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My Top Ten Tech Benefits

A cold, rainy day—trapped inside—what do we do? Obvi­ous­ly, we turn to our tech­nol­o­gy. I read a lot about the many pit­falls of tech­no­log­i­cal depen­dence, but I don’t know any­one who would give their stuff away, which got me to thinking—what good does it do me? Which, because of the way my mind works, led […]

Don’t blame _______

This one goes out to Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans and espe­cial­ly our Pres­i­dent, who always seems to find some­one else respon­si­ble for his dis­con­tent. I don’t think he start­ed it, but the blame game seems to be reach­ing epi­dem­ic lev­els. I’m detect­ing a human dynam­ic (mean­ing, I don’t see it some of the time, I see […]

What I Endorse (the artistic version)

One the one hand, this is total­ly sub­jec­tive. I am writ­ing to myself. On the oth­er hand, almost every­thing I have found enthralling, espe­cial­ly in the realm of the arts, came to me through someone’s rec­om­men­da­tion. So what I endorse becomes what I recommend—I would love to share the plea­sure and insight and inspi­ra­tion that […]

Teach me to listen…

This has been my per­son­al struggle…I have nev­er been a very good lis­ten­er. I get lost in my mind—not a pos­i­tive trait. My stu­dents some­times had to yell or poke me if I was engaged in some­thing else. I can only talk with my own chil­dren, my fam­i­ly and a few friends on the phone, […]

Improving Our Planet

The oth­er night we were hang­ing out with our grand­daugh­ters, prepar­ing din­ner. Kallie was out of town and Zack had to work late. Can’t remem­ber how it came up, but I asked Harp­er what she would say if an angel of God appeared to her and said she could remove one thing from the planet, […]

The Greening of Our Minds

This is a use­ful subject—one that needs to be pro­mot­ed. The con­text is for me, of course, retire­ment; but the con­cept should be addressed what­ev­er stage of life you are going through. Your mind is only a part of you. (Def­i­n­i­tion of you: your mind, body, feel­ings, will, soul and spir­it.) Think of it like […]

What I Endorse

This writ­ing exer­cise (which I stole from Esquire mag­a­zine) always worked well in my Cre­ative Writ­ing class­es. I think I know why—it is fun to think about stuff that you like. Of course, I used to do my list with my stu­dents, but I no longer remem­ber what I put. This is my list from now. […]

I am with you always…”

The num­ber one thing that peo­ple (includ­ing many Chris­tians) don’t get about Chris­tian­i­ty is that Jesus is right here, right now. Imag­ine that! Put Him in the chair next to you, or have him ride shot­gun (or in the back, He doesn’t mind), join Him on the back porch, leave room for Him on the […]

My Writing Confession

I was only sup­posed to teach for five years. After that I was going to be a suc­cess­ful Young Adult author, about one book a year, speak­ing engage­ments around the coun­try, maybe a movie deal or two. You know, John Green. That was the dream, and I worked at it—you should see the volu­mi­nous notes, […]

The Detritus of Life

I have a con­fes­sion to make, and it is pret­ty horrible…some of you should stop read­ing now. This real­ly hap­pened. Karen and I and her Aunt Faith were stay­ing the night in Fen­ton, Mis­souri after spend­ing the whole day mov­ing Faith out of her home. The next day we would fly to Dal­las where Faith […]

Is it fun being you?” … (why I asked that)

I sus­pect most teach­ers have cer­tain ques­tions they use as con­ver­sa­tion starters (espe­cial­ly on a 1:1 basis). One of mine was: “Can I ask you a per­son­al ques­tion?” If they said no or hes­i­tat­ed, I said, “Okay, fine.” Nine times out of ten, those recal­ci­trant ones would say, “Nev­er mind. What is it?” Most of […]


Do you even want to change? Yeah, I know about all the self-help books sold every year…but I think telling our­selves we would like to change is spir­i­tu­al com­fort food. And tak­ing itty-bit­­ty steps down that path is dessert. Then you are done. Do you want to change? We all feel like we should, in one […]

Reading revisited

While play­ing golf, my friend Dan asked what I would do with the rest of my day. After mak­ing the “If I have a beer, I will prob­a­bly take a nap” con­fes­sion, I said I’d prob­a­bly work on my blog or read. “Read­ing nev­er came easy to me, so I don’t read much,” Dan said, […]

Reflections on retirement–then and now

This is a bit of a cheat, but I like it and it’s my blog. You know how Face­book will play like your mem­o­ry, revis­it­ing things you post­ed in the past? I post­ed what fol­lows short­ly after I retired. I want to repost it, along with com­ments on how it looks five years lat­er. (Com­ments […]


The world needs more art. I real­ized this as I was watch­ing a film called Eighth Grade awhile back. I won­dered what made me appre­ci­ate the movie so much. It was a real­is­tic por­trait, very much the way kids are (as I remem­ber from teach­ing and being). And it was uplift­ing. Cer­tain val­ues were sown […]

