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My Writing Confession

I was only sup­posed to teach for five years. After that I was going to be a suc­cess­ful Young Adult author, about one book a year, speak­ing engage­ments around the coun­try, maybe a movie deal or two. You know, John Green. That was the dream, and I worked at it—you should see the volu­mi­nous notes, […]

The Detritus of Life

I have a con­fes­sion to make, and it is pret­ty horrible…some of you should stop read­ing now. This real­ly hap­pened. Karen and I and her Aunt Faith were stay­ing the night in Fen­ton, Mis­souri after spend­ing the whole day mov­ing Faith out of her home. The next day we would fly to Dal­las where Faith […]

Is it fun being you?” … (why I asked that)

I sus­pect most teach­ers have cer­tain ques­tions they use as con­ver­sa­tion starters (espe­cial­ly on a 1:1 basis). One of mine was: “Can I ask you a per­son­al ques­tion?” If they said no or hes­i­tat­ed, I said, “Okay, fine.” Nine times out of ten, those recal­ci­trant ones would say, “Nev­er mind. What is it?” Most of […]


Do you even want to change? Yeah, I know about all the self-help books sold every year…but I think telling our­selves we would like to change is spir­i­tu­al com­fort food. And tak­ing itty-bit­­ty steps down that path is dessert. Then you are done. Do you want to change? We all feel like we should, in one […]

Reading revisited

While play­ing golf, my friend Dan asked what I would do with the rest of my day. After mak­ing the “If I have a beer, I will prob­a­bly take a nap” con­fes­sion, I said I’d prob­a­bly work on my blog or read. “Read­ing nev­er came easy to me, so I don’t read much,” Dan said, […]

Reflections on retirement–then and now

This is a bit of a cheat, but I like it and it’s my blog. You know how Face­book will play like your mem­o­ry, revis­it­ing things you post­ed in the past? I post­ed what fol­lows short­ly after I retired. I want to repost it, along with com­ments on how it looks five years lat­er. (Com­ments […]


The world needs more art. I real­ized this as I was watch­ing a film called Eighth Grade awhile back. I won­dered what made me appre­ci­ate the movie so much. It was a real­is­tic por­trait, very much the way kids are (as I remem­ber from teach­ing and being). And it was uplift­ing. Cer­tain val­ues were sown […]

To thine own self be gentle

You can­not be judged by sta­tus; you can­not be judged by suc­cess; you can­not be judged by Face­book friends or neigh­bors’ opin­ions; …by your spouse;…by your par­ents or your chil­dren; and you should not be judged by your­self. There’s only one Judge. And, let’s face it, you have been found guilty, and, thank God, you […]

In Praise of Jubal (Music makes the world go round)

After silence, that which comes near­est to express­ing the inex­press­ible is music.” –Aldous Hux­ley When I decid­ed to write about music, I asked Aunt Faith what kind of music under what cir­cum­stances has had an impact on her life. “None,” she replied. “I don’t lis­ten to music.” I was amazed. We moved a col­lec­tion of […]

The Other

So you are here. You know that you can­not have cre­at­ed your­self, but you are aware of a self. Your mom and dad? That’s just biology—they had no hand in design­ing you. They were busy enjoy­ing oth­er things. You and The Other—that which cre­at­ed you. This is an imme­di­ate and an eter­nal rela­tion­ship. If you […]

Dreams (…are only in your head…)

I used to tell my stu­dents that dreams were one of the great­est gifts we received—free life. I’d tell them that I knew exact­ly how it felt to be shot because one time I had—in a dream. I had expe­ri­enced, close up, in an open field, the pow­er of a hur­ri­cane. (If I was on […]

Part II: Phrases and thoughts…(from God)

This might seem like just a con­tin­u­a­tion of my last post, but real­ly it’s not. Those last ones (Phras­es and thoughts that opened up my mind) I would call accidental—I was liv­ing my life and these ideas jumped out at me and stuck. This next set I would call interventional—at the risk of grandios­i­ty, God […]

Phrases and thoughts that have opened up my mind

(Pho­to by Steve Slate) Okay, I am sure you have your own list, but if mine gets you think­ing about yours, that is a good thing. All that fol­lows are illu­mi­na­tions, insights, exis­ten­tial hypothe­ses, moments of clar­i­ty, rev­e­la­tions that changed the way I looked at the world. I mean, stuff that stuck with me. Most of […]

Discord (marital and otherwise)

Dis­cord (mar­i­tal and oth­er­wise) Some­times it feels like a bear-trap snap­ping shut. You were just walk­ing along, and the next thing you know it’s right in front of you. I’m not say­ing you can’t see it coming…you just choose not to. So when it hits you’re not ready. Which gen­er­al­ly leads to more dis­cord. Of […]

The Log

Okay, I told this sto­ry a hun­dred times in my class­room: At my old high school in Upper Dar­by, PA there was a revered cou­ple, John­ny Scott and Sal­ly Drake. John­ny was the star quar­ter­back and Sal­ly was the head cheer­leader some­where back in the 1950’s. They went to Sil­ver Lake to make out, and […]

That was the Lord (events, major and minor)

We all have expe­ri­ences that illu­mi­nate my select­ed title—even if we don’t acknowl­edge them. As long as you accept that there is an Oth­er out there—as a crea­ture (you didn’t make your­self) you accred­it a creator—you have to be avail­able for the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an inter­ac­tion with Him/Her/It/Force. Maybe you don’t have to—if He speaks, […]

A message to my former students

As soon as I retired, I start­ed hav­ing these dreams.  The prin­ci­pal walked into my class­room to eval­u­ate me and I was com­plete­ly unpre­pared.  Or I was dri­ving the school bus down the high­way and my ten­nis kids were hang­ing out the win­dows, ignor­ing me as I screamed at them.  Or my seniors in English […]

Karen’s poem — A Lament for Sutherland Springs

Here’s the thing:  it’s got­ten hard to watch the news because a mad­man (or mad­men) doing hor­ri­ble things to inno­cent peo­ple has become such a fre­quent occur­rence.  But Suther­land Springs hit us hard.  As we watched the sto­ry unfold, it shook us to the core.  For one thing, it’s so close (only 30 miles away). […]

Hello, Jesus: my true confession

It has been about three and a half years since I retired from teach­ing.  I have to con­fess, I haven’t looked back at all.  Don’t miss it, haven’t kept in touch, don’t think about it (but still dream about it!)—I even avoid good old Clemens High School like the plague. I knew that when I […]

Two hands make a heart over an open book

The Sixties Kid, Bonjour Boys & Out of My Hands at Lulu.com

Three pre­vi­ous­ly unre­leased books NOW avail­able at Lulu.com!

Images from book Whatever You Are Doing is The Most Beautiful. . .

Whatever you are doing…

Is there a gene for cre­ativ­i­ty?  I have no idea.  I do have a col­lec­tion of my father’s short sto­ries, which he nev­er pub­lished although I think they are quite good.  And I see a cre­ative flair in all three of my chil­dren, but espe­cial­ly in my mid­dle child, Nathan (Silace Amaro).  I’d like to […]

Picture of Fireworks from Butte, MT

I do hereby resolve…

Yep, I believe.  I’ve been mak­ing New Year’s res­o­lu­tions for years and keep­ing them for months.  When my chil­dren were grow­ing up, we’d all sit down at the kitchen table on New Year’s Eve and make up a list of ten res­o­lu­tions.  (Was that my idea?)  Then we’d throw in two or three for each […]