Photo of the Week


zack spur family











Fol­low­ing the fam­i­ly theme for my first post-retire­ment post­ing:  My son Zachary and my beau­ti­ful grand­daugh­ters Harp­er and Ellie root­ing the Spurs on to the cham­pi­onship.  (No, Ellie is not a Heat fan!)  –pho­to by my for­mer stu­dent Kallie Doerr Malmgren!



8-20-2013 — Pho­to #9












In Pho­to­jour­nal­ism we did an assign­ment called Con­trast­ing Photos–I think Zach Thom­son’s was

Acceptance/Alienation.”  I thought his Alien­ation pho­to was real­ly cool!





8–4‑2013 — Pho­to #8

I took this photo myself, but that doesn't mean i can't really like it.  I'd gotten to school one morning (mine is the beat-up red pick-up truck in background) and there was the tuba, all alone in the parking lot.  Very weird image.

I took this pho­to myself, but that does­n’t mean i can’t real­ly like it. I’d got­ten to school one morn­ing (mine is the beat-up red pick-up truck in back­ground) and there was the tuba, all alone in the park­ing lot. Very weird image.












kallie and erin

Pho­to #7 — This pho­to is espe­cial­ly dear to my heart since it fea­tures my love­ly daugh­ter-in-law, Kallie (Doerr) Malm­gren and her friend, Erin (McBur­nett) Stavros, back in high school. Kallie could­n’t remem­ber if the hoochie out­fits were for Hal­loween or for a cheesy film we made in Cre­ative Writ­ing called “Twain.” Nei­ther of us knew who took the pic­ture or how I end­ed up with it.









7-21-2013 — Pho­to #6

Photo #6 -- This photo i why high school girls crack me up--full of life, creative, and just a little mischievous.

This pho­to i why high school girls crack me up–full of life, cre­ative, and just a lit­tle mischievous.











tennis '00

Pho­to #5 — Haha, this one real­ly cracked me up! This is my var­si­ty ten­nis team in 2000 (or there­abouts), and we are on our overnight trip to Cor­pus (geez, they loved the overnighter!) As you can see, we made a diver­sion­ary trip to the beach. What shocks me is how prim and prop­er the kids swimwear was, espe­cial­ly the girls. This looks like it could have been tak­en in 1950. Trust me, if my kids from the past four or five years were in this picture…well, nev­er mind.








brittney i.Pho­to #4 — This is Brit­tney Ire­land, the girl who wrote “The Stranger.” (see FSW) Looks like she was Home­com­ing Princess that year. I like the shot because, as you can see, she is quite love­ly, but also for its sub­text, which made me laugh. If you look close­ly, you can see there are tiny pin­pricks in Brittney’s face. The pho­to hung on a bul­letin board in my ten­nis office, and appar­ent­ly, some of the younger girls were jeal­ous of her. In ten­nis, there is always drama!









ana - powPho­to #3 — This pho­to was tak­en by Ana Car­ba­jal, I think when she went to Europe one sum­mer. It looks very Euro­pean, does­n’t it? Ana was def­i­nite­ly one of the most tal­ent­ed pho­tog­ra­phers I had take my Pho­to­jour­nal­ism class. I’m sure I did­n’t teach her much, but she did real­ly cool projects, I learned from her, and we got along well.







raccoonPho­to #2 — This is prob­a­bly my favorite pho­to­graph of all time from my pho­to­jour­nal­ism class. It was tak­en by Daniel Hardy, one of my ten­nis play­ers who also had the class. He was get­ting back to school late from a band event, and he saw the rac­coon scram­ble in between the two dump­sters near the band hall. He grabbed his cam­era, fol­lowed the rac­coon, and took the shot. Total­ly amaz­ing that the rac­coon just hap­pened to have dis­cov­ered a ten­nis ball!







Christmas '09 049 (2)webPho­to #1 —  It all starts with me and her.