Zooming with the Texas Malmgrens

Pho­to by Facebook?

It was such a pleas­ant evening…hanging out with my wife and my three kids and their spous­es, hav­ing drinks. I had a cab and Karen a blush…Beth was hav­ing white wine…Nate and Annal­isa went with margaritas…Zack and Kallie, Texas Whiskey. We talked about every­thing: our cir­cum­stances, our fam­i­lies, good enter­tain­ment, pol­i­tics (Malm­grens always talk pol­i­tics), how we’re real­ly han­dling it. Dylan and Zack and I com­pared coro­n­abeards. Dylan played a song. Every sin­gle per­son came away from that expe­ri­enced com­fort­ed. We talked for almost three hours!

I know I am behind the curve on this one, but I sus­pect there are oth­ers even fur­ther behind. Nathan set it up for us (every fam­i­ly has a Nathan, I hope). Tele­con­fer­enc­ing, duh? Only take the con­fer­enc­ing out of it. In these so dif­fi­cult times each of us is going through, we can get the gift of present fam­i­ly. Togeth­er! Nev­er has there been such a time when we all need­ed our fam­i­ly! I know there are dys­func­tion­al families…never has there been such a time to work it out. We have the means to draw near­er in a time of uncertainty. 

Nathan used Zoom. I know there are a mul­ti­tude of oth­er tech­no­log­i­cal ways to do this. The won­der­ful thing is that you are together—you can see each oth­er and hear each oth­er (grant­ed, doesn’t com­pare to real life). I already have plans for a cock­tail hour with my beloved Spurs Group buddies. 

Do you real­ize how use­ful this is? Our pas­tor Cheryl prayed today “Lord, do not let social dis­tanc­ing draw us apart, but rather find a way to use it to bring us togeth­er.” We have the tools to draw near­er to our fam­i­lies. I’ve had more con­tact with my broth­er and four sis­ters in the past week than I have in the past six months. (Anoth­er con­nec­tion my sis­ter Diana intro­duced: my side of the fam­i­ly (the five above and all of our prog­e­ny) are con­nect­ed on an app called WhatsApp—we can use Face­book to send our in-fam­i­ly reflec­tions (of every kind) to all of us—no one else sees us. I start­ed yes­ter­day and I like it very much already.

I believe we are sup­posed to draw strength from our fam­i­ly. We are to draw from the love that we find there and we are to spread it out­ward. Our friends, our co-work­ers, our acquain­tances, who­ev­er life puts in our path…has there ever been a more impor­tant time to look beyond our own needs? 

It is going to get tougher out there. At our gath­er­ing, we talked about what pos­i­tives we could see in this cur­rent cri­sis. This is what I told my chil­dren: Some­how in the last five or so years (or longer than that), we as a nation got point­ed in the wrong direc­tion. We began to change our values…the love of mon­ey is okay…you get what you deserve…some peo­ple are bet­ter than others…my opin­ion is more impor­tant than yours. And we began rolling down that road. As one soul on the plan­et, I prayed: How do we change this, Lord? How can we turn? 

Don’t mis­un­der­stand, God had noth­ing to do with giv­ing us the virus…we could do that on our own. God takes what we do and turns it toward our good–I don’t know how—it’s a mir­a­cle! I hope and pray that God uses this virus to open our hearts—to give our­selves to one another—I pray that the Spir­it of the Lord is sweep­ing over the land… (okay, I might not have said all that). I believe there is unlim­it­ed good that can come from this. We have to look for that good.


  • Loved this!

    Laura23 March, 2020
  • I love that you do this! Zoom on!! I will con­sid­er try­ing it too.

    Gloria23 March, 2020
  • My annu­al Spring col­lege friends reunion is being post­poned to end of June. I may sug­gest Zoom to get us all togeth­er soon­er. Glad you have a Nathan. In my fam­i­ly I am Nathan! ?

    Gina Bennett22 March, 2020

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