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HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY December 11–17, 2023

Decem­ber 11, 2023 #809 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Sep­tem­ber, 2023 My Stephen Min­istry group is delv­ing deep­er into empa­thy. What stood out to me tonight is that I can­not be empa­thet­ic and allow my ego to be involved. My first step is to put myself in the oth­er per­son­’s shoes. The next step is to […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY December 4–10, 2023

Decem­ber 4, 2023 #802 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Octo­ber, 2023 “I wan­na tell you peo­ple it’s a nat­ur­al fact/ Every man don’t under­stand the Bible alike/ And that’s all, I’ll tell you that’s all/ But you bet­ter have Jesus, I’ll tell you that’s all.” –Denom­i­na­tion Blues by Ry Cood­er There is no spir­i­tu­al bless­ing in […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY November 27-December 3, 2023

Novem­ber 27, 2023 #795 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Sep­tem­ber, 2023 As I’ve said before, God speaks to me through oth­er writ­ers. It is cool when a spir­i­tu­al read­ing mir­rors exact­ly my own life expe­ri­ence: “Over time I have learned two things about my spir­i­tu­al quest: First of all, that it is God who is seeking […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY November 20–26, 2023

Novem­ber 20, 2023 #788 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Octo­ber, 2023 The sit­u­a­tions may be com­plex, but the path­way is sim­ple: be led by the Spir­it of Christ. That may seem like an either/or deci­sion or a hope­ful guess, but it is real­ly a “learn how” devel­op­ment pro­gram. The basic ingre­di­ents are love and aware­ness mixed […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY November 6–12, 2023

Novem­ber 6, 2023 #774 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY July, 2023 “Jesus said to him, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great com­mand­ment.” (Matthew 22:37–38). Ever have a verse just pound you in the heart? That […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY November 13–19, 2023

Novem­ber 13, 2023 #781 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Sep­tem­ber, 2023 “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matthew 7:14). I am remind­ed of the fruit­less­ness of attempt­ing to share my faith with some­one who is not ready to hear it. Or, as my for­mer muse Phil Ochs sang: “Sol­diers dis­il­lu­sioned come home from […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY October 30-November 5, 2023

Octo­ber 30, 2023 #760 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY July, 2023 “Then onward in the jour­ney I come to under­stand that every hair is num­bered, like every grain of sand.” –Bob Dylan. Anoth­er epi­taph line. St. Paul says that noth­ing past present or future can sep­a­rate us from the love of God in Christ (Romans 8:38). […]


Octo­ber 23, 2023 #753 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY August, 2023 Empathy–the sub­ject of our Stephen Min­istry study. Atti­cus told Scout (in To Kill a Mock­ing­bird): “…you can nev­er real­ly under­stand a per­son unless you put your­self in their shoes.” That is the begin­ning of empa­thy. What stood out from our study is it’s not really […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY October 16–22, 2023

Octo­ber 16, 2023 #746 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY July, 2023 So many peo­ple write so bril­liant­ly about God. I love the Bible–there is no sub­sti­tute for it–yet my faith has been so great­ly enhanced by writ­ers who express their views about God–about what the Bible means–about how it plays out in this world–about how we […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY October 9–15, 2023

Octo­ber 9, 2023 #739 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY August, 2022 (a year ago) I do expe­ri­ence some doubts about my writ­ing project. All four of my sis­ters and sev­er­al oth­er rel­a­tives have asked to be tak­en off my email list. My own chil­dren bare­ly acknowl­edge it (and then in kind of an embar­rassed way). If […]


Octo­ber 2, 2023 #732 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY April, 2023 Fam­i­ly strife. I sup­pose it is all around me, even in my fam­i­lies (I pray I am not a cause!). It’s all deep and com­plex and usu­al­ly hid­den. If I was a fam­i­ly coun­selor, I could only offer one piece of advice: read I Corinthians […]


Sep­tem­ber 25, 2023 #725 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Sep­tem­ber, 2022 (a year ago) “Let all who take refuge in the Lord rejoice; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your pro­tec­tion over them, so that those who love Your name may exult in You. For You bless the right­eous, O Lord, You cov­er them with […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY September 18–24, 2023

Sep­tem­ber 18, 2023 #718 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY May, 2023 Con­ver­sa­tions. In every dis­cus­sion, there can be a time to lis­ten, a time to speak up, and a time to walk away. Wis­dom is learn­ing to rec­og­nize those times. Sep­tem­ber 19, 2023 Golf Tuesday–happy to say I’m play­ing again… #719 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY August, 2023 A […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY September 11–17, 2023

Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023 #711 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, 2023 The inner jour­ney. It’s so easy for me to get caught up in dai­ly events that I give the inner jour­ney short shrift. But that’s where I can most eas­i­ly cul­ti­vate the fruits of the Spir­it, and it’s where I can most eas­i­ly sense His […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY September 4–10, 2023

Sep­tem­ber 4, 2023 #704 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, 2023 Murky vision. Some­times my life can become cloudy and unclear and I ques­tion whether I am real­ly fol­low­ing God. I start look­ing inward. Look­ing inward is a pos­i­tive and ben­e­fi­cial exer­cise. I need to remem­ber when I am look­ing inward I am also look­ing for […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY August 28-September 3, 2023

