Blog Archives - Page 7 of 11 - Dallin Malmgren

Family Ties

Lov­ing one anoth­er in the time of coro­na presents some unique chal­lenges. I know my oper­at­ing instruc­tions: love God and love one anoth­er. The lov­ing God part demands its own essay—except for this reminder…He is with us always, and we express love by enjoy­ing Someone’s com­pa­ny and respond­ing to Him. But let’s focus on loving […]


(Recent obser­va­tions on my Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney) The movie thing was fun, but I’ve been think­ing more about the pre­vi­ous post regard­ing all of us being on a Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney. Isn’t it cool that they all begin in the same way—with a first breath some­where on the space/time con­tin­u­um of plan­et Earth and with a final […]

My Best Movies Ever

I have a long his­to­ry with movies, but a ter­ri­ble mem­o­ry for them. Real­iz­ing this, I have for many years writ­ten down every movie I watched and giv­en it a grade. I can tell any­one if I saw a movie and how much I liked it. For one span of my writ­ing career, I gave […]

A letter to my fans (haha)

Dear fans (haha): Yes, I real­ize the ridicu­lous­ness of it. As if there are peo­ple out there think­ing Go, Dallin—write away, big guy—knock one out of the park! And yet, I find it almost impos­si­ble to write with­out think­ing of an audi­ence (usu­al­ly God or Bethany), so this one is for you, the read­er. As […]


Let’s face it, we’re bat­ten­ing down the hatch­es for Covid-19 again. That means more time at home—and prob­a­bly more time for puz­zling. I read some­where that jig­saw puz­zle com­pa­nies are enjoy­ing a greater eco­nom­ic boon than gro­cery stores! And cross­word puz­zles are blow­ing up too. Even Doones­bury (my favorite com­ic) had a cross­word puz­zle for […]

My anxiety provokers

These are anx­ious times, no doubt about it. The world is in trou­ble. On the nation­al lev­el, the news is almost nev­er good. On the local lev­el, dis­sen­sion and fear seem to dom­i­nate our con­scious­ness. On the per­son­al lev­el, even a phone call can instill dread—is it bad news? A stiff upper lip can only […]

…all I have to do is believe?”

After two straight posts revolv­ing around my mis­spent youth, I thought I’d try for some­thing more redemp­tive… Although I prob­a­bly would have denied it, I wasn’t in very good shape in the spring of 1976: liv­ing alone in a small apartment…separated from my first wife for over a year…smoking pot every day, usu­al­ly sev­er­al times…in […]


For most of my life I had a rocky rela­tion­ship with my father. My broth­er was a paragon of virtue (that’s how I learned the word paragon–hav­ing it ascribed to my broth­er). I floun­dered in his wake aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly, and I nev­er could find anoth­er chan­nel that would win my dad’s approval. In fair­ness, I probably […]

Those were the days…

Did you have that peri­od in your life when you were on your own and you didn’t have a plan? While it might not be the norm, the norm being college—job—marriage—stability—get your adven­ture where you can find it, it must be fair­ly com­mon. Those Days where you were still fig­ur­ing out where you were going […]

Breathe, Part II

Breath­ing is the clear­est chan­nel on which we can appre­hend God. Breathe (part I) was on Decem­ber 6, 2017—it was reas­sur­ing to find I am on the same path. Breath­ing is the most ele­men­tal thing we do—even more so than eat or drink or any­thing else. We take breath­ing for grant­ed, just like we take […]

God as a live oak

I don’t write much about prayer. Cer­tain­ly, I’m an advo­cate. But it’s hard to men­tion your prayer life with­out sound­ing sanc­ti­mo­nious. Jesus said some­thing about pray­ing in secret. God has shown me a thou­sand times that when­ev­er I start think­ing about how spir­i­tu­al I am, I have turned in the wrong direc­tion. Still, I’ve been […]

The Sameness

One major effect of the quar­an­tine: The Same­ness. It was unavoidable—your options have been severe­ly reduced. When get­ting in your car involves a deci­sion to risk your life and endan­ger oth­ers (it real­ly does), The Same­ness of stay­ing home doesn’t seem like such a bad deci­sion. Of course, the re-open­ing of our coun­try great­ly diminishes […]

Golf is a spiritual exercise

Yep. I’m stick­ing with my premise, even with my wife rolling her eyes some of the time. If there was no God, I would not play golf. Even if that is a lie, I would not play so hap­pi­ly, sur­round­ed by joy. To take my diviniza­tion even fur­ther, golf is a spir­i­tu­al exer­cise for most […]

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9

The Skeleton in my Closet

My uncle, Hafis Salich, served time in San Quentin as a Russ­ian spy. Hon­est. My mother’s fam­i­ly had to leave Rus­sia when the com­mu­nists took over. Born in Moscow, she was sev­en years old when they left. At least, I think so. My mother’s birth date was list­ed as Jan­u­ary 1,1917. I have been told […]

