HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME November 8–14

Novem­ber 8, 2021
Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 23, 2021 This from A.W. Toz­er in The Pur­suit of God explains exact­ly why I start­ed this writ­ing project. He begins with the quote “In the begin­ning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)
An intel­li­gent plain man, untaught in the truths of Chris­tian­i­ty, com­ing upon this text, would like­ly con­clude that John meant to teach that it is the nature of God to speak, to com­mu­ni­cate His thoughts to oth­ers. And he would be right. A word is a medi­um by which thoughts are expressed, and the appli­ca­tion of the term to the Eter­nal Son leads us to believe that self-expres­sion is inher­ent in the God­head, that God is for­ev­er seek­ing to speak Him­self out to His cre­ation. The whole Bible sup­ports the idea that God is speak­ing. Not God spoke, but God is speak­ing. He is by His nature con­tin­u­ous­ly artic­u­late. He fills the world with His speak­ing voice.

Novem­ber 9,2021
Sat­ur­day, August 28, 2021 God spoke to me about death today: He said He expect­ed me to trust Him to have me pre­pared for that event.

Novem­ber 10, 2021
Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 29, 2021 “All is van­i­ty and striv­ing after wind.” I have strug­gled with the mean­ing of this verse, since it seems like there are many use­ful, help­ful things we can do in this life. But it struck me today that he is refer­ring to all that is ego-dri­ven, all that is done with one’s self on the throne; every­thing from fan­ta­sy foot­ball to golf win­nings to count­ing your num­ber of likes on a post–is van­i­ty and striv­ing after wind. “Do jus­tice, love mer­cy, and walk humbl;y with your God.”

Novem­ber 11,2021
Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 16, 2021 I’m not even sure this qual­i­fies as God speak­ing to me. I was play­ing in the club cham­pi­onship and play­ing bad­ly. So I was con­cen­trat­ing on God’s pres­ence and play­ing ego­less golf. Quite a task! And all of the breaks in golf (lip-outs, bounces. mov­ing trees) seemed to be going against me. But vers­es (“…in all things we are more than con­querors…”) would keep pop­ping into my head remind­ing me of how I should react. It was the calmest day of bad golf I have ever played.

Novem­ber 12,2021
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2021 “Hus­bands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Him­self up for her.” Wow, what absurd instruc­tion. I sat on my porch and real­ized I am inca­pable of lov­ing Karen the way that Christ loves me. That is why the whole thing about wives sub­mit­ting to their hus­bands should nev­er enter any man’s mind. If I fall so short on my end of the bar­gain, how can I pos­si­bly wor­ry about her end? That is the rev­e­la­tion I had on my back porch. Then I prompt­ly went inside and got into an argu­ment with Karen about how to pre­pare din­ner. I’m glad God has a sense of humor.

Novem­ber 13, 2021
(This one fol­lows on the pre­vi­ous one)
Mon­day, Octo­ber 4, 2021 I told my broth­er-in-law about the above inci­dent and we both agreed that God’s admo­ni­tion to “love your neigh­bor” can be far more dif­fi­cult when applied to our wives than to some home­less guy on the street. In fact, I think God’s high­est pur­pose in the sacra­ment of mar­riage is to teach us how to tru­ly love.

Novem­ber 14,2021
Wednes­day, August 18, 2021 I’m find­ing a won­der­ful perk in this project: Since I know I want to write at night (or next morning–I like think­ing about it in bed), I pay more atten­tion in the day to what God might want to say. And I get inun­dat­ed with possibilities…a verse or a song lyric or some sim­ple event or a word from a friend or any of a mil­lion spec­ta­cles of nature, or oth­er ways I can’t imag­ine. I lis­tened to Bob Dylan’s “I Con­tain Mul­ti­tudes” today and real­ized Bob was talk­ing about him­self or me or God. And God’s inten­tion is that we should come on in and look around.

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