August 28, 2023 #697 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, 2023 When Jesus said I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, it was­n’t an ego­is­tic exclu­sion­ary state­ment. It was­n’t like, Hey it’s Me not Bud­dha. It was to let us see what God is like–to show us–to reveal Him­self. The Way–follow Him; the […]


August 21, 2023 I recent­ly had an expe­ri­ence deal­ing with phys­i­cal pain. While it seems self-indul­­gent to recount it, it was an adven­ture and had def­i­nite spir­i­tu­al ben­e­fits. So this is PAIN WEEK… #689 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June 19, 2023 I have a stab­bing, burn­ing pain in my right shoul­der blade. It only occurs when […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY August 14–20, 2023

August 14, 2023#682. HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, 2023 One of the tenets of Stephen Min­istry is that we are care­givers and Jesus is the Cure­giv­er. I think this prin­ci­ple applies to every con­ver­sa­tion I have when I am reach­ing out to some­one who is strug­gling with some­thing. A won­der­ful book called Cof­fee with […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY August 7–13, 2023

August 7, 2023 Ahhh, back on sched­ule… #675 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY April, 2023 “But the goal of our instruc­tion is love from a pure heart and a good con­science and a sin­cere faith.” (I Tim­o­thy 1:5). Paul states the goal–same as Jesus said when asked the great­est com­mand­ment. How do I strive for the […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY July 31–August 6, 2023

July 31, 2023 #368 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY May, 2023. Med­i­ta­tion (n. …focus­ing of one’s thoughts on some­thing so as to under­stand it deeply…). I asked my Stephen Min­istry group if any of them prac­ticed meditation–the les­son we were study­ing was on learn­ing to direct our thoughts. Only one said she did. This is newish […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY. July 24–30, 2023

July 24, 2023 #631 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY May, 2023 This from my Stephen Min­istry meet­ing: “Grow­ing old is an adven­ture in slow.” I love that so much. I go through days where not very much hap­pens at all–and yet, when I crawl into bed I think, What a fine day! All that made it […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY. July 17–23, 2023

July 17, 2023 #624 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY May, 2023 I can’t just receive mer­cy. I have to allow it to flow through me. It won’t stop. Or, as the Bible puts it, “..for­give us our tres­pass­es as we for­give those who tres­pass against us.” July 18, 2023 If it’s Tues­day, I’m think­ing about golf… #625 HOW […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY July 10–16, 2023

July 10, 2023 Med­i­ta­tion Mon­day… #617 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY May, 2023 I have dis­cov­ered a pit­fall in the art of med­i­ta­tion. If I go into it with a dis­tract­ed or unset­tled mind, it is much eas­i­er to jump off track and even stay off track. Fur­ther wan­der­ing means fur­ther out of touch. I try […]


July 3, 2023 The verse and com­ic strip say it all for Med­i­ta­tion Mon­day… #610 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, 2023. “Cease striv­ing and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) (com­ic from Cof­fee with Jesus by David Wilkie) July 4, 2023 Tues­day’s child is full of grace…(and golf!) #611 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June 26–July 2, 2023

June 26, 2023 Med­i­ta­tion Mon­day… #603 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June, 2023 This is my the­sis: Prayer is my way of spilling my guts to God. Med­i­ta­tion is my way of prepar­ing myself to lis­ten for Him. Here’s a great one: (inhale) Grace and mer­cy and peace (exhale) from our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June 19–25, 2023

June 19, 2023 God has opened a new door…I call it Med­i­ta­tion Mon­day #596 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY Feb­ru­ary, 2023 God has shown me a new tech­nique to use in my effort to draw near­er to Him (…of course, any such effort is pred­i­cat­ed on the assur­ance that His desire is for me to draw […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY June 12–18, 2023

June 12, 2023 #589 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY March, 2023. A per­son of influence–that is what I want to be. I want to influ­ence peo­ple by encour­ag­ing them to try God. In any sit­u­a­tion. What­ev­er the cir­cum­stances. As much as they can. I want them to know they are not tak­ing this jour­ney alone. That […]


June 5, 2023 #582 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY April, 2023 Results. When I was younger, they were the be-all and end-all for me. Does she like me back? Did I get the job? Will they pub­lish my book? Now that I am old­er, I real­ize how skewed my per­spec­tive was. Faith is a far more […]

HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY May 29–June 4, 2023

May 29, 2023 #575 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY April, 2023. A spring­time won­der­land! Sit­ting on my back porch, April 21–two red-bel­lied wood­peck­ers fight­ing over suet, mock­ing­birds lov­ing the stale Pills­bury flaky bis­cuit I put out, hum­ming­birds mak­ing their first appear­ance (includ­ing a ruby-throat), 75 degrees with an imper­cep­ti­ble breeze, Willie on my speak­er, golfers playing […]


May 22, 2023 #568 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY MAY, 2023. “For you have died and your life is hid­den with Christ in God.” (Colos­sians 3:3). This is the Bible’s answer to my ego. Hal­lelu­jah! May 23, 2023 If I’m writ­ing about golf, it must be Tues­day… #569 HOW GOD SPOKE TO ME TODAY April, 2023. Comar­o­dor­atie. That […]