Photo enhanced by Karen
*I can become a better listener.
*I can give more of myself.
*I can give Karen the space and nearness she needs.
*I can press on in my devotions.
*I can make more friends.
*I can reach out to my past.
*I can be a better, more trusting steward of Your generosity.
*I can find more stuff Karen and I can do together (we are on the path as one).
*I can increase my commitment to the church.
*I can try to understand my dreams.
*Can I raise my awareness—or do You have to do that?
*I can respect Your planet.
*I can do more with less.
*I can be more attentive to Your voice (or You could speak louder).
*I can be healthier. Really. By choices I make every single day.
*I can pay more attention to the shadowy insinuations made by my ego, and give them less and less weight.
*I can learn to ride that wave that separates fanaticism from devotion from hypocrisy.
*I can enjoy sports without being idolatrous of my teams.
*I can love my family without being blinded by my family.
*I can love my wife as Christ loves the church.
*I can live my life more than observe it.
*I can learn to see Christ in every relationship I have.
*I can learn more about You by reading.
*I can learn more about You by listening to music.
*I can learn more about You by playing golf—really!
*I can get way better at learning how to recognize the downswells and believing I can surf them.
*I can be way more wise and compassionate with people who annoy me.
*I can do more in service of my Lord.
*I can be more open about my faith with my family and my friends.
*I can drink less and enjoy it more.
*I can treasure the memories of my children growing up.
*I can breathe with You.
*I can recognize I am in the body of Christ and try to do my part.
*I can pray without ceasing. (It’s really possible—it’s an attitude, not an action).
*I can give my own political leanings over to You.
*I can always remember that the Kingdom is at hand.
*I can make reparations for my sins (that’s a tricky one).
*I can appreciate Jesus and affirm who He is.
*Honestly, I am so thankful, but I can be even more.
*Believe, believe, believe; trust, trust, trust; ask, ask, ask.
*I can look forward to the next day with anticipation and joy.
*I can thank You forever for capturing my soul.
Love all of your thoughts and will attempt to incorporate many of them into my own search for ever more closeness with our Lord.
Oh, Dallin! I loved every word of this. Write ON!
As an atheist I am amazed at how much energy you devote to what I consider to be a fantasy. I honestly wonder how much your insistence on maintaining this fantasy keeps you from growing. Just a thought.
hey don — great to hear from you. i think this is the second comment i’ve got from you on my blog. i love that you read it. of course, i respect your belief in atheism as much as i expect you to respect my dissimilar one. the only thing that disturbs me is your comment about growth…if you remember that hippie dippy boy that used to wander about Stonybrook and Calwood farm with no clue what he was doing with his life, i can’t believe you don’t see (even in my writing) some maturation from that guy.