Blog Archives - Page 11 of 11 - Dallin Malmgren

God and the 5th Hole

God is intense­ly involved in my golf game. Does that sound as ridicu­lous to you as it does to me? And yet I believe it is true. You see, I have invit­ed God to par­tic­i­pate with me, and I believe He is there with me every hole I play. I freely admit I do most […]

The Birds and the Bees and the Flowers and the Trees

The fol­low­ing is a chap­ter from my auto­bi­og­ra­phy in progress:     The Birds and the Bees and the Flow­ers and the Trees   I nev­er even thought about my par­ents hav­ing sex.  In ret­ro­spect, I’m sure they did—there are six of us chil­dren and only occa­sion­al sus­pi­cions about parent­age.  I don’t sup­pose any child is […]

Three Movies

…you got­ta see! I’m not one of those guys. I nev­er sit around and watch a movie over and over again, mem­o­riz­ing every line of dia­logue, so I can spring it into my next beer/guy talk. Even movies that I love I very rarely watch more than once. I take the same atti­tude I have with […]

Dallin Malmgren with apple in his mouth

Insert Foot in Mouth

In the Epis­tle of James, we read: “The tongue is a fire, the very world of iniq­ui­ty; the tongue is set among our mem­bers as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.” Hoo boy. I’ll go along with that. My […]

crumbled Spurs t-shirt

Los Spurs

It has been ten days now. I am almost over it, but not quite. On the Wednes­day morn­ing after game six, I woke up at 4:37. It all came surg­ing back, like a punch in my gut. Manu’s free throw, Kawhi’s free throw. Kawhi’s almost rebound. The ball to Ray Allen in the cor­ner. (I […]

My Next Career

There was high school and there was retire­ment; then there was that year in between.” –Dallin Malm­gren Thir­­ty-two down and one more to go.  God will­ing, that is the plan.  Some peo­ple wor­ry that they won’t know what to do with them­selves when they retire.  Not a big con­cern here.  I fre­quent­ly joke that I’ve […]

Two Trees in Texas

The Joy of Life…

I remem­ber when I was a boy, I would wake up and go out­side in the ear­ly morn­ing.  And I would stand in the air, and I’d breathe, and this feel­ing would pulse through me–the joy of life.  Gur­gling and bub­bling, an effer­ves­cence of spir­it.  It would hap­pen most­ly in sum­mer (at least I associate […]

Bandit golf course

Home alone…

The begin­ning of June brings two bliss­ful events into my life prac­ti­cal­ly every year:  the school year ends, and , less obvi­ous­ly, my wife leaves me.  Wait, that is not as bad as it sounds.  I love my wife.  We will have been mar­ried for 35 years on August 27th, and I’m hop­ing for another […]

Rosemary in bloom.

Mowing the lawn.…

Just did it this morn­ing.  It’s a menial task, but someone’s got to do it.  It takes around 45 min­utes at my new house.  It used to take about two hours for my acre in Cibo­lo, and that was with a rid­ing mow­er.  That was a god-awful job, with dust and rocks and weeds and […]

Ascia holding up anatomically correct salt-n-pepper shakers.

Ascia … my dear mom

 (The fol­low­ing is actu­al­ly a chap­ter from my nev­er-end­ing, self-per­pet­u­at­ing auto­bi­og­ra­phy called My Forty Pages–way more than that and still grow­ing.  I hope to put it up on my web­site some­day.) As dis­tant and estranged as I felt from my father grow­ing up, so I seemed attached and con­nect­ed to my moth­er.  Not in a […]

Teacher and student are strangled by large rubberband.

TAKS me no questions…and I’ll tell you no lies

Four straight days of test­ing this week.  I asked my seniors if they knew how lucky they were–come to school at 12:50 every day, two or three or four short­ened class peri­ods, and home again.  To top it off, Mon­day was Senior Skip Day (hmm, why do I feel guilty cap­i­tal­iz­ing that?) For the rest of […]

Dallin Malmgren at desk in 1989.

Have you found your calling? Or, I ain’t no Stephen King…

This is my first blog entry in a month.  Dang.  I was sup­posed to do one once a week, every Sun­day.  Anoth­er res­o­lu­tion bites the dust (see my first blog entry).  What can I say?  Life hap­pened. Except that is a cop-out.  It’s not like I have been so inun­dat­ed with the cares of this […]

Dallin Malmgren holds roses in 2004.

Spring Break…

…is my third favorite hol­i­day of the whole year. It is like a flota­tion device thrown to you just as you’re about to go under in the sea of the sec­ond semes­ter. I don’t care any­thing about cal­en­dar dates—spring offi­cial­ly begins on the first day of Spring Break. The air smells dif­fer­ent on that first […]

Close-up of cactus plant

The Out-of-Towner…

I missed a blog entry last weekend—I’m try­ing to do one every Sun­day.  I have enough self-aware­­ness to know I’ll miss a few here and there (and to not beat myself up about it—guilt has nev­er been a strong moti­va­tor for me).  I’m blam­ing the out-of-town­er for last week­end. Every year I take my tennis […]

Old Texas Gravestone

Death is not the end…

… and how a dog taught me that. I am not a pet per­son.  Karen and I do not have a pet at this point, and that is by my pref­er­ence with her reluc­tant assent.  But I don’t expect it to last too long.  I have observed and rec­og­nized and even come to respect an undeniable […]

Old Ford Pick-up truck

Losing things…

I lost my school keys last week­end.  I know, an unre­mark­able event…is it worth writ­ing about?  Yes, because most of us lose stuff, and I’m curi­ous to know if my expe­ri­ence of loss and recov­ery fol­lows a com­mon thread.  Feed­back is invit­ed. First off, it was a big deal.  Those keys unlock my job—the doors […]

Wife and husband in conversation

Spousal arguments…

Karen and I had a fight on Fri­day.  I have the com­mon sense and the deco­rum not to use this blog as a sound­ing board (or soap­box) for the intri­ca­cies of our rela­tion­ship, but it did get me think­ing about mar­i­tal dis­cord.  I am pleased and relieved that as we get old­er, our fights are […]

Water Lilies at the Getty Villa in Los Angeles

A good listener…

…is a joy to engage.  There is a com­fort to be found in the sym­pa­thet­ic ear and the atten­tive mind that tran­scends friend­ship or fel­low­ship or even ther­a­py.  Good lis­ten­ers are a hot com­mod­i­ty in the com­merce of inter­per­son­al rela­tions.  And they’re not that easy to find.  Become a good lis­ten­er and you are guaranteed […]

Abstract grasses with digital effect

Shock treatments…

I have wit­nessed at least 20 elec­tric shock treat­ments in my life.  In my younger days I worked as a psy­chi­atric aide for six years at the Mid-Mis­­­souri Men­tal Health Cen­ter.  (When I tell my stu­dents this, some­one always comes up with the wiseguy ques­tion:  “Are you sure you worked there?”  My stock answer:  “There’s […]

Peace Like a River Cover

A good book…

I just fin­ished read­ing a book, Peace like a Riv­er by Leif Enger, for the sec­ond time.  I hard­ly ever do that.  Life is too short, and there are too many books I want to read.  But I liked this book so well I select­ed it for my book group (we rotate choos­ing), and reading […]