Fate vs. Chance

It’s the age-old debate—so ancient we no longer think about it. Put it anoth­er way: God’s will vs. man’s choice. or pre­des­ti­na­tion vs. free will. In my post-ado­les­cent years, we’d debate about it into the night, and in my ear­ly Chris­t­ian years, we’d search the Bible for pat answers to it. It nev­er has been resolved to my satisfaction.

Why do I bring it up? It seems espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant to me in these times, and the rel­e­vance lies in our deci­sions to go out that front door. My wife and I see the choice a lit­tle dif­fer­ent­ly, as I expect most cou­ples do. Nei­ther of us takes an extreme posi­tion: I do not throw cau­tion to the wind, and she does not hud­dle in our house.

Here is my side of the coin: God real­ly is in con­trol of my life. I try to make the best choic­es I can make, but I can’t con­trol the ulti­mate out­come of those choic­es. It is impos­si­ble for me to get Covid-19 with­out God know­ing about it. That would be fate. Don’t get me wrong—I don’t want it. But I am not going to wor­ry about get­ting it because God loves me and will use what­ev­er cir­cum­stances to draw me near­er to Him.

Here is how I imag­ine the oth­er side of the coin: God gives you a brain because He wants you to use it. Yes, He will bring you through what­ev­er cir­cum­stances befall you, but He is going to expect you to live with the con­se­quences of your choic­es. You know the best way to avoid Covid-19: stay home as much as you can, prac­tice social dis­tanc­ing, wear a mask, wash your hands… If you don’t do that, you might very well be okay; but if you do get Covid-19, don’t blame God. That is chance.

I’m will­ing to bet most of my read­ers lean toward that side of the coin. I don’t blame them—it makes per­fect sense. That is the intel­li­gent response to the virus. But do you see that I am right, too? If you are a per­son of faith, you prob­a­bly hold all of the state­ments in my para­graph to be true. The two sides of the coin are com­pat­i­ble. Mine is about atti­tude and the oth­er is about action. Faith with­out works is dead.

God is speak­ing to me more about bal­ance these days. Karen and I are liv­ing togeth­er more intense­ly (as we all are), and we’re learn­ing that bal­ance works between us as well as with­in us. Take things in stride, shake things off, be kind to each oth­er. There are many spir­i­tu­al lessons avail­able to us in these times. 

I don’t think the God’s will vs. free choice dilem­ma is sup­posed to be resolved. This is the best expla­na­tion of the con­flict that I have ever heard: Life is a jour­ney and I am walk­ing on a rail­road track. The rail on my left is fate, and the one on my right is chance. Every step for­ward I take, the left and right rails remain on my sides, equidis­tant from each oth­er. Step after step. It is only when I look to the hori­zon, at the end of the jour­ney, that the two rails meld into one.


  • In Par­adise Lost, God explains to Jesus, who is strug­gling to under­stand why God did not inter­vene when Satan formed a legion against him, why He grant­ed man free will. I love God’s reply in this pas­sage from Book 3:

    Freely they stood who stood, and fell who fell.
    Not free, what proof could they have giv­en sincere
    Of true alle­giance, con­stant faith or love,
    Where only what they needs must do appear’d,
    Not what they would? what praise could they receive?
    What plea­sure I from such obe­di­ence paid,
    When will and rea­son (rea­son also is choice)
    Use­less and vain, of free­dom both despoil’d,
    Made pas­sive both, had serv’d necessity,
    Not me. They there­fore, as to right belong’d,
    So were cre­at­ed, nor can just­ly accuse
    Their Mak­er, or their mak­ing, or their fate,”

    Excerpt From
    Par­adise Lost
    John Milton
    This mate­r­i­al may be pro­tect­ed by copyright.

    Barb Williams23 May, 2020
  • Bet you can guess which side of the coin I fall to?
    Psalm 91

    Amanda20 May, 2020
    • of course i can, aman­da! i’m a zealot and i feel like i have to calm you down. i actu­al­ly went and read psalm 91–how com­fort­ing! you keep press­ing on!

      Dallin Malmgren22 May, 2020

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