Love in the Time of Corona

To my for­mer stu­dents (and any­one inter­est­ed): Do you remem­ber the ques­tion­naires, sur­veys, quizzes, etc. we used to take in Cre­ative Writ­ing as learn­ing activ­i­ties (amuse­ments, if you pre­fer)? My con­tri­bu­tion to the quar­an­tine is resurrecting/updating one as a pos­si­ble indi­vid­ual or group activ­i­ty. Only rules are the answers need to come from your heads, not the inter­net. Take a crack at The Love Test (answer key is provided). 

The Love Test

1. What U.S. locale is the hon­ey­moon cap­i­tal of the world? (2 pts. b/c I will accept 2 answers)

2. What weapon does Cupid car­ry? (1 pt.)

3. What is “agape”? (1 pt)

4. Specif­i­cal­ly, how do Romeo & Juli­et die? (2 pt)

5. What was the name of the two lovers in Titan­ic? (2 pt – 2 bonus for last names) 

6. Who does Miss Pig­gy love? (1 pt) 

7. Name a famous cou­ple that broke up in the past year. (1 pt) 

8. Name a movie title of a cou­ple in love. (_______ & _______) (1 pt) 

9. What wed­ding anniver­sary do the fol­low­ing rep­re­sent: A) paper B) sil­ver C) gold D) dia­mond (4 pts)

10. Name a cou­ple who got mar­ried in 2020. (1 pt)

11. Name a TV show where some­one was in love with his/her bestfriend’s boyfriend/girlfriend. (1 pt)

12. What does Love mean in ten­nis? (1 pt)

13. Name a song with “Love” in the title. (1 pt)

14. What flower is tra­di­tion­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with love? (1 pt)

15. Name a famous cou­ple that got togeth­er with­in the last year. (1 pt)

16. Fin­ish this famous quote: “Love means nev­er hav­ing to say _________ ______.” (2 pt)

17. What is a May/December romance? (1 pt)

18. Name the only pres­i­dent who was a bach­e­lor. (1 pt)

19. What cou­ple (still liv­ing) has been togeth­er the longest in your extend­ed fam­i­ly? (1 pt) 

20. What is a sym­bol for love? (1 pt)

21. Why is the for­mer lead singer of Hole on this quiz? (1 pt)

22. Who is the god­dess of love? (2 pts—Greek and Roman)

23. Name a pres­i­den­tial cou­ple. (first & last name) (1 pt)

24. What is the date of Valentine’s Day? (1 pt)

25. Some­one you know who has been mar­ried over 40 years. (1 pt)

26. Say “I love you” in a for­eign lan­guage. (1 pt)

27. What is a food that makes you feel sexy called? (1 pt)

28. What is your par­ents’ anniver­sary. (1 pt–bonus pt. for year)

29. What is your favorite roman­tic com­e­dy? (1 pt)

30. Famous cou­ples: (you com­plete these) (5 pos­si­ble pts)

a. Lois &
b. Homer &
c. Chandler &
d. Angelina &
e. Har­ry & (spelling counts)

When you have com­plet­ed the test, email me ( and I will send you the answer key. Be gen­er­ous with yourselves.

Feel free to share with whomev­er you think will enjoy.

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