Things I don’t understand

pho­to by karen

Per­haps this is an effect of pan­dem­ic fever. I am becom­ing increas­ing­ly aware of how much I don’t know.

–How “real­i­ty” tele­vi­sion became so popular.
–How any race or eth­nic­i­ty of peo­ple can think them­selves supe­ri­or (or infe­ri­or) to any oth­er race or eth­nic­i­ty. Dif­fer­ent, I get.
–How peo­ple can go their entire lives with­out acknowl­edg­ing that they are cre­at­ed beings, and thus must have a Creator.
–Why my body often will not do what my mind tells it dur­ing my golf swing.
–Why love is so easy to pro­claim and so dif­fi­cult to practice.
–How it is even pos­si­ble for so many evil, hor­ri­ble things to have been done through­out human his­to­ry in the name of religion.
–How devot­ed fol­low­ers of Jesus Christ can pas­sion­ate­ly sup­port Don­ald Trump.
–How fame and for­tune came to be more desir­able than peace and contentment.
–How believ­ers in democ­ra­cy can attempt to sup­press the vote.
–Why so many foods that taste so good are inevitably bad for you.
–Why peo­ple will believe what­ev­er they are told if they want to.
–How any­one can blame homo­sex­u­als for being who they are.
–Why the use of alco­hol is so much more social­ly accept­able than the use of marijuana.
–How the pres­ence of God can be so evi­dent and elu­sive at the same time.
–Why there are not term lim­its for all of our elect­ed representatives.
–Why any­one who lives here would want to shut down the post office.
–Insom­nia. Why isn’t there just a switch?
–Why some peo­ple refuse to wear masks.
–The stock mar­ket. Don’t under­stand it, don’t want to learn. Thanks, Mike.
–Why kneel­ing for the nation­al anthem is seen as unpatriotic.
–How human sex­u­al­i­ty can so fre­quent­ly become so messed-up.
–How any­one can believe own­ing an AK-47 is a God-giv­en right.
–Why mar­riage doesn’t just get eas­i­er and eas­i­er and easier.
–How fam­i­lies lose the con­cept of uncon­di­tion­al love.
–Why it is just as easy to lie to our­selves as it is to others.
–The sub­jec­tive appeal of music. Not com­plain­ing about it, actu­al­ly appre­ci­ate it. I just don’t get it.
–Man’s inhu­man­i­ty to man. Duh.
–The mind of God. Nev­er have under­stood it, nev­er will. But I love the glimpses.


  • Dallin, Good ques­tions! Not acknowl­edg­ing / want­i­ng to live with­in our lim­its may explain sev­er­al of these:
    Cre­at­ed / Creator
    Body misbehaving
    Love being hard to practive
    Evit in the name of reli­gion or not
    Fame and forture
    Vote suppression
    believe what­ev­er they are told
    Pres­ence of God: attrib­ut­able to God mys­tery, our createdness
    Uncon­di­tion­al love
    Lying to self and others
    Stock market
    Mind of God

    (But then one has to ask why we seem unable to live with­in limits.)

    Trump: not sure
    Homo­sex­u­als: not sure
    Marijuana: ?
    Term limits ?
    Post office ?
    Insomnia ?
    Human sexuality ?
    Music: mys­tery of God / humans

    Bill Meek29 May, 2021
  • Great ques­tions, Dallin! Each one could — and most of them have — create(d) a Quo­ra-type thread.

    Ross Haselhorst27 August, 2020
  • Loved this!

    Amanda26 August, 2020

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