God and the 5th Hole


God is intense­ly involved in my golf game. Does that sound as ridicu­lous to you as it does to me? And yet I believe it is true. You see, I have invit­ed God to par­tic­i­pate with me, and I believe He is there with me every hole I play. I freely admit I do most of the talk­ing, but He has His own way of com­mu­ni­cat­ing also. Many golfers I’ve played with have talked about the “golf gods”, but I am monothe­is­tic. It’s me and Him.

Let me explain my lim­it­ed under­stand­ing of God’s involve­ment. God is con­cerned with my char­ac­ter. He wants me to “…be trans­formed…” – He wants me to “…become like Him…” I read these things in my bible. With me, as with many oth­ers, He has a long way to go in this trans­for­ma­tion process. I believe He is look­ing for every oppor­tu­ni­ty to move things along. I think I am most open to change, to being trans­formed, when I am engaged—when I care about what is going on. I’m more aware; I’m more moti­vat­ed; I’m more malleable.

I am intense­ly involved in my golf game (some would say fool­ish­ly involved). I have a lit­tle putting green up in my study. I go to the range two or three times a week. In the sum­mer I play at least three times a week. I save all my score­cards and main­tain a reg­is­tered hand­i­cap online. I care.

So how does this work out, me and God and golf, on a prac­ti­cal lev­el? Please don’t think I am so spir­i­tu­al­ly imma­ture to think that God is bless­ing me when I’m play­ing well and dis­ci­plin­ing me when I play bad­ly. Results ori­ent­ed inter­pre­ta­tion of the will of God is utter bom­bast. That’s like sports fans who pray to God for their team to win. In an effu­sion of self-right­eous piety, they even decide their team should win (Spurs vs. Mia­mi comes to mind), and become spir­i­tu­al­ly indig­nant when it doesn’t go that way. This is van­i­ty and striv­ing after wind.

Of course, every golfer’s goal is to play well—that’s when golf is the most fun. But if that real­ly was my bot­tom line, I should give up the game because I’d be com­ing home unhap­py more fre­quent­ly than hap­py. About a year ago, I con­tract­ed this golf­ing dis­ease called the yips. Your hands trem­ble and your body no longer responds to com­mands from the brain. I was play­ing a round with the men’s group at my golf course—paired up with three guys that I didn’t know very well, but want­ed to impress. In our group play, you’re play­ing for an indi­vid­ual score but also a team score, so the guys you’re with want you to do well. I five-putted twice and missed an 11 inch birdie putt! It was the most humil­i­at­ed I’ve ever felt on a golf course, and I asked God how He could let this hap­pen to me. No answer.

Which brings me to the 5th hole at the Ban­dit (see pho­to). It is a beau­ti­ful hole but mean as a snake. Look at the lush curves and con­tours. You might notice that every­thing is sloped to the left, and just to the left of the cart path runs Long Creek. So you can hit a great dri­ve on this hole, right down the mid­dle of the fairway—hell, even up the right side of the fairway!—and your ball can land wrong, kick left, roll down the hill and across the cart path to dis­ap­pear for­ev­er into Long Creek. It’s not fair! And when I hit that ball and get that result, I look up at the sky… And I will gasp in dis­be­lief, or whine, or flip my club, or, on very bad days, actu­al­ly curse. I sus­pect that God laughs. Job had dev­as­ta­tion and tragedy and loss and canker sores—Dallin got a bad bounce. Ah, perspective.

I am cer­tain God is com­plete­ly dis­in­ter­est­ed in my score at the golf course. He doesn’t care (though I do) if I can learn to draw or fade the ball. But I know he is con­cerned about “..works of the flesh”—I see words like con­tentions and jeal­ousies and out­bursts of anger—and I know He is nur­tur­ing “..fruits of the Spirit”—like peace and long-suf­fer­ing and self-con­trol. So I pray for the grace to let Him work on His game while I work on mine.

And, as ever, He meets us where we are. I haven’t played very well most of this sum­mer. But the oth­er day I was play­ing with two of my favorite peo­ple, and I had one of those heav­en­ly days. A good score on the front nine, and then I go uncon­scious on the back. Eight straight pars! I hit my dri­ve on 18 know­ing I have a chance to shoot par for 9 holes and tie my best score ever in Texas! I have a blind shot to the green. I know how far away I am (117 yds.), but trees and a hill com­plete­ly block my view. I take my best guess and hit an 8 iron three feet from the pin. Luck­i­est shot of my life! New record for me! Grace and peace to you from Our Lord Jesus Christ!


  • I love your blog! Thought I should let you know you have anoth­er fol­low­er! Also, the Bible does say that He accom­plish­es what con­cerns us.…although I’m right there with you in being very con­cerned about an out­come in the NBA finals that did­n’t unfold. Peace, love, joy.….patience… Such a hap­py trudge!

    Lydia28 July, 2013
    • thanks for read­ing, lydia! yeah, that spurs loss took on epic dimen­sions in my psy­che… trudg­ing onward, dallin

      Dallin Malmgren30 July, 2013

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