Photo by Karen
I’m not naïve. Most of humanity is out there moving for our selves. We live within a system that encourages and entices and seduces us to say “Me first.” That is what makes Jesus so unique. How can we think when He says “I am the way and the truth and the life,” that is His ego talking? I always had a hard time with that verse, because I thought of all the people (family, many friends, good people) who reject You. But I don’t worry about those people anymore because I believe that You will take care of them. I grieve that they don’t know the pleasure of walking through this life with You as their guide.
I try to figure out why it is so hard for most of us to believe in You, or at least in how You have presented Yourself to us. The natural stuff—the miracle of life, the outdoors, the family, friendship—I get that. Life is a gift. But then we get into the Bible, and the history of humankind, and Your interaction with us…and You become a murkier figure. In the Old Testament, You sometimes seem as emotional as us, which is scary. Again, I understand…that is why You sent Jesus…to show us what You are really like. Why are we so unwilling to believe?
In my miniscule human wisdom, the greatest obstruction I can identify is pride. We have to give up the throne. “You must increase and I must decrease.” Oh, but we want to hold on so dearly—we want every event to define us. We’ll give You credit, but we want the glory. To follow You means to give up the lead. It’s like asking a hummingbird to share. The greatest is servant of all—that is contrary to our egos. I want what I want. But we are created in Your image. You can teach us how to let go of ourselves.
The truth is inescapable—I did not create myself. I found myself here, I did not put myself here. Unless I am an accident (I’m not), someone (You) made me. And something deep in my heart knows that You are here, and that You enjoy being with me. And as I begin to get the barest glimpse of who You are (thank You, Jesus), I realize this is the most wonderful joyous news (the gospel) that could ever be. I am living in the Kingdom—and anyone can! It is not a country club—admission is free!
You observe us—I know You do. We bring You so much tragedy and sorrow and frustration. But I know that we also bring You joy and laughter and wonder and compassion and excitement and appreciation and (if it is possible) surprise. Rather than fearing the microscope, I want to embrace it. I acknowledge that everything I do is for You. My life’s purpose is to move back into intimacy with You. I pray for the grace and guidance to move forward as You would have me. You are the potter and I am the clay.
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