Dreams (…are only in your head…)

I used to tell my stu­dents that dreams were one of the great­est gifts we received—free life. I’d tell them that I knew exact­ly how it felt to be shot because one time I had—in a dream. I had expe­ri­enced, close up, in an open field, the pow­er of a hur­ri­cane. (If I was on my game, I’d play-act one of them in front of the class). Some stu­dents would tell us about their dreams, and I’d smile sym­pa­thet­i­cal­ly at the ones who said they didn’t dream.

That was a cav­a­lier atti­tude. I’ve come to real­ize that dreams have a whole lot they would like to teach us. Most of my dreams are not like the above adventures—few of them are. Most of them are familiar—people I’ve known, places I’ve been, sit­u­a­tions re-imag­ined. I don’t come off very well in my dreams. I’m fre­quent­ly stressed, sel­dom in con­trol, and usu­al­ly pes­simistic about what is going on. But not always. I loooove those dreams where you wake up and you want to go right back to sleep and rejoin the movie.

Some­times those are boy-girl dreams. It is fun to find your­self with a girl in a dream—and you like being with her and she likes being with you. Mine can go two ways? I will real­ize (in my dream) that I am mar­ried, and be huge­ly dis­ap­point­ed and real­ize I have to get out of there—or the dream is pre-mar­riage and things progress until I wake up. I don’t dream of my wife roman­ti­cal­ly that often (not as much as I used to); when we appear togeth­er we are usu­al­ly in some semi-apoc­a­lyp­tic set­ting or at a fam­i­ly reunion or some­thing like that. Rarely, I will dream of her with some­one else—that is very unsettling.

I smoked cig­a­rettes from the time I was 16 to 32. Since then I have only smoked one cig­a­rette. But I have smoked hun­dreds in my dreams. I woke up with the cold fear that I had start­ed smok­ing again.

Do you have night­mares? Those are the worst. I will wake up and not want to go back to sleep. Some­times I will snug­gle up next to Karen, even though she is sound asleep with zero inter­est in phys­i­cal con­tact. Often I will pray. On bad nights I can­not go back to sleep even then. 

A strange phe­nom­e­non occurred just after I retired. I start­ed hav­ing school anx­i­ety dreams—like four or five times a week! It was very dis­turb­ing. My career was an area of sat­is­fac­tion for me. I enjoyed what I did and felt good about doing it. So why those hor­rors? Dur­ing my career I think it was easy for me, as it is for most teach­ers, to bury the stress and plow for­ward. That’s the tick­et to sur­vival. Buried but not dead; just dor­mant. My the­o­ry sags when I real­ize I have a lot of retired teacher friends who are not tor­ment­ed by these dreams. (To any teacher friends read­ing this, I’d love to hear your theory.)

Anoth­er dis­tress­ing ele­ment is that the Lord has almost zero pres­ence in my dreams. I feel cer­tain that I will call upon Him as any dis­tress­ing cir­cum­stance aris­es in my wak­ing life. Why should it be any dif­fer­ent in my dreams? True, my chronol­o­gy is always shape-shift­ing. I am fre­quent­ly liv­ing in an age before I became a chris­t­ian. But even my elder self ignores Jesus.

I believe that dreams are fac­to­ries of expe­ri­ence and repen­tance, fueled by mem­o­ry and hid­den feel­ings. I receive insight into the per­son I was or would like to be in a giv­en sit­u­a­tion. That is expe­ri­ence. I too often awoke relieved that it was just a dream. That is repen­tance. The prod­uct the fac­to­ries are try­ing to pro­duce is self-acceptance.

Six years on, I’m still have school anx­i­ety dreams, but more spo­rad­i­cal­ly. I look for­ward to dream­ing, and I try to write some­thing down when I wake up. If I don’t do it then, it is gone. (Most of the time, it is gone.) My wife and I some­times share our dreams, but often we don’t. I sup­pose it is bet­ter that way. I always liked what Bob Dylan said through his apoc­a­lyp­tic psy­chi­a­trist in “Talk­ing World War III Blues”: “I wouldn’t wor­ry about it—those dreams are only in your head.” 

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