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IS THIS FOR A GRADE? A Sur­vival Guide for Teach­ing: RE-TAUGHT and RE-TESTED! “If you had told me back when I was in high school that I would end up as an Eng­lish teacher, I might have laughed in your face. If you had told my Eng­lish teach­ers that…hoo boy, I can’t imag­ine.“
Malm­gren’s teach­ers guide is a use­ful, humor­ous, and insight­ful look at the pub­lic school sys­tem. It is con­sid­ered close to indis­pens­able for par­ents or for new teachers.

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OUT OF MY HANDS: Seth Edward’s Senior Trip! Fol­low Seth Edwards as the observes and par­tic­i­pates in the  wild and rau­cous adven­tures of a group of high school seniors leav­ing the con­fines of a small Mid­west­ern town and head­ing for the bright lights of the 1984 New Orleans World’s Fair, the swirling sands of Day­tona Beach and the rela­tional mine­fields of all points in between.

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THE BONJOUR BOYS, a com­ic roman­tic teenage adven­ture, is a mod­ern “Fer­ris Cas­sady and the Swedish Kid” hit the Texas high school. Dac­ques Smith is a 17 year old social mis­fit, a cute, intel­li­gent kid who can’t find his niche. His moth­er Nina, a French­woman who came to the States with an Amer­i­can sol­dier who aban­doned them after three years of mar­riage, decides that Dac­ques needs a friend, and orders up a French for­eign exchange stu­dent. Through a bureau­crat­ic screw-up, the French boy turns out to be Swedish.

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THE SIXTIES KID: Lucas Trew was born too late, a 17 year old boy with a ’60′s sen­si­bil­i­ty trapped in South Texas in the 90’s. He longs for the days of protest march­es, real rock ‘n roll, and, why not, free love. After Lucas is caught smok­ing pot at school, his father real­izes how far he has let his rela­tion­ship with his son drift and deter­mines to make amends. When mom and his three half-sis­ters leave for sum­mer vaca­tion, father and son stay behind to ren­o­vate the man­sion. Mil­i­tary mind­set con­fronts hip­pie consciousness.

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