Following the family theme for my first post-retirement posting: My son Zachary and my beautiful granddaughters Harper and Ellie rooting the Spurs on to the championship. (No, Ellie is not a Heat fan!) –photo by my former student Kallie Doerr Malmgren!
8-20-2013 — Photo #9
In Photojournalism we did an assignment called Contrasting Photos–I think Zach Thomson’s was
“Acceptance/Alienation.” I thought his Alienation photo was really cool!
8–4‑2013 — Photo #8
Photo #7 — This photo is especially dear to my heart since it features my lovely daughter-in-law, Kallie (Doerr) Malmgren and her friend, Erin (McBurnett) Stavros, back in high school. Kallie couldn’t remember if the hoochie outfits were for Halloween or for a cheesy film we made in Creative Writing called “Twain.” Neither of us knew who took the picture or how I ended up with it.
7-21-2013 — Photo #6
Photo #5 — Haha, this one really cracked me up! This is my varsity tennis team in 2000 (or thereabouts), and we are on our overnight trip to Corpus (geez, they loved the overnighter!) As you can see, we made a diversionary trip to the beach. What shocks me is how prim and proper the kids swimwear was, especially the girls. This looks like it could have been taken in 1950. Trust me, if my kids from the past four or five years were in this picture…well, never mind.
Photo #4 — This is Brittney Ireland, the girl who wrote “The Stranger.” (see FSW) Looks like she was Homecoming Princess that year. I like the shot because, as you can see, she is quite lovely, but also for its subtext, which made me laugh. If you look closely, you can see there are tiny pinpricks in Brittney’s face. The photo hung on a bulletin board in my tennis office, and apparently, some of the younger girls were jealous of her. In tennis, there is always drama!
Photo #3 — This photo was taken by Ana Carbajal, I think when she went to Europe one summer. It looks very European, doesn’t it? Ana was definitely one of the most talented photographers I had take my Photojournalism class. I’m sure I didn’t teach her much, but she did really cool projects, I learned from her, and we got along well.
Photo #2 — This is probably my favorite photograph of all time from my photojournalism class. It was taken by Daniel Hardy, one of my tennis players who also had the class. He was getting back to school late from a band event, and he saw the raccoon scramble in between the two dumpsters near the band hall. He grabbed his camera, followed the raccoon, and took the shot. Totally amazing that the raccoon just happened to have discovered a tennis ball!
Photo #1 — It all starts with me and her.