Money — the spiritual side

You shall have no oth­er gods before me. What does that mean? That is a spec­tac­u­lar­ly author­i­ta­tive com­mand. Almost ego­tis­ti­cal. Except it’s not, because God has no ego, and it’s not a com­mand but an invi­ta­tion. How can you not enthrone the All Pow­er­ful who has noth­ing but uncon­di­tion­al love for you? But He will […]

Handling finances — a perspective

What is the num­ber one source of stress in a mar­riage? Raise your hand if you said mon­ey. Not only do I think you’re right, I think you’re most­ly right no mat­ter how much mon­ey the cou­ple makes. (Okay, maybe LeBron and Tiger don’t stress about it.) For being such an impor­tant fac­tor in a […]


I still tell them., even though I shouldn’t. I mean, I don’t tell Trump lies, where I make things up, or hyper­bolize things from sources that are ques­tion­able. And I don’t tell sin lies, like “I was at the gym,” when I come back home from my secret lover’s. (Ha, that’s a laugh) I mostly […]

Sleeplessness — why, Lord?

A dis­claimer: I am not that well qual­i­fied to write about this. I’m only a mild, almost rare, suf­fer­er of insom­nia, and I’m retired! So the pain, the dis­tress, the anx­i­ety is only sec­ondary to me. When you know you need to go to sleep, as soon as pos­si­ble, and you’re not able to…that stress […]

I Will Be Brave…a meditation on fear

I think fear is evil’s most pow­er­ful weapon. Fear pits itself against some of the human spirit’s most benev­o­lent impuls­es. Fear keeps us from becom­ing the kind of peo­ple we want to be. Fear par­a­lyzes, love flows. There are two types of fear: exter­nal and inter­nal. I list­ed exter­nal first because it is the more publicized. […]

The Black Sheep

From Wikipedia: …black sheep is an idiom used to describe an odd or dis­rep­utable mem­ber of a group, espe­cial­ly with­in a family…the term has typ­i­cal­ly been give neg­a­tive con­no­ta­tions, imply­ing way­ward­ness. I love that term—waywardness. You could ask any of my sib­lings (one broth­er, four sis­ters) and they would tell you I was the black […]

Being Pop Pop (the joy of grandfathering)

That’s me. I con­sid­er it one of the major roles in my cur­rent life, a role at least 95% great. I am not sure how I got that name—I think Kallie gave it to me. My rec­ol­lec­tion is that she even con­sult­ed with me about it. It stuck. I am now Pop Pop to my […]

The Willow Tree

I became a Chris­t­ian when I was 26 years old. Since I had vir­tu­al­ly no church back­ground and since I had spent my pre­vi­ous young adult years in vary­ing states of dis­so­lu­tion, my con­ver­sion demand­ed a dras­tic change in lifestyle. I imme­di­ate­ly became an ini­ti­ate of a house church com­prised of col­lege stu­dents and dropouts […]

To thine own self be gentle

You can­not be judged by sta­tus; you can­not be judged by suc­cess; you can­not be judged by Face­book friends or neigh­bors’ opin­ions; …by your spouse;…by your par­ents or your chil­dren; and you should not be judged by your­self. There’s only one Judge. And, let’s face it, you have been found guilty, and, thank God, you […]

X#%&*@$! (Profanity)

I made a vow to stop cussing when I was 23 years old—not sure why. I hadn’t become a chris­t­ian at that point—didn’t car­ry any con­scious guilt feelings—certainly had no peer pressure—and I was pret­ty good at it. I sup­pose it seemed unnec­es­sary to me. I was read­ing more at that time and becom­ing more […]

Sorting out the past

I could be wrong, but it seems like a nat­ur­al cur­rent for my age group. You start to look back. I’m not talk­ing about dwelling or obsess­ing or recap­tur­ing or ide­al­iz­ing or mourning—just reflect­ing. Even if you are not an adher­ent, your dreams prob­a­bly are. At least, mine are. Dylan said, “Any­body who lived through […]

In Praise of Jubal (Music makes the world go round)

After silence, that which comes near­est to express­ing the inex­press­ible is music.” –Aldous Hux­ley When I decid­ed to write about music, I asked Aunt Faith what kind of music under what cir­cum­stances has had an impact on her life. “None,” she replied. “I don’t lis­ten to music.” I was amazed. We moved a col­lec­tion of […]

The Other

So you are here. You know that you can­not have cre­at­ed your­self, but you are aware of a self. Your mom and dad? That’s just biology—they had no hand in design­ing you. They were busy enjoy­ing oth­er things. You and The Other—that which cre­at­ed you. This is an imme­di­ate and an eter­nal rela­tion­ship. If you […]

Dreams (…are only in your head…)

I used to tell my stu­dents that dreams were one of the great­est gifts we received—free life. I’d tell them that I knew exact­ly how it felt to be shot because one time I had—in a dream. I had expe­ri­enced, close up, in an open field, the pow­er of a hur­ri­cane. (If I was on […]

Part II: Phrases and thoughts…(from God)

This might seem like just a con­tin­u­a­tion of my last post, but real­ly it’s not. Those last ones (Phras­es and thoughts that opened up my mind) I would call accidental—I was liv­ing my life and these ideas jumped out at me and stuck. This next set I would call interventional—at the risk of grandios­i­ty, God […]