Global Consciousness (What the world needs now…)

It’s time to wake up. If you think that God cares more about the fate of Amer­i­ca than He does the suf­fer­ing chil­dren in Syr­ia (or the chil­dren on the bor­der), you have lost touch with your Cre­ator. If you think cer­tain peo­ple mat­ter more than oth­ers, you have lost touch with your Cre­ator. If the what in your life is more impor­tant than the who, you have lost touch with your Cre­ator. If you put your­self first, you have lost touch with your Creator. 

I know I just lost part of my audi­ence. Some think Amer­i­ca is spe­cial­ly blessed and a light to the world. Some have always thought they were bet­ter than oth­ers (they hes­i­tate to iden­ti­fy it by race or gen­der as much as they used to). Some have always val­ued pos­ses­sions more than rela­tion­ships. And some think it is irra­tional not to think Me First. As far as los­ing touch with the Cre­ator: who?

Hon­est­ly, you sec­ond para­graph peo­ple can stop read­ing now—this essay is not for you. I believe there is a new par­a­digm emerg­ing: I call it glob­al con­scious­ness. Our first loy­al­ty is not America—it is the human race. Our goal is not to live bet­ter than others—our goal is to help every­one live bet­ter. Our goal is not to cre­ate new wealth—our goal is to save the plan­et. Our goal is not to hold on to what we got (or what we used to have)—our goal is to put peo­ple ahead of possessions.

We have sev­er­al cir­cum­stances that are trum­pet­ing the need for glob­al con­scious­ness. The most obvi­ous one is cli­mate change. You must real­ize that your own efforts (if you make them) to min­i­mize your car­bon foot­print are neg­li­gi­ble (but please don’t stop!). And even if the Amer­i­can col­lec­tive con­scious­ness were to uplift, we have all those oth­er coun­tries (espe­cial­ly emerg­ing ones) who are just start­ing to enjoy the crea­ture com­forts we are used to, envi­ron­men­tal dam­age be damned. Only glob­al con­scious­ness can turn the tide on cli­mate change.

A more top­i­cal exam­ple: the coro­n­avirus. (I heard on the radio the sales of Coro­na beer have dropped 40%–do you real­ize the igno­rance we are deal­ing with?) If Amer­i­ca thinks it can iso­late itself from a world­wide pan­dem­ic, what rock are we hid­ing under? Can we pre­vent inter­na­tion­al trav­el? Can Amer­i­can sci­en­tists and doc­tors find a cure with­out work­ing with the inter­na­tion­al med­ical com­mu­ni­ty? I play golf with most­ly old white guys. Their main aware­ness of the coro­n­avirus is focused on the falling stock mar­ket. The Amer­i­can econ­o­my is not a sep­a­rate enti­ty. Deal­ing with world­wide calami­ties is going to take a unit­ed response from all of the coun­tries of the world. That is called glob­al consciousness.

What are we going to do? Vote for Bernie (maybe)? Going back to the new par­a­digm, we are called upon to switch loy­al­ties. No longer American—humanitarian. No longer what works for me—what works best for us all. No longer my comforts—my grandchildren’s future. No longer what we’ve always done—what might work.
I go back to my old refrain: Love God and love your neigh­bor. Let’s start with the first part—until you are able to accept the exquis­ite­ness of your per­son­al rela­tion­ship, start by lov­ing His cre­ation. Be friend­ly to every­one. Admire and pre­serve and pro­tect nature as often as you can. Look for every pos­si­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty to do good, and do it. Spend time in soli­tude, and be open to the pos­si­bil­i­ty that you are not alone. Lis­ten, real­ly listen—when some­one is talk­ing, when music is play­ing, when there is silence. Breathe and be thankful.

Love your neigh­bor. First thing to real­ize is that every­one is your neigh­bor. You can’t pick and choose them. God pro­vides the neigh­bors and you pro­vide the love (actu­al­ly, He does that too, but that takes longer to real­ize). Sec­ond thing to real­ize is that it takes prac­tice: that’s why God made fam­i­lies. You can have an I‑love-my-neigh­bor atti­tude and be a pud around your own fam­i­ly. Being lov­ing is a con­scious­ness (like the glob­al one) not a con­tract. Try to main­tain it for one day and you will real­ize how slip­pery it is. Third pre­cept comes as an epiphany: put some out and it comes roar­ing back. The Bea­t­les had it wrong—the love you make is not equal to the love you take—the love you make explodes like a bull mar­ket on Wall Street. What a won­der­ful plan!

I try not to ser­mo­nize on my blog (do I?), but I am step­ping out here. Adopt the glob­al con­scious­ness. You (with God’s help) can save the world.


  • Suf­fer­ing.
    I don’t like it. Not one bit.
    That’s why I med­i­tate so much. It helps. A lot.
    But I also don’t like to see you suf­fer. Or any­body suf­fer. Or ani­mals suf­fer. Or even the whole earth suffering.
    So what to do about it.
    Turns out every­one who feels com­pas­sion, empa­thy or love feels the same way I do.
    So there are a lot of us.
    So what are we going to do about it.
    All of us have our spe­cial skill sets and our unique sit­u­a­tions. So there is not just one way to help.
    Our gov­ern­ments have a great poten­tial for harm and a great poten­tial for good.
    And we all have a vote.
    And for many of us a vote is upon us.
    And with this vote is a huge poten­tial for end­ing a great deal of suffering.
    One can­di­date seems to have devot­ed his whole life pro­mot­ing poli­cies that relieve suf­fer­ing of those who suf­fer most.
    Those poli­cies include:
    — Med­ical cov­er­age for every­one with­out out of pock­et costs. No more half a mil­lion fam­i­lies going bank­rupt every year because of med­ical bills.
    — Con­trol­ling phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal costs to a max­i­mum of $200/year. No more peo­ple dying from not afford­ing their insulin because it costs ten times at much here as Cana­da and the rest of the world.
    — Tuition free high­er edu­ca­tion or trade school for every­one that needs it and can­celling the bur­den of one and a half tril­lion dol­lars of stu­dent debt.
    — Rais­ing the min­i­mum wage to a liv­ing wage. $15 an hour.
    — End the usurp­ing of democ­ra­cy by the legal­ized bribery of big mon­ey buy­ing can­di­dates and elections.
    — Unrig­ging the econ­o­my where the very rich­est are gam­ing the sys­tem to steal most of the new wealth. And make the rich­est peo­ple and prof­itable cor­po­ra­tions pay their fair share in taxes.
    — Expand Social Secu­ri­ty benefits.
    — Fix the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem that tar­gets minorities.
    — Make mar­i­jua­na legal and expunge the records of those pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of possession.
    — Do all that sci­en­tists tell us in nec­es­sary to do to save our climate.
    All these poli­cies grow out of a sin­gle moti­va­tion: to relieve suffering.
    Poli­cies that sup­port eco­nom­ic jus­tice, social jus­tice, racial jus­tice and envi­ron­men­tal justice.
    That is why I am active in this move­ment and sup­port Bernie Sanders for pres­i­dent and hope you already have or are join­ing us.

    Luke Lundemo2 March, 2020
  • ???
    I LOVE this!!! I will be shar­ing it every­where I share stuff!
    I wish I had tak­en a cre­ative writ­ing course you taught. Not sure what class I had you as a teacher for, how­ev­er I always liked it, I think it may have been Publications(yearbook).

    Your writ­ing real­ly speaks to my heart.

    Gina1 March, 2020

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