The Birds and the Bees and the Flowers and the Trees

The fol­low­ing is a chap­ter from my auto­bi­og­ra­phy in progress:bee (2)  


The Birds and the Bees and the Flow­ers and the Trees


I nev­er even thought about my par­ents hav­ing sex.  In ret­ro­spect, I’m sure they did—there are six of us chil­dren and only occa­sion­al sus­pi­cions about parent­age.  I don’t sup­pose any child is com­fort­able con­jur­ing up images of his par­ents doing it.  So when did the first bub­ble of sex­u­al aware­ness emerge in my psy­che?  I’m guess­ing it had some­thing to do with ani­mals.  I dim­ly remem­ber two dogs get­ting stuck togeth­er, and my mom spray­ing them with a hose.  (Pret­ty sure they weren’t even our dogs!)

I remem­ber going into my par­ents’ bed­room on a week­end morn­ing once when I was a small boy.  They were just get­ting up, and my moth­er was wear­ing a flim­sy night­gown.  She bent over to get some­thing and I got a child’s eye view of a breast hang­ing free under the night­gown.  Then I looked at my father, and he had a fun­ny inde­fin­able gleam in his eye.  It just clicked.  I knew imme­di­ate­ly that there was a cer­tain part of their life togeth­er that I knew noth­ing about.

When I was in the sec­ond grade and my broth­er Carl was in the fourth, my father took us out to lunch.  We knew that some­thing was up, because he hard­ly ever did that.  Carl rode in the front seat and I rode in the back, and we went to Dairy Queen, which I believe was the only fast food restau­rant that exist­ed at that time.  My dad had decid­ed that it was time to explain the facts of life—I mean, the mechan­ics and every­thing.  I don’t recall exact­ly how he brought it up, or even specif­i­cal­ly what he said.  I only knew that I didn’t believe him!  I remem­ber cor­ner­ing my broth­er in the restroom after our lun­cheon and demand­ing to know if Dad had been telling truth.  I just couldn’t believe that what I used to pee with could have an entire­ly dif­fer­ent func­tion.  I still think it’s a bio­log­i­cal incongruity—waste and repro­duc­tion through the same instru­ment.  How great Thou art.

My next rec­ol­lec­tion of sex prob­a­bly closed out my child­hood era.  I found a Play­boy mag­a­zine hid­den in one of my dad’s draw­ers.  (No, I don’t know why I was going through his draw­ers.)  That real­ly shocked me.  But I was get­ting old­er by then, and I thought the mag­a­zine was very cool.  Jayne Mans­field was in it.  Pret­ty soon I was search­ing through my dad’s stuff, look­ing for oth­er Playboys.


  • Oh my good­ness this made me laugh! I remem­ber respond­ing with ‘ewww’ when my par­ents would kiss and my moth­er would say ‘well how do you think you got here!’ Need­less to say I thought babies came from kiss­ing for awhile…

    Christine Bowden25 July, 2013

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