Blog Archives - Page 8 of 11 - Dallin Malmgren

My Bucket List

Lots of peo­ple have buck­et lists. Some are quite obses­sive about check­ing the items off. My approach is more casu­al. This buck­et list is prob­a­bly about ten years old. I used to do a Buck­et List assign­ment in my Advanced Cre­ative Writ­ing class, so, of course, I had to do mine. I came across it […]

Love in the Time of Corona

To my for­mer stu­dents (and any­one inter­est­ed): Do you remem­ber the ques­tion­naires, sur­veys, quizzes, etc. we used to take in Cre­ative Writ­ing as learn­ing activ­i­ties (amuse­ments, if you pre­fer)? My con­tri­bu­tion to the quar­an­tine is resurrecting/updating one as a pos­si­ble indi­vid­ual or group activ­i­ty. Only rules are the answers need to come from your heads, […]

Loving God (the first part of the sum of the commandments)

It is stat­ed clear­ly in Matthew 22:37…love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and love your neigh­bor as your­self. I’m using the Bible, but I want to take the broad­er per­spec­tive. If we rec­og­nize we have a Cre­ator (no one has exact­ly the same per­spec­tive on that), […]

Zooming with the Texas Malmgrens

It was such a pleas­ant evening…hanging out with my wife and my three kids and their spous­es, hav­ing drinks. I had a cab and Karen a blush…Beth was hav­ing white wine…Nate and Annal­isa went with margaritas…Zack and Kallie, Texas Whiskey. We talked about every­thing: our cir­cum­stances, our fam­i­lies, good enter­tain­ment, pol­i­tics (Malm­grens always talk politics), […]

Going out the door…

We are all going through it, more or less ( more, I pray). We’ve all got the same instruc­tions. The heroes are the ones who have to go out there—answering the call of duty. They go out because they put the needs of oth­ers above their own well-being. We have to pray for them. The […]

COVID-19: is there a positive side?

Please do not think I am mak­ing light of tragedy—this is a human cat­a­stro­phe. Our world is suf­fer­ing. If I know my Bible, this is not an uncom­mon his­tor­i­cal occur­rence. It is how we respond as a nation that deter­mines the direc­tion this coun­try is going in. So how do we turn the coro­na virus […]

My back porch

I love spring­time. Since my boy­hood, it has been my favorite. I like the oth­er ones too, but, ah, spring­time! I love it in the air, and in the blos­soms, and on my golf course, and on the cal­en­dar (yahoo, spring break!), and at my bar­be­cue grill, and in the behav­ior of the ducks and […]

DM’s greatest hits — vol. II

All of the fol­low­ing are quotes from pre­vi­ous blog posts: So maybe I have to change the text of the les­son: what I meant to get across in my class­room is that life is meant to be good. That is the inten­tion. Con­trast the hur­ri­cane and the vol­cano with the morn­ing dew and the evening sunset, […]

In praise of family

We buried Aunt Faith yes­ter­day. She was the last liv­ing direct rel­a­tive of Karen and her three sis­ters. She was a fine lady who affect­ed pos­i­tive­ly many people’s lives. I didn’t real­ize how much until I heard two of the nieces eulo­gize her at the funer­al. That got me think­ing about fam­i­ly. In praise of […]

Global Consciousness (What the world needs now…)

It’s time to wake up. If you think that God cares more about the fate of Amer­i­ca than He does the suf­fer­ing chil­dren in Syr­ia (or the chil­dren on the bor­der), you have lost touch with your Cre­ator. If you think cer­tain peo­ple mat­ter more than oth­ers, you have lost touch with your Cre­ator. If […]


Okay, that is an ego­cen­tric post title, and not real­ly accu­rate. These are things I said over and over in the class­room (and on the ten­nis courts), and I said them in order to achieve a cer­tain effect. It wasn’t always noble, but I’m pret­ty sure it was most­ly affec­tion­ate. Malm­grenisms is a misnomer—most of […]

Slow Train Coming

I want to tell you about a mir­a­cle that hap­pened to me. Well, it didn’t real­ly hap­pen to me, but boy was it a mir­a­cle! When I first believed in Jesus in 1975, I was full of zeal and enthu­si­asm. So I began to pray for Bob Dylan—I loved him in my hip­pie days, and […]

Fear, Part Two

I wrote about fear in an ear­li­er post (I will be brave…a med­i­ta­tion on fear, Aug. 25, 2019)), but I want to address it again. I have learned that walk­ing with God does not mean that your fears will dis­ap­pear. Walk­ing with God will deter­mine how you han­dle your fears when they arise. That applies […]

Musings to my Lord on a Sunday evening…

–I think I get how infi­nite You are bet­ter than how per­son­al You are…I want both. Come to think of it, I bare­ly grasp how infi­nite You are. –My great­est fear is that I will let You down. –The only rem­e­dy for that fear is faith in You. –I used to wor­ry that I would be the rocky […]