Pescatarians for a week…

Well, almost a week. Tomor­row morn­ing will be a week. I got the idea when we start­ed hear­ing about all the Covid prob­lems in the meat-pack­­ing plants. Rather than hoard­ing meat, it seemed like we could explore oth­er options. Karen liked the idea. Both of us real­ized it would prob­a­bly be good health-wise. My third […]

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…”

I didn’t get off to a very good start with The Church—thankfully, we have devel­oped a mutu­al respect over the years. Just beyond my back­yard was the St. Dorothy Catholic Church and parochial school. I was not Catholic. My moth­er and grand­moth­er hat­ed Catholicism—not sure why. (My sis­ter Diana recent­ly told me that she attended […]

To shave or not to shave

I have nev­er liked shav­ing. Dur­ing my teach­ing career, I went by the every-oth­­er-day rule—or tried to. Part of the rea­son I shaved is because Karen want­ed me to. Much as I tried to sell her on the Har­ri­son Ford stub­ble (I even pur­chased an Indi­ana Jones hat!), she nev­er bought it. Anoth­er rea­son I […]

Fate vs. Chance

It’s the age-old debate—so ancient we no longer think about it. Put it anoth­er way: God’s will vs. man’s choice. or pre­des­ti­na­tion vs. free will. In my post-ado­les­­cent years, we’d debate about it into the night, and in my ear­ly Chris­t­ian years, we’d search the Bible for pat answers to it. It nev­er has been […]


As dis­tant and estranged as I felt from my father grow­ing up (hmm, Father’s Day essay?), so I seemed attached and con­nect­ed to my moth­er. Not in a cloy­ing, spend-lots-of-time-togeth­­er way–in fact, I don’t remem­ber ever spend­ing much time with her. But some­how, my moth­er got me. There was one stretch, some­where between grades five […]

God is in control

It struck me like a light­ning bolt as I was sit­ting on my back porch. We all know that He is con­cerned. We all know He will com­fort us. We all know He loves us. But do we believe, even for a sec­ond, that He is in con­trol? That right now He has a handle […]

Keeping a vow

On July 2, 2019 I made a vow to God. The plan had always been that when I retired from teach­ing, I would con­cen­trate on my writ­ing. But I had been retired for five years and had hard­ly writ­ten any­thing (except my prayers). Had I deceived myself all this time about being a writer? I […]

A movie that changed my life

Art does more than enter­tain. At its best, it ele­vates. And so, I ask, what is the most impact­ful movie that you ever saw…the one that changed your way of think­ing, your per­cep­tion of the world and your role in it. Sev­er­al come to mind for me (2001: A Space Odyssey, Ben Hur, King of […]

Spiritual dryness

…all is van­i­ty and striv­ing after wind…”  It has crept up on me the last week or so. I can rec­og­nize it, but I’m not very good at com­bat­ing it. It’s a dis­turb­ing malaise—a vague uneasy feel­ing of lethar­gy. I still believe the same things—it’s just like it’s tacked up on a bul­letin board rather than […]

My old-fashioned

This one is more about pain relief than spir­i­tu­al upliftment…which is okay in the time of Coro­na. I want to write about my favorite drink: the Old-fash­ioned. This is how I make mine: The glass is impor­tant. I like a util­i­tar­i­an glass, some­thing that sits on the counter solidly—nothing del­i­cate or flutey (see pho­to), and […]

Bond. James Bond. (My paean to reading)

As a retired Eng­lish teacher, one of the most dis­tress­ing obser­va­tions I can make about Amer­i­can youth (then and now, I believe) is that they don’t want to read. Oh, there were flur­ries of hope: The Twi­light series (if you call that hope) and Har­ry Pot­ter, and…and…that’s about it. When I used to ask in […]

What I endorse: the corona version

This is my third “endorse” post—I used endorse­ments as a writ­ing exer­cise in my Cre­ative Writ­ing class­es. You just tell the world about things you like. My first one was about every­day things, like rasp­ber­ries and polar bears. My sec­ond post was the artis­tic ver­sion, fea­tur­ing artists like Tim Dun­can and Leonard Cohen. This one […]

How are you doing?

Intro­spec­tion is usu­al­ly a healthy activity—even more­so in the time of Coro­na. Covid-19 has affect­ed our lives in many dif­fer­ent ways, but we do share one com­mon­al­i­ty: all of our lives have been great­ly affect­ed. Every one of us can say: I’ve nev­er been through any­thing like this before. And it affects every­thing about us—our […]

The right to vote

This is total­ly non-par­ti­san. I want every sin­gle per­son who reads this to vote. I want every sin­gle per­son who reads this to encour­age every sin­gle per­son they know to vote. My goal is for this elec­tion to be the year that more peo­ple vot­ed than ever before. I want every sin­gle state to make […]

My Coronavirus Questions

I don’t count the num­ber of quar­an­tine days, but I know it has been a lot. These are the things I won­der about: –This is a plague of bib­li­cal pro­por­tions. What is God’s point of view? –When does per­son­al safe­ty become obses­sive? –Is this the Dar­win­ian con­cept of “thin­ning the herd”? –Should Trump be giv­en a pass for […]