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What I like and don’t like about Christmas…

It’s the most con­flict­ed time of the year. Most eager­ly antic­i­pat­ed by children—highly stress­ful to many adults. A time of giv­ing and a time of adding debt. Wor­ship and idol­a­try. Uncon­di­tion­al love and avid self-inter­est. Fam­i­ly tra­di­tions and per­ilous trav­el plans. Let’s face it—love and hate. My orig­i­nal plan was to write about what I like […]

My Ten Favorite Books*

I always give books as gifts at Christ­mas. Yeah, mine is not the present that my loved ones are most anx­ious to open. But I look at my book gifts kind of like bait on a hook. You nev­er know when the fish is going to strike, and there’s always a chance it could be […]

Saving…a dying art

When I was young, we saved everything—the last blob in the peanut but­ter jar, the rub­ber bands on the news­pa­per, TV din­ner trays, S & H stamps, even alu­minum foil (if it was clean). We did that because: a) we might need it again; b) it was waste­ful not to; and c) chil­dren in India […]

For You

I’m just com­ing to the stun­ning real­iza­tion that every­thing I do is for You. Every event in my life is designed to bring me clos­er to You. That is hard­ly ever my pur­pose, but that is always Your pur­pose. Not that I am a chess piece. I have absolute utter free will in every move […]

My First Kiss

Part I Except for a brief homo­sex­u­al cri­sis dur­ing my drug-addled era, I have always been com­fort­able around women. I like girls. They are gen­er­al­ly bet­ter con­ver­sa­tion­al­ists than men. They almost always smell bet­ter. Then there is that sex thing… My first kiss was not con­se­quen­tial. It hap­pened in sec­ond grade on the play­ground. Frankie Silvestri […]

Illness strikes

I need for some­thing No, let me break it down again I need for some­thing But not more med­i­cine.” –from Ill With Want by the Avett Broth­ers The Malm­gren Thanks­giv­ing reunion end­ed on Sun­day. There is noth­ing on this earth I val­ue more than get­ting togeth­er with my three chil­dren, their spous­es, and our six granddaughters. […]

My thankfulness…getting specific

Most all of us are going to say the prayer…and mean it. We are grate­ful for the food, and for our fam­i­lies, and for our rich­es and com­forts (we don’t usu­al­ly say it that way), and for our coun­try, and for being free to be thank­ful. That’s all good. Have any of you patri­archs (or […]

The joyful journey

God enjoys us enjoying…I’m cer­tain of that. No doubt, build­ing our char­ac­ter is more impor­tant. Think of the fruit of the Spir­it: love, joy, peace, for­bear­ance, kind­ness, good­ness, faith­ful­ness, gen­tle­ness and self-con­trol. Who wouldn’t want those attrib­ut­es? Doing right ranks high­er than hav­ing fun. You can have fun doing wrong, but you can’t nur­ture the […]

Mary Theresa Knox and my favorite jacket

Last Sat­ur­day night my son face­timed me. He was at a father-daugh­­ter camp-out, and while sit­ting around a camp­fire he told them of a ghost expe­ri­ence that I used to tell. A bunch of 8 year old­ish girls were stand­ing behind him, and they want­ed me to cor­rob­o­rate the sto­ry. Which I did. Here is the […]

What I can do (to live in Your presence)

*I can become a bet­ter lis­ten­er. *I can give more of myself. *I can give Karen the space and near­ness she needs. *I can press on in my devo­tions. *I can make more friends. *I can reach out to my past. *I can be a bet­ter, more trust­ing stew­ard of Your gen­eros­i­ty. *I can find more stuff […]

The earth is flat…

There’s an NBA guy who said that—took a lot of scorn—but I get it. He was just look­ing at his world. Our per­cep­tion of the earth equals our con­scious­ness. It is not the same for all of us. We see what we see; think what we think; and believe what we believe…and con­stant­ly seek ver­i­fi­ca­tion from […]

The stages of my life

Because God always takes the long view. Think of how many events in your life seemed “live or die.” I’m being dramatic—I mean just mat­tered so intense­ly at that par­tic­u­lar time in your life. Oh my, the crises I’ve gone through (real or imag­ined, inter­nal or exter­nal) and how they shook me up—I once felt […]

Dealing with the ego

I was a huge fan of Game of Thrones. Eight sea­sons to find out who was going to end up on the Iron Throne—what a con­cept! If you stopped to reflect, those char­ac­ters were some of the most ego­tis­ti­cal in the his­to­ry of lit­er­a­ture: Jof­frey and Cer­sei and Stan­nis and, yes, Danerys—all dri­ven by a […]

I believe in You…not so much in me

That is the crux of my spir­i­tu­al con­flict. I get it. Jesus died for me. Believ­ing in Him, I have life ever­last­ing. I have been sealed in Him by the gift of His Holy Spir­it. He is here with me right this minute. He offers me liv­ing water—the bread of life—abundant liv­ing. I see the […]

My Top Ten Tech Benefits

A cold, rainy day—trapped inside—what do we do? Obvi­ous­ly, we turn to our tech­nol­o­gy. I read a lot about the many pit­falls of tech­no­log­i­cal depen­dence, but I don’t know any­one who would give their stuff away, which got me to thinking—what good does it do me? Which, because of the way my mind works, led […]