Stormy weather

We’ve been hav­ing it all night long (wit­ness my golf course in pho­to). Don’t let any­body tell you Dal­las and San Anto­nio have the same cli­mate. This seems to be the norm up here, Decem­ber through Feb­ru­ary. I miss my old home. Which makes me one of the biggest wimps ever—the weath­er has almost zero effect […]

My divorce from Hollywood

It might be anoth­er symp­tom of old age. It has become more and more dif­fi­cult for me to sit through a movie, and to keep from won­der­ing, as I am sit­ting through, how much longer? To watch a movie in a the­ater height­ens the sense of dis­com­fort. If I pause a movie on my TV, […]

All as it should be…

Okay, that might just be a polite way of say­ing Adult Onset OCD. Hon­est­ly, I am one of the least com­pul­sive peo­ple I have ever met. And yet, as I get old­er, I find that I like cer­tain things to be a cer­tain way. Has my wife infil­trat­ed my inner being? (She read this and […]

Sports (spectatorial)

I just made that word up! But you know what I mean—watching, not play­ing. This might not be as rosy as the last one. It’s so easy to get obsessed with a sport; a team; a play­er. Not in some psy­cho way—you just think about them a lot. You become emo­tion­al­ly invest­ed in them. And then […]

Sports (participatory)

The instinct to com­pete runs deep in the human con­di­tion. That is some­times hard to rec­on­cile with a vibrant Chris­t­ian faith, know­ing that our call­ing is to put oth­ers before ourselves…which is why God invent­ed sports. Sports is one of the health­i­est exer­cis­es we can under­take in our quest for char­ac­ter-build­ing. Com­pe­ti­tion, in the best […]

Regrets, I’ve had a few…

We regret the things we don’t do more than the things we do.” –Mark Twain Well, it’s close. What about you? Do your “I wish I had’s” out­weigh your “I wish I hadn’t’s”? My list gets pret­ty exten­sive on both sides of that coin. My wife’s view of the “hadn’t’s” dif­fers from mine. If it was a […]

The Haircut

After 41 years my wife decid­ed she didn’t want to cut my hair any­more. I don’t blame her a bit—actually, I admire her deci­sion. She had done it so many times over that peri­od (I think I only went to a bar­ber once, when she was away). Cut­ting someone’s hair is a thank­less task, and […]

Marital balance

And the two shall become one flesh, so they are no longer two but one flesh.” (Mark 10:8) I think about this verse a lot…is it a promise? Is it a com­mand? It is obvi­ous­ly not lit­er­al, since Karen and I are still walk­ing around in our own skins 42 years lat­er. This is what […]

Snakes on a Brain

My grand­daugh­ter Edith loves snakes. She has a big stuffed one that she likes to car­ry around with her. She has a more real­is­tic plas­tic one that she enjoys set­ting in strate­gic places. She has lots of snake books. She thinks it is hys­ter­i­cal that I am afraid of them. I believe I know how that […]


Abide in me and I in you. Just as the branch can­not bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, nei­ther can you unless you abide in me.” (John 15:4) I have often thought this verse express­es the key to a hap­py, vic­to­ri­ous life. Hap­py? Vic­to­ri­ous? I’ll bet that nei­ther are words that […]

Live music, then and now

I just fin­ished watch­ing Rolling Thun­der Revue: A Bob Dylan Sto­ry by Mar­tin Scorcese. O, what a role that man has played in my life (Dylan, not Scorcese)! I used to tell my cre­ative writ­ing stu­dents that some­day our soci­ety would look upon Dylan’s body of work the way we do Shake­speare now. Hyper­bole, certainly, […]

Happiness is not a warm gun…

For­give me, Father, for I have sinned. I have been a hyp­ocrite. I hold to cer­tain beliefs and prin­ci­ples, and yet I have act­ed con­trary to them for my own self-inter­est. I have no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for my actions. It all start­ed with two hand­guns. They were owned by my father-in-law. They came into my possession […]

Closing out 2019.

Intro­spec­tion and ret­ro­spec­tion. There’s some val­ue in both activ­i­ties as long as it’s a pause, not a stop. Was there any progress? Where do my loose ends lie? Do I still believe in resolutions—if so, what shall I resolve? As I get ready to meet my old friend Dry Jan­u­ary, these are ques­tions worth considering. […]’s greatest hits (the early years)

I nev­er even thought about my par­ents hav­ing sex. In ret­ro­spect, I’m sure they did—there are six of us chil­dren and only occa­sion­al sus­pi­cions about parent­age. –from The Birds and the Bees…(7/21/2013) To make a res­o­lu­tion implies that one is capa­ble of change in a pos­i­tive direc­tion. As long as we oper­ate on that principle, […]

A Child is born…a writer is down

Sick again…Merry Christ­mas to all and to all a good night!

The Neglected Fruit

But the fruit of the Spir­it is love, joy, peace, for­bear­ance, kind­ness, good­ness, faith­ful­ness, gen­tle­ness and self-con­trol. Against such there is no law.” (Gala­tians 5:22–23, NIV) Talk about the for­got­ten step-child. For­bear­ance gets no hype what­so­ev­er. Nobody talks about it. Love makes the world go round—all we are say­ing is give peace a chance—we practice […]