he does­n’t think it’s personal–that there will be an I and a you. I can see how one might think that. Here is my refu­ta­tion: We are cre­at­ed beings. There has to be a pur­pose for the Cre­ator to cre­ate us, or else the uni­verse is mean­ing­less, and how can that be? The pur­pose, of course, is love. Love must move beyond itself. That is the rea­son for our creation–to love the One­ness back. And we, and all of cre­ation, will do that. For all of eternity.

Novem­ber 7, 2021
Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 8, 2021 He remind­ed me that He has been speak­ing to me all through the years through music. Today I lis­tened to two Dylan songs from my youth. “It’s Alright Ma, I’m only Bleed­ing” pow­er­ful­ly influ­enced me to reject “the world” and its val­ues (an absolute­ly scathing song). “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” was a prophet­ic warn­ing that I need­ed to leave the life I was living–kinda like Jon­ah and the Ninevites. Of course, I was­n’t ful­ly aware of this, but God was speaking.

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