Don’t blame _______

This one goes out to Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans and espe­cial­ly our Pres­i­dent, who always seems to find some­one else respon­si­ble for his dis­con­tent. I don’t think he start­ed it, but the blame game seems to be reach­ing epi­dem­ic lev­els. I’m detect­ing a human dynam­ic (mean­ing, I don’t see it some of the time, I see […]

What I Endorse (the artistic version)

One the one hand, this is total­ly sub­jec­tive. I am writ­ing to myself. On the oth­er hand, almost every­thing I have found enthralling, espe­cial­ly in the realm of the arts, came to me through someone’s rec­om­men­da­tion. So what I endorse becomes what I recommend—I would love to share the plea­sure and insight and inspi­ra­tion that […]

Teach me to listen…

This has been my per­son­al struggle…I have nev­er been a very good lis­ten­er. I get lost in my mind—not a pos­i­tive trait. My stu­dents some­times had to yell or poke me if I was engaged in some­thing else. I can only talk with my own chil­dren, my fam­i­ly and a few friends on the phone, […]

Improving Our Planet

The oth­er night we were hang­ing out with our grand­daugh­ters, prepar­ing din­ner. Kallie was out of town and Zack had to work late. Can’t remem­ber how it came up, but I asked Harp­er what she would say if an angel of God appeared to her and said she could remove one thing from the planet, […]

The Greening of Our Minds

This is a use­ful subject—one that needs to be pro­mot­ed. The con­text is for me, of course, retire­ment; but the con­cept should be addressed what­ev­er stage of life you are going through. Your mind is only a part of you. (Def­i­n­i­tion of you: your mind, body, feel­ings, will, soul and spir­it.) Think of it like […]

What I Endorse

This writ­ing exer­cise (which I stole from Esquire mag­a­zine) always worked well in my Cre­ative Writ­ing class­es. I think I know why—it is fun to think about stuff that you like. Of course, I used to do my list with my stu­dents, but I no longer remem­ber what I put. This is my list from now. […]

I am with you always…”

The num­ber one thing that peo­ple (includ­ing many Chris­tians) don’t get about Chris­tian­i­ty is that Jesus is right here, right now. Imag­ine that! Put Him in the chair next to you, or have him ride shot­gun (or in the back, He doesn’t mind), join Him on the back porch, leave room for Him on the […]

My Writing Confession

I was only sup­posed to teach for five years. After that I was going to be a suc­cess­ful Young Adult author, about one book a year, speak­ing engage­ments around the coun­try, maybe a movie deal or two. You know, John Green. That was the dream, and I worked at it—you should see the volu­mi­nous notes, […]

The Detritus of Life

I have a con­fes­sion to make, and it is pret­ty horrible…some of you should stop read­ing now. This real­ly hap­pened. Karen and I and her Aunt Faith were stay­ing the night in Fen­ton, Mis­souri after spend­ing the whole day mov­ing Faith out of her home. The next day we would fly to Dal­las where Faith […]

Is it fun being you?” … (why I asked that)

I sus­pect most teach­ers have cer­tain ques­tions they use as con­ver­sa­tion starters (espe­cial­ly on a 1:1 basis). One of mine was: “Can I ask you a per­son­al ques­tion?” If they said no or hes­i­tat­ed, I said, “Okay, fine.” Nine times out of ten, those recal­ci­trant ones would say, “Nev­er mind. What is it?” Most of […]


Do you even want to change? Yeah, I know about all the self-help books sold every year…but I think telling our­selves we would like to change is spir­i­tu­al com­fort food. And tak­ing itty-bit­­ty steps down that path is dessert. Then you are done. Do you want to change? We all feel like we should, in one […]

Reading revisited

While play­ing golf, my friend Dan asked what I would do with the rest of my day. After mak­ing the “If I have a beer, I will prob­a­bly take a nap” con­fes­sion, I said I’d prob­a­bly work on my blog or read. “Read­ing nev­er came easy to me, so I don’t read much,” Dan said, […]

Reflections on retirement–then and now

This is a bit of a cheat, but I like it and it’s my blog. You know how Face­book will play like your mem­o­ry, revis­it­ing things you post­ed in the past? I post­ed what fol­lows short­ly after I retired. I want to repost it, along with com­ments on how it looks five years lat­er. (Com­ments […]


The world needs more art. I real­ized this as I was watch­ing a film called Eighth Grade awhile back. I won­dered what made me appre­ci­ate the movie so much. It was a real­is­tic por­trait, very much the way kids are (as I remem­ber from teach­ing and being). And it was uplift­ing. Cer­tain val­ues were sown […]

Money — the spiritual side

You shall have no oth­er gods before me. What does that mean? That is a spec­tac­u­lar­ly author­i­ta­tive com­mand. Almost ego­tis­ti­cal. Except it’s not, because God has no ego, and it’s not a com­mand but an invi­ta­tion. How can you not enthrone the All Pow­er­ful who has noth­ing but uncon­di­tion­al love for you? But He will […]