If yours was as rowdy as Seth Edward’s, there’s a very good reason you don’t remember it. Let his story jog your memory. The perfect summer story for any afternoon.
No task is more vital to the survival of society than the education of its young people who attempt to do it. Download the brand new 2014 Teacher’s Edition today!
He might be grounded for the summer, but it promises to be one Lucas Trew will never forget. Download The Sixties Kid today.
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"I guess everyone remembers his own senior trip as being the wildest, zaniest, most rip-roaring time ever unrecorded in history. Well, that goes for me too, only I'm going to record it. "
The Bonjour Boys, a comic romantic teenage adventure, is a modern Ferris Cassady and the Swedish Kid set in a Texas high school.
If you had told me back when I was in high school that I would end up as an English teacher, I might have laughed in your face. If you had told my English teachers that. . .hoo boy, I can't imagine.
"Let's be honest--rock 'n' roll peaked in the late sixties. I wish I had been growing up back then. People respected you for having your own ideas. Now all anybody cares about is changing income brackets."
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