A letter to my fans (haha)

Dear fans (haha):

Yes, I real­ize the ridicu­lous­ness of it. As if there are peo­ple out there think­ing Go, Dallin—write away, big guy—knock one out of the park! And yet, I find it almost impos­si­ble to write with­out think­ing of an audi­ence (usu­al­ly God or Bethany), so this one is for you, the reader.

As I have men­tioned, I recent­ly com­plet­ed a writ­ing goal: two essays a week for one year. I did this as a vow to God. Yes, I real­ize the ridicu­lous­ness of that also…God as a contractor…I made an agreement…He expects (or even worse) needs this done??? I know enough of my bible to real­ize my yes is to be yes and my no is to be no, and leave the long-term stuff to Him.

But this was my dilem­ma one year ago—I still felt a (you pick the word) call­ing, urge, sum­mons, desire to write, but I didn’t know what to write. I didn’t want to write to try to get mon­ey. I didn’t want to write about teenagers any­more. My big retire­ment plan had been to write, and I had already spent five years pid­dling around.

That was my sec­ond biggest retire­ment plan. My first was to con­cen­trate on my rela­tion­ship with God. I knew I had just skat­ed through a 33 year teach­ing career acknowl­edg­ing Him when con­ve­nient, call­ing on Him when nec­es­sary. Now I had no excuses—I want­ed to give Him my attention.

I have been try­ing to do that. It became evi­dent what I want­ed to write about—my Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney. Why not? Every­one has one—though most of us (like me teach­ing) are only vague­ly aware that we are on one. Jesus spent most of His min­istry inform­ing us that this jour­ney far out­weighs in impor­tance any of the oth­ers (career, fam­i­ly, indi­vid­ual accom­plish­ments) that we take. 

I told my sis­ter Miri­am the oth­er day that I was writ­ing because I want­ed my chil­dren (some­day) to know what I thought about. She said, “Why? Do you won­der what our dad thought about? I don’t.” She had me for a second—until I real­ized it’s not about me, it’s about their own Spir­i­tu­al Jour­neys. My hope and prayer is that their own aware­ness that they are on one will increase. I know theirs will be dif­fer­ent than mine (they all are), but if I can encour­age them in that direc­tion, it will do more for them than any mate­r­i­al inher­i­tance I can leave.

If you have read this far, that makes you a fan (I know my wife will, and maybe a few oth­ers), and I hope and pray the same for you. I have jour­neyed far enough to know that God makes our lives adven­tur­ous and mean­ing­ful and fun-filled and glo­ri­ous. His oper­at­ing instruc­tions are so sim­ple: love Him and love one anoth­er. If I can encour­age you or help you in any way on your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, that fills me with joy.




  • This made me emo­tion­al (again!!). I am most def­i­nite­ly a fan Dallin.…your writ­ing is so vul­ner­a­ble and hon­est! And what bet­ter encour­age­ment from a Father (whether earth­ly or eter­nal) than to gen­tly guide His chil­dren to embrace and love the jour­ney and the aware­ness of God. Love this so much!!

    Brittney Hilburn9 July, 2020
  • I am a fan — I enjoy your writ­ings — they make me think — reflect and rec­og­nize my bless­ings, my short­com­ings, my aware­ness, that I am a reflec­tion of what I have learned and still need to learn — my spir­i­tu­al rela­tion­ship with God is where I need to work. So thanks! I still remem­ber one of our first “seri­ous dis­cus­sions” — NYPD Blue had just start­ed and we were talk­ing about the uproar before any­one had real­ly viewed it — who knew it would be so tame com­pared to what is on TV today, and social net­works! Have a safe summer!

    Barb McMindes9 July, 2020
  • I do want to know what you are think­ing about and I sus­pect that some­day these pats will be very pre­cious to me. How­ev­er, I think Nathan reads them more often.

    Bethany8 July, 2020
  • Bless you, broth­er. Thank you for tak­ing the time and hav­ing the courage to write all of your essays. In truth, I’ve only read a por­tion of them, but I’ve been moved or chal­lenged or uplift­ed in some­way by each one. I am inspired that you under took and accom­plish this goal. Keep the faith, and keep on truckin’. Much love.

    Eugene8 July, 2020
  • Plus three fans in this house­hold. We love you! Xo A+N+A

    Anonymous8 July, 2020

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