Loving God (the first part of the sum of the commandments)

art­work by Annal­isa Barelli

It is stat­ed clear­ly in Matthew 22:37…love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and love your neigh­bor as your­self. I’m using the Bible, but I want to take the broad­er per­spec­tive. If we rec­og­nize we have a Cre­ator (no one has exact­ly the same per­spec­tive on that), and we are searching…interested…responsive…I pro­pose that we are called upon to have an indi­vid­ual, one on one rela­tion­ship with our Cre­ator. The basis of my essay is that He already loves us and we can love Him back. I’m writ­ing from my Chris­t­ian per­spec­tive. I know that God com­plete­ly tran­scends gen­der and even reli­gion, but I will use my famil­iar terms, like Him and Father. You can use what­ev­er terms you are com­fort­able with (or He teach­es you).

We put all of our empha­sis on the sec­ond part of the com­mand­ment because we are unsure about how or if we are doing the first part. What do we do when we love God? I have the scrip­tur­al response: “If you love me, keep my com­mands.” (John 14:15) I don’t dis­agree, but that gets us look­ing back at our­selves. One of the best ways of lov­ing God is pay­ing atten­tion to Him in the moment. If you love God in the moment, you will keep His commands—not because you should, but because you want to.

Pay­ing atten­tion in the moment…what does that mean? It means being aware of God’s pres­ence right where you are stand­ing. It is the most fun part of the rela­tion­ship. When the putt goes in or lips out. When you under­stand coin­ci­dence just might not be. When you real­ize that things gen­er­al­ly turn out bet­ter than you deserve. When you breathe and become aware it is a gift. Pay­ing atten­tion in the moment can be sen­so­ry, but it goes deep­er than that. It is trig­gered by want­i­ng to be clos­er to God.

God’s eas­i­est path to lov­ing Him is nature. Not every­body gives Him cred­it, but most all of us love and admire His cre­ation. His orig­i­nal draft was so pris­tine! Most of the blights that cov­er the plan­et at this time are attrib­ut­able to humankind. His won­ders are ever unfold­ing, always pop­ping up with orig­i­nal­i­ty and fresh­ness. It gets even bet­ter. Lov­ing God in nature doesn’t mean just enjoy­ing His cre­ation like some piece of art in a museum—it means step­ping into His cre­ation (there goes that pay­ing atten­tion thing again). It means climb­ing up moun­tains and ski­ing down them…taking walks…watching the sunset…listening…going out­doors and enjoy­ing it. I saw two male mal­lards fight­ing over a girl today, part­ly on land, part­ly in water—I didn’t get all He was try­ing to teach me, but He got my attention.

The most obvi­ous path­way to lov­ing God is prayer. I know there are oth­er men­tal path­ways. Here’s what I like about prayer: I’m not just talk­ing to myself, and I can say what I think or feel with­out fear: He already knows! Not that I do that—but I am learn­ing. He has showed me that He wants me to be me. I always tried to think of what I should say—like I could impress God. When I first con­vert­ed (45 years ago), we did a lot of group prayer. I would sit in the cir­cle and fer­vent­ly com­pose my prayer, throw­ing in an occa­sion­al “amen” or “yes, Lord” so that peo­ple would think I was present. Now I have a sort of run­ning dia­logue with Him—of course, I do most of the talk­ing, but He has infi­nite mys­te­ri­ous ways of get­ting His point across. I used to think of prayer as a spir­i­tu­al dis­ci­pline– I’m just start­ing to under­stand Paul’s instruc­tion: …pray with­out ceas­ing (1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 5:17).

It’s hard for me to com­mu­ni­cate the joy, the thrill that lov­ing God brings into my life. On one lev­el, it feels like an ado­les­cent gush­ing about a first crush. But it has been 45 years. In ret­ro­spect, it is easy to see how faith­ful, how trust­wor­thy, how gen­tle, how lov­ing He has been through every stage of my life. On the oth­er hand, just being hon­est, it’s appar­ent how incon­stant, how dou­ble-mind­ed, how unpre­dictable I have been in my affec­tions toward Him. And yet, here we are togeth­er. I love Him so much. When pay­ing atten­tion, it is impos­si­ble not to.


  • Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be trou­bled and do not be afraid.”—JOHN 14: 27

    That’s one of my favorite vers­es. I have many I like a lot. I keep them all on my iPhones Notes on a page titled sim­ply “Bible Vers­es I Like”. I sup­pose I should like them all, how­ev­er some I find dis­turb­ing, espe­cial­ly from the Old Tes­ta­ment. It seems irrev­er­ent some­how that in my dai­ly run­ning con­ver­sa­tions with God that I some­times call him Dude? As in — “Dude you did amaz­ing this morn­ing on the sun­rise col­ors!” I don’t know if he minds my infor­mal chats, some­how I think he is ok with it. ?

    Gina Bennett25 March, 2020

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