To my former students (and anyone interested): Do you remember the questionnaires, surveys, quizzes, etc. we used to take in Creative Writing as learning activities (amusements, if you prefer)? My contribution to the quarantine is resurrecting/updating one as a possible individual or group activity. Only rules are the answers need to come from your heads, not the internet. Take a crack at The Love Test (answer key is provided).
The Love Test
1. What U.S. locale is the honeymoon capital of the world? (2 pts. b/c I will accept 2 answers)
2. What weapon does Cupid carry? (1 pt.)
3. What is “agape”? (1 pt)
4. Specifically, how do Romeo & Juliet die? (2 pt)
5. What was the name of the two lovers in Titanic? (2 pt – 2 bonus for last names)
6. Who does Miss Piggy love? (1 pt)
7. Name a famous couple that broke up in the past year. (1 pt)
8. Name a movie title of a couple in love. (_______ & _______) (1 pt)
9. What wedding anniversary do the following represent: A) paper B) silver C) gold D) diamond (4 pts)
10. Name a couple who got married in 2020. (1 pt)
11. Name a TV show where someone was in love with his/her bestfriend’s boyfriend/girlfriend. (1 pt)
12. What does Love mean in tennis? (1 pt)
13. Name a song with “Love” in the title. (1 pt)
14. What flower is traditionally associated with love? (1 pt)
15. Name a famous couple that got together within the last year. (1 pt)
16. Finish this famous quote: “Love means never having to say _________ ______.” (2 pt)
17. What is a May/December romance? (1 pt)
18. Name the only president who was a bachelor. (1 pt)
19. What couple (still living) has been together the longest in your extended family? (1 pt)
20. What is a symbol for love? (1 pt)
21. Why is the former lead singer of Hole on this quiz? (1 pt)
22. Who is the goddess of love? (2 pts—Greek and Roman)
23. Name a presidential couple. (first & last name) (1 pt)
24. What is the date of Valentine’s Day? (1 pt)
25. Someone you know who has been married over 40 years. (1 pt)
26. Say “I love you” in a foreign language. (1 pt)
27. What is a food that makes you feel sexy called? (1 pt)
28. What is your parents’ anniversary. (1 pt–bonus pt. for year)
29. What is your favorite romantic comedy? (1 pt)
30. Famous couples: (you complete these) (5 possible pts)
a. Lois &
b. Homer &
c. Chandler &
d. Angelina &
e. Harry & (spelling counts)
When you have completed the test, email me ( and I will send you the answer key. Be generous with yourselves.
Feel free to share with whomever you think will enjoy.
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