Is This for A Grade? A Survival Guide for Teaching — RE-TAUGHT & RE-TESTED 2014
“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” –George Bernard Shaw (coincidentally, a high school dropout)
“With all do respect for Mr. Shaw and his brillance, I have complete disdain for his attitude. No task is more vital to the survival of society than the education of its young people who attempt to do it. An effective teacher must be an expert at planning, organization, improvisation, communication, and evaluation. He or she must also be able to play politics, manipulate recalcitrants, stretch a dollar, and invent a thirty-hour day. Put a truly great teacher into another field of endeavor, and she will zoom straight to the top. But, thank heavens, most of them prefer to teach.” –Dallin Malmgren
Originally published and titled “Is This For a Grade? A Survival Guide for Teaching in the 90′s”, Malmgren’s teachers guide is a useful, humorous, and insightful look at the public school system. It is considered close to indispensable for parents or for new teachers. It touches on subjects as diverse as teaching “methods”, guns and gangs, school politics and more.
Malmgren has recently completed an updating version for teachers and parents, dealing with technology, testing, charter schools, and much much more. You can purchase the ebook version of this revised edition using the links below.
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