Los Spurs

crumbled Spurs t-shirt

Karen’s Spurs t‑shirt

It has been ten days now. I am almost over it, but not quite. On the Wednes­day morn­ing after game six, I woke up at 4:37. It all came surg­ing back, like a punch in my gut. Manu’s free throw, Kawhi’s free throw. Kawhi’s almost rebound. The ball to Ray Allen in the cor­ner. (I knew that suck­er was going in before he caught it.) Tim­mie on the bench. Manu get­ting raped as he drove the lane. I lay in bed and fought the inex­orable truth that that was our chance.

On the Fri­day morn­ing after game sev­en, I woke up at 4:48. The first thing I thought was that it was over. Then I thought about game six. All I could remem­ber of game sev­en was Manu on the right side above the three-point line, close game, make some­thing hap­pen, ball through his hands, out of bounds. Fol­lowed by Manu at the top of the key, still close game, guard­ed, pass to the right, no one there, ball out of bounds! Manu! Manu will for­ev­er be my favorite Spur, the bravest soul in a pan­theon of heroes. I was crushed.

I’m bet­ter now, still wound­ed but recov­er­ing, out of dan­ger as they say. It took ther­a­py. I didn’t watch PTI or Around the Horn for the entire next week. Didn’t open the sports page. Didn’t watch local news. The only King James I want­ed any­thing to do with was the bib­li­cal one.

Now I real­ize how won­der­ful it all was, even giv­en how it end­ed. Part of my appre­ci­a­tion is pure­ly self­ish. NBA play­offs start in the mid-April and go through the mid­dle of June. The end of the school year! I can’t begin to describe what a balm it is as you limp through one of those final school days know­ing that the Spurs play that night. A ton­ic for burn-out syn­drome. (Not always easy to get up the next day, though.)

Face­book is more fun when the Spurs are in the play­offs. Spurs fans are knowl­edge­able, zeal­ous and some­times almost rabid. I’m shocked at how many women I know who are die-hard sports fans when it comes to Spurs play­off time. And I love it when I see some­one I had pegged as a gen­tle, dig­ni­fied soul go bal­lis­tic over a blown call or moron­ic com­ment by a tele­vi­sion analyst.

This year I dis­cov­ered a new plea­sure that coin­cides with Spurs play­off games. As the game gets under­way, I start a mes­sage board with my two sons, my daugh­ter, and sev­er­al oth­er com­mit­ted Spurs fans that I am close to. As the game pro­ceeds, we shoot com­ments back and forth, express­ing joy, out­rage, pas­sion, and most­ly rather sick sens­es of humor. So much fun. It’s like watch­ing the game with your fam­i­ly and friends, only you don’t have to buy extra beer and snacks.

Anoth­er great thing about root­ing for the Spurs is that play­off fever seems to per­me­ate every lev­el of exis­tence in San Anto­nio and the sur­round­ing area. It’s not just peo­ple who go to sports bars. The oth­er night I was run­ning a ten­nis clin­ic, and I was talk­ing with three girls, one four­teen and the oth­er two six­teen. Typ­i­cal teenage girls—except they were talk­ing bas­ket­ball! “Kawhi always comes up with that rebound,” one girl said. “We should have had Tim­mie in the game,” anoth­er stat­ed. “Chris Bosh is prob­a­bly the ugli­est man on the plan­et,” the third opined. Knowl­edge­able bas­ket­ball talk!

A com­mon con­cern seems to be that this was our last shot, one final stab at the fifth ring. Heck no! My friend Sean, who keeps up with such things, assures me that we have the right peo­ple signed, we have cap space, we have free agents inter­est­ed in com­ing here. I say we have Pop and R.C. It wouldn’t sur­prise me at all if we were talk­ing about our Big Three five years from now, and it was Tony and Kawhi and Livio.

Hous­ton has the Rock­ets and the Astros and the Tex­ans. Dal­las has the Mavs and the Cow­boys and the Rangers and the Stars. They can keep them all. I am con­tent to cheer for the sound­est, classi­est, most dig­ni­fied orga­ni­za­tion in all of pro­fes­sion­al sports—win or lose.


  • Pain gone now! Spurs are 2014 NBA Cham­pi­ons! Sum­mer in San Anto­nio but no Heat in sight.

    John I.19 June, 2014
    • Plan­ning to write my 2014 review this weekend–check it out if you get a chance!

      Dallin Malmgren19 June, 2014
  • Read­ing this blog for a sec­ond time and it is a lot more enjoy­able now! By the way, that Sean guy is a genius. Hap­py retire­ment and Go Spurs Go!

    Sean19 June, 2014
  • While I am not the die hard Spurs fan that you are, I did watch the finals play­off. So close-yet so far away. But, I do agree, the Spurs are one classy team.

    Dianne James5 July, 2013
  • Awe, how sad you only have one team for which to root and Dal­las has four. (You can now tear apart my poor sen­tence struc­ture and choice of words — LOL.) I was hop­ing the Spurs would win, too! I can’t stand the Cow­boys, bare­ly care about the Mavs but must say I have a soft spot for the Rangers and the Stars. But your one, hum­ble team is much loved.

    Laura Grimmer3 July, 2013
  • Yep-tee-shirt goes back into the draw­er until next year, but then…look out…Go Spurs!

    Karen1 July, 2